PS3 Made Sony Lose $3 Billion


New Member
Sep 10, 2006
Forbes reports that Play Station 3 has cost Sony an incredible $3 billion, mainly because of the company’s pricing strategy for the product.

As PS3 hit the market, Sony wanted to recover some of the market share that Microsoft’s Xbox 360 had gained, mainly due to its launch a year before PS3’s. Sony thought that by selling its consoles at a price that would be a little less that their actual cost, it might gain more market share and it would be able to use it to make profit for the company from exclusive gaming titles and sales of its patented Blu-Ray DVD.

What is more, after enough units would have been sold, production cost would have dropped, and Sony would have ceased to sell PS3s at a loss.

Even though the last predicament has come true, the unexpected success of Nintedo’s Wii console has interfered with Sony’s strategy. The company has seen its expectation of game title market domination be blown to smithereens as Wii came out with more and more exclusive titles, and its console sales soared.

Even though the PS3 console seems to have gotten a few very good exclusive titles recently, and has shown signs of recovery during the past months, it is still a long way to go until Sony will be making a decent profit out of it.

The Forbes report concluded: “Even if the platform is ultimately successful, it may take longer than expected to recoup the investment, resulting in a negative impact on Sony's profitability.”
This is trawling at its very best, this has been out for around a week.

May I ask what your point is?

It was released yesterday according to that website. Saw it now on a gaming website, don't think it's been posted here. Wasn't aware every thread required approval.
May I ask what your point is?

It was released yesterday according to that website. Saw it now on a gaming website, don't think it's been posted here. Wasn't aware every thread required approval.

Well it does so PM me in the future.

There is a poster with the username of CarlB on beyond3d that analyses the feck out of Sony data. He has several threads and articles on the matter if anyone wants to read them and can stop themselves falling asleep.

Here is a good starter...

He's right about:

PS3 is a system that would have benefited from one more year in development

That's as far as I got though, I need to keep my braincells so I didn't fancy losing anymore.
I thought esmufc said a PS3 would be a good investment. Die, and learn to drive.
It's Sony and people like you who are bringing this economy down. Throwing away money at pointless things, when there are starving in the world. All this "Cell is the future" shit is nothing but turd.

fecking fanfacists. You should think of the children.

I don't think that Sony need to cut the price in Europe just yet, especially with the games lineup coming along, and can wait to see what effect this actually has. People that are regular game players and were simply waiting for the likes of GT5:P and MSG4 (PS3 also has GTAIV) I think will not be moved at all by this. Hitting 150 (I'm sure that it will do on Amazon and Play) quid does put this however into the mass market bracket, for casual game players - something a 300 pound price point does not, even to the point that it might even make Nintendo move, even if they do not need to.

This is all marketing cloaks and daggers though isn't it on Microsoft's part? Draw the punters in with the promise of HD gaming for the unbelievable value of 150 quid.................., and then whack - that will also be 130 quid for a 120GB HDD (or to totally rip you off 70 quid for a 20GB HDD), oh and you want to go wireless, well that will be another 60 quid please, and the subscription to XBox LIVE, that's another 40 quid; that will be 380 quid in total please... oh you want High Definition movies as well..... that's a bit difficult, but we do have this add-on that plays something called HD-DVD, now at the wonderful knockdown price of 40 quid... a total of 420 pounds please. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If Microsoft do this in the US, then Sony will have to respond. But Microsoft do not need to do it in the US.

Sorry I had to resort to such measures.
Let's get this right once and for all shall we? Once they get the XMB accessible in game, there will be no major differences between the base functionality of both networks. What's left, achievements? :lol: If that floats your boat, HOME supports achievements, as well as lots of stuff that XBox LIVE does not, and will be available this year. A possible taste of things to come? Well, just a few insights if you feel that HOME is nothing more than a poor man's Second Life:

And yes, HOME is going to be free.

As for your second point, the XBox obviously provides games that suit your specific mentality (Wii does the same for Wii owners, nothing wrong with that apart from the fact that you don't get Wii owners strutting around talking bollocks). To say the PS3 has no decent games is a joke. Maybe you should rephrase that to say "it hardly has any decent ones I would normally play". Coming from someone that owns the same third party game (COD4) on both systems (WTF!), that is very odd.

Your final statement is also very very silly. Unless you want games like MGS4 and FFXIII to come to the XBox 360 and don't mind them being on 8 to 15 discs. What do you get for your £250? A technically less powerful console with a silly failure rate that sounds like a hoover, a gimped optical drive that will likely start to scratch your discs at some point and also sounds like a hoover, no Wi-Fi, a non-standard 20Gb HDD that will cost your around £120+ to upgrade, it goes on. The XBox 360 is a poorly designed low quality machine rushed to market in an attempt to gain a respectable foothold in the console business from a company whose last effort cost them over 4 billion in losses - if that has been any other company they would have gone out of business, but again Microsoft can get away with acting in this type of way. Believe it or not Pert, to Microsoft, this is not about games.

Again, I'm sorry.
I think the biggest threat to the economy is Africa.

That's racist. Why do you hate Africa? I bet if there was a country called Sony, you'd move there and marry a Sonyilian. Despite the fact she is ugly, underdeveloped, high cost and is a bitch to get her to do what you want.

Have fun in your fecked-up fantasy, fanspaz.
That's racist. Why do you hate Africa? I bet if there was a country called Sony, you'd move there and marry a Sonyilian. Despite the fact she is ugly, underdeveloped, high cost and is a bitch to get her to do what you want.

Have fun in your fecked-up fantasy, fanspaz.

Keep going lambs, this is entertaining.:lol:
I would, but I've forgotten the point of this thread.

Oh yeah, Microsoft suck. fecking geeks can't manage to get a few transistors to work without melting. I ask you, is it that fecking hard? No. No is the answer to that.

Well at least they don't charge you £425 for a brevel.