Quentin Tarantino, Where Did It All Go Wrong?

Hang on... so the British are the bad guys too? I hate American films that portray the war like that.

On a second note Tarantino is massively, massively overrated. R. Dogs and Pulp Fiction were both very good, but those are the only two films out of many that are passable. Jackie Brown is utter tripe, True Romance is bollocks, too.

And the man himself is a cnut, too.
Hang on... so the British are the bad guys too? I hate American films that portray the war like that.

On a second note Tarantino is massively, massively overrated. R. Dogs and Pulp Fiction were both very good, but those are the only two films out of many that are passable. Jackie Brown is utter tripe, True Romance is bollocks, too.

And the man himself is a cnut, too.
He didn't direct True Romance.
Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs were both exceptional. Pulp was the best film of the 90's IMO. Jackie Brown and the Kill Bill movies were very good, and Death Proof was surprisingly good, as I was expecting it to be shite.

Can't argue with the mans record. Best writer of dialogue currently working today.
There's a good hour or so in the middle of Pulp Fiction that is just boring (the whole Willis story) and it isn't as good as people make out.

The speech about the watch from Christopher Walken?
Medieveal on yo' ass?
Zed's dead baby
The gimp?
When he picks up the sword?

Brilliant, all of it!
No, but he wrote it, didn't he? I might be completely wrong here.

He styles himself as both a director and a scriptwriter and in my opinion isn't exceptional in either capacity.
I can't understand how anyone under the age of 40 could not love Tarantino.
I dislike Tarantino debates, they are dull and never have a resolution, you get the "cool kids" who don't like tarantino as he is pretty much within the top 5 directors (in terms of popularity) and apparently it's deemed cool not to like something popular.

I've personally enjoyed every film of his that i have seen. It would be stupid to judge the film before even seeing any footage of it and ignorant to assume that it'll be crap because of subtitles and the use of two actors.
I dislike Tarantino debates, they are dull and never have a resolution, you get the "cool kids" who don't like tarantino as he is pretty much within the top 5 directors (in terms of popularity) and apparently it's deemed cool not to like something popular.

I've personally enjoyed every film of his that i have seen. It would be stupid to judge the film before even seeing any footage of it and ignorant to assume that it'll be crap because of subtitles and the use of two actors.
Its cool to not like Tarantino these days?

Man, I must be getting old or something.
Mark Kermode's rant against Tarantino, for anyone who's interested

Kermode pretty much has him sussed.

He was a smart lively film maker up untill Jackie Brown. After that he became too self indulgent and up his own arse. Now his films talk to pubescent boys and those with minds of a pubescent boy. I don't think he's become a poor or evil director he's just become boring and tedius.