New Member
This thread is a train wreck.
It's pretty, but it will be bettered by both the PS3 and 360.
Use Game also then (although their second-hand games are overpriced)! One good thing my brother found out though is if you are one of those people who sells their games after use (shame on you), GAME give you shitloads more than anyone else on trade-ins.
Anyway, the point being brand new releases are cheaper, but right now you can get absolute top quality bargains on the 360 right now (it's going to be a long while before the Wii or PS3 games fall like that)
makes complete sense
say there are 100 people 50 of which have had a 360 for months, then the PS3 is released and the other 50 buy one and also 20 of the 360 owners. Then 20 of the ps3 0wners buy a 360
ps3 has then outsold 360, in the last month, 50 to 20, yet there are still 70 of each of them in the world (if you can overlook the hardware failures)
for ps3 to have only just outsold the 360 therefore is not a great achievement
This makes sense in my mind anyway, although my brain has been trounced by years of alcohol abuse
Does it not freeze up on any XBoxes then? And what does that have to do with anything in any case? I really would like to know?
I'm disappointed that esmufc07 hasn't shown any of the footage from the day.
Have you seen the higher def versions of the KZ2 stuff? They really are nailing this one.
IGN on Killzone 2 said:It's certainly a pretty game, though the muted palette ensures this is a more subtle beauty that won't instantly impress
This the same knobend that gave GTA4 a 10 for graphics.
That as well.
The level of detail is unsurpassed, with each pixel conspiring to create an unprecedented level of immersion.
The silly thing is with these kids is that they don't actually know what they are looking at and what is going on right in front of them. He actually wrote for GTA4 in his summing up and giving it a 10.
"The level of detail is unsurpassed, with each pixel conspiring to create an unprecedented level of immersion."
What is he rating here with his 10 exactly?
I have the first issues of both Crash and ZZAP64, both in pristine condition, it all seemed to be a lot more honest and journalistic back then. Why does mass media always turn to trash?
Well you've got to admit, that is a lot of pixels!
I don't know about the immersion stuff though, from what I've seen it's just a higher resolution and marginally prettier version of san andreas. Gameplay seems like it too, plus a few expected tweaks.
I have always had the fear that this is going to be the most expensive internal R&D tech demo ever, but we shall see.
However, even for someone that does not know what a vector is or how to multiply two matrices together, it's surely damn bloody obvious that something is going on here other than a use of a subtle immersive concrete colour palette.
BTW whats with the vision blur while moving the camera? Assassin's Creed and a number of other games have started using this, it's shit!
In Killzone you mean around the edges? Not too sure, to give it a more cinematic effect? Got to be careful here, a lot of it could be shitty video encodes.
Nah, it's definitely an effect. I hate it in games, but it seems to be the new 'cinematic' thing.
BTW, this weekend I'll have code (and very beautiful animated models) up and running on my 360, I can't wait to see the results.
Whatever they are doing in this case, I'm very keen to see it in person. This is the first full blown demonstration of using both the Cell and RSX in unison do graphics work and it shows, yet I still think that much more can be done.
I'm looking forward to see this also. I've finally decided what I'm going to do as well, but I'll keep tight lipped a little longer until I've ironed all the details out.