Quality Music


Give this a try amol. It's as organic and real as you can get this last decade.
Heard one song of theirs after reading your post. Very nice.

Particularly strong with their instruments. But not quite the unique melodies that the Foxes have, IMO of course. Will have to listen to more song of theirs to comment further.

I'm a really big fan of the fleet foxes, mind you. For me they're the best entry into the music industry has seen this decade and their work is already the stuff of geniuses. I discovered them through this website, and that's one of the reasons why I started this thread. To discover more music like that. And this threads seems to be throwing up interesting stuff.

I also want to say that guys, keep all rap and rnb out of this thread if possible. It's purpose is to look at the old school style of sing yours songs and play your instruments kind of music. And preferably less commercial stuff because there's nothing new to attain that way.

No 7 is the best tune - possibly the one you have heard.

Have you heard much of the Microphones? Someone said they had a bit of a NMH feel to them so I picked up 'The Glow Pt 2' and it's excellent.

Only heard a couple of songs. Will check out 'The glow Pt 2' seeing as it's the album most people recommend.
Would echo that and recommend The Glow Pt.2 to anyone and everyone. Though can't say I see the NMH comparison/influence.

I Want To Be Cold is probably one of my favourite songs ever
This video came up when I searched YouTube for something completely different, and I've now had it on repeat for about 30 minutes. Seems to be Shilpa Ray. I have never heard of her, but there's something here that reminds me of Thalia Zedek, Carla Bozulich and [I don't really know who, but it's someone]. I'll probably end up ordering the album before I go to bed.