Its all down to personal opinion. I've always been a huge fan of the GTA series right from day one, i started playing them on the PC as i didnt have a playstation at the time and its actually the game that got me to buy one after trying it on a mates.
Good start!
I havent tried the PC version with a gamepad, just a mouse (perhaps i should?) but anyway whatever my reasons for it i dont even know necessarily what they are, its just a case of, i prefer it on the PSX.
Don't get me wrong, im an avid PC gamer, more so online games and i totally understand the PC>PS3 in terms of overall performance but some games which i've held true to my console heart would be GTA and the RES series, of which for me neither lived upto it when ported imo, more so playability than anything else.
But, what about the playability is it? They are identical!
If anything, the XBox version of the GTA from 3 upwards are superior to both in terms of playability because they offer true analogue support.
Perhaps im still suffering from the wow factor with the PS3?
I think you are. It happens! For example, nothing on any of the systems matches up to Mario Galaxy in true terms of a game in my opinion, right now. It has the lot.
Maybe in a year or so, when a similar game comes out, I'll rescind my reaction.
As for COD4, i've got both. I got COD4 on the PS3 for Christmas and i loved the single player element to it, i was never one for the FPS style game on the console as i tend to struggle a bit with the aim and movement having played so much online FPS with the mouse yet with COD4 i felt right at home for some reason, same with GOW on the xbox360 actually.
GOW on the PC is a better game in all respects. However, I agree, I prefer it on the 360. Same with Halo.
Those are console games, geared for the console and are better played on the console, it does happen, and both answer my original question. Nice one
Anyway COD4 MP on the PS3 seriously disapointed so i thought i'd give it a bash on the PC, so i bought the game, graphically it doesnt match up imo and i've got my TV and Monitor sat side by side, so i have tested it.
As Weaste pointed out, it depends on your PC standard. Mine was shit hot a year ago, and is above average by todays standard and the PS3 or 360 on a decent HD TV can't compete.
[quote[The single player is stupidly easy, but that could be me just being a seasoned gamer and the MP blows it away on the PC, brilliant compared to PS3, so each version has its up and downsides i guess.[/quote]
Unfortunately, going by reactions, COD4 is another one of the depressingly long list of games that are made Console-orientated. The PC version is identical, so by pure smoothness and motion the mouse version will always be easy to control.
The days were, when Console versions were actually the more difficult ones, where Sega/Nintendo were only really interested in the Japanese market and those guys were considered superior, thus the games were always much more difficult.
I hate to say it, but the Xbox and the American influence heavily dumbed down the games. That's not racist or prejudiced, it's just a fact. You can ask most all Uk developers and even a lot of the US ones (like the legendary John Carmack), they will all agree that both the PS1 first and then the XBOX changed the industry and made it much more difficult to produce works of genuine quality and freshness.
Anyway enough ramblings. Everyone will prefer one or the other for whatever reason.
Yep, they will. Just like I always prefered Snes versions of games over MegaDrive, even though I owned both and knew the Snes equivalents were more prone to slow-downs!
The only three reasons i bought my PS3 was to play FIFA08 and because i knew GTA and RES were out early 2008, not long to go now either
GTA4 I'm not so bothered about. The last few have been dissapointing to me, however the new Resident Evil is really interesting me. I was never that bothered by them until 4, now 5 should puch it one further!