Gaming PSN nicknames of RedCafe members

AdZzUtd is mine, add me and I'll destroy ye on COD:MW2
there, this should be a stickie maybe? or not
if this is still being updated - feel free to add me, PSN name is Viskahn
just recently got a ps3... i like playing fifa 10 and will probaly get some more games soon when i got a bit more money! - PSN LiamPC89

i like playing as teams from the championship or below man utd chelsea barca etc

Mostly Fifa 10 or MW2
which of you feckers play pro ev?
Just realised I'm still listed as michaelness on here.

That's what my PSN is, my Caf name is now different.


Only have Fifa12 and GT5 atm, but will probably get Battlefield on PS3 as I'm too stingy to pay for XBox Live.

I only play Blackops and I am not very good at all.

Level 27 and still only getting a 1.00 or better ratio one in every couple of games. Getting better though.

What do you lads play. I play Barebones team deathmatch. Great game.