Quality Music


Sneaky bum time - Vaccination status: dozed off
Nov 8, 2002
No I don't mean the nonsense that Boss is on about. I mean the kind of things that have sounds that actually sound good, with people who can actually sing well. And maybe even the artist himself singing rather, than often getting someone to sing the main parts because he's too useless a singe to do it himself/herself.

So here's a thread to that forgotten thing called music.

I think these guys are figgin brilliant.

YouTube - Fleet Foxes - He Doesn't Know Why

YouTube - Fleet Foxes

Really like this from Bon Iver

YouTube - bon iver - skinny love
Right, and as you can see, I really like white boxes.
While I love Skinny Love (and Bon Iver in general), I can't agree with any thread about music that promotes; "the kind of things that have sounds that actually sound good, with people who can actually sing well".
I mean what the hell is "things that actually sound good"???

To me all of these sound fecking amazing, but I can guarantee lots of people wouldn't agree.

Ohhhh complete mindfeck here, I enjoy all the songs above AND Kanye West. what do?

Music is music end of. What you like and dislike is opinion. Seeing threads dissing others taste piss me off, maybe I'm lucky that I like everything, I really do....besides Justin Bieber.
Ohhhh complete mindfeck here, I enjoy all the songs above AND Kanye West. what do?

Music is music end of. What you like and dislike is opinion. Seeing threads dissing others taste piss me off, maybe I'm lucky that I like everything, I really do....besides Justin Bieber.

I hate a lot of music, I mean I can't stand a really large number of bands/songs. But I realise that's just a matter of taste*, a question of not liking a certain style, a certain voice etc.

*This does not excuse any "artist" that linked to either Disney or Simon Cowell. They are imperically, quantitatively, shit.
I hate a lot of music, I mean I can't stand a really large number of bands/songs. But I realise that's just a matter of taste*, a question of not liking a certain style, a certain voice etc.

*This does not excuse any "artist" that linked to either Disney or Simon Cowell. They are imperically, quantitatively, shit.


It's impossible to come up with definitive list of "good" and "bad" music, other than to acknowledge the tiny minority of supremely talented, innovative, original and game-changing musicians (or even just albums) who will stand the test of time and be remembered as greats.

I think it's possible to recognise musical greatness without even enjoying listening to it. I don't think I've ever listened to Pet Sounds more than once - it's just not my cup of tea - but it's not hard to spot why it's so highly rated.

That said, I'm sure we can all agree that Kanye West sucks balls.
While I love Skinny Love (and Bon Iver in general), I can't agree with any thread about music that promotes; "the kind of things that have sounds that actually sound good, with people who can actually sing well".
I mean what the hell is "things that actually sound good"???
Well, according to me, songs that have people who can sing, rather than talking which isn't singing or ones that don't just preaching fun, partying, drinking, bitches etc and actually something more to say, or at least an alternate emotion to evoke.

Listen, I was just having a bit of fun with this thread. It was meant to be in tongue and cheek. Just let us know what kind of music you consider artistic.
There's not enough music about these days with any real soul to it, imo.

It's not so much about having a "good voice". It's about being able to write a song that suits the mood and message it's trying to convey, and then sing it in a way that makes it come to life.

Not that there's any reason why you can't just like a song that means nothing to you, because it sounds good, obviously, and it's all subject to opinion. I've found my tastes have changed a lot compared to say, ten years ago.

Agree with the sentiment SF. This song illustrates it for me. Never heard it before now...I like it, but at the same time it sounds like the sort of thing the Linkin Park DJ might come up with during his coffee break.

If it sounds good though, it sounds good.
Agree with the sentiment SF. This song illustrates it for me. Never heard it before now...I like it, but at the same time it sounds like the sort of thing the Linkin Park DJ might come up with during his coffee break.

If it sounds good though, it sounds good.

If you liked that I'd highly recommend the Fcuk Buttons track I posted above.
Didnt Bon Iver recently do a song with Kanye West? Seems he doesnt agree with your assesment of what constitutes 'quality music' !

Anyway there is a whole load of quality music in this thread - we could do with some more contributors over there so have a listen to some of the stuff there and give your opinions:

Apparently he's on Monster, but Ive not been able to pick his voice out yet
There's not enough music about these days with any real soul to it, imo.

It's not so much about having a "good voice". It's about being able to write a song that suits the mood and message it's trying to convey, and then sing it in a way that makes it come to life.

Not that there's any reason why you can't just like a song that means nothing to you, because it sounds good, obviously, and it's all subject to opinion. I've found my tastes have changed a lot compared to say, ten years ago.

Agree with the sentiment SF. This song illustrates it for me. Never heard it before now...I like it, but at the same time it sounds like the sort of thing the Linkin Park DJ might come up with during his coffee break.

If it sounds good though, it sounds good.

Real soul comes with emotion, music was better when there was a group of artists who did have something to say and wanted things to change.

Maybe it's an indication of society that virtually no-one (atleast int he public music sector) really has a strong emotive message. At best there are a few bands who support say, environmentalism but do so through the most subtle of ways, apart from the Gorillaz.

But well, they don't count do they?
Saw Fleet Foxes live last year and they were incredible Mykonos, Your Protector and White Winter Hymnal are pure class.

It's really hard to define what good music is, it's easier to define shite and all of the X-factor contestants fit nicely into that category. However in response to Pogue Pet Sounds is one of my favourite albums ever but at the same time College Dropout by Kanye West is one of the best I've heard in the last decade so I don't think it's fair to label him shit. Shit person maybe but his music is not all bad.

For me all these below are quality but I know plenty of people who don't rate some or all of them. Music is a bit like football in that it all comes down to opinions when it comes to quality and who the best individuals are.

They certainly are. Great album. You should listen to Neutral Milk Hotel too (if you haven't already)

That album (Fleet Foxes) has been in my car for the last 6 months and it's pretty much all i listen to in the car apart from some FM. It's unbelievable. I genuinely think that in their first album they've made one up with one of the greatest. Their music is just heavenly.

Haven't heard the latter. Will check out
While I love Skinny Love (and Bon Iver in general), I can't agree with any thread about music that promotes; "the kind of things that have sounds that actually sound good, with people who can actually sing well".
I mean what the hell is "things that actually sound good"???

To me all of these sound fecking amazing, but I can guarantee lots of people wouldn't agree.

Thanks a lot for that man. Some amazing stuff there. Loved three of them, will go through the rest later. Music really is magical.
Like the Fleet Foxes, so thanks to the tards who mentioned them here.

In return I offer you Mumford & Sons.

Dig it.
Two albums I've been listening to recently are Les Rallizes Denudes' 'Heavier than a Death in the Family' and The Giraffes' 'Prime Motivator'.

LRD's album is something else. Highly recommended.
Give Villagers' album 'Becoming A Jackal' a listen. Great stuff.
Two albums I've been listening to recently are Les Rallizes Denudes' 'Heavier than a Death in the Family'
I've been on a Rallizes spree lately, but that one hadn't crossed my earways. But I immediately ordered it after hearing this blowout:

Warning: This does not actually sound good and does not feature people who can actually sing.
Regardless of our various musical tastes, we can all agree on what defines "quality music". IMO, a piece of quality music, from a lyrical and musical perspective is fresh, new, innovative, emotional, authentic, real, and good.
Like the Fleet Foxes, so thanks to the tards who mentioned them here.

In return I offer you Mumford & Sons.

Dig it.

Heard one song of theirs after reading your post. Very nice.

Particularly strong with their instruments. But not quite the unique melodies that the Foxes have, IMO of course. Will have to listen to more song of theirs to comment further.

I'm a really big fan of the fleet foxes, mind you. For me they're the best entry into the music industry has seen this decade and their work is already the stuff of geniuses. I discovered them through this website, and that's one of the reasons why I started this thread. To discover more music like that. And this threads seems to be throwing up interesting stuff.

I also want to say that guys, keep all rap and rnb out of this thread if possible. It's purpose is to look at the old school style of sing yours songs and play your instruments kind of music. And preferably less commercial stuff because there's nothing new to attain that way.
I was checking out those two Fleet Foxes tracks and saying they were nice enough, but a bit dull. I used the phrase "It's not rubbish, just a bit..." and my 2 year old lad kindly filled in "Crap?". His mother has some explaining to do...