PS3 Platinum Collection

I preordered the new 80GB models hitting British shores late August, I will not be a happy man if I get your black rubber trim :mad:

Was just kidding about the trim, it was not black rubber!

Lucky for you anyway. I bought a 40GB a couple of weeks before the new one was announced, but oh well.
I got bored of it quickly. To be honest, I probably didn't give it a reasonable chance. Played it for about an hour.

Maybe see if I can get hold of it, if you recommend it Elvis.
They are starting to release some of the older games at a reduced price now, so it's a perfect time to pick up some of them that you might have missed. They are going for 17.99 on

Heavenly Sword Platinum
Motorstorm Platinum
Ratchet & Clank: Tools of Destruction Platinum
Resistance: Fall of Man Platinum
Uncharted: Drakes Fortune Platinum

Ratchet and Clank and Uncharted are no-brainers if you have never played them before.
I have played them all but good bargains for those who have not played them yet, Especially Resistance: Fall of Man & Uncharted: Drakes Fortune
My son loved Ratchett and Clank although it didn't last long and Motorstorm is enjoyable if a tad repetitive.