PS3 and movies

I wouldn't attempt 1080p over a wireless G connection, but 720p works fine for me, get the 1080p videos down, and then set the media server max resolution to 1280x720.

As for the transcoding, I turn all of the files into something the PS3 can understand, then all the computer has to do is stream the data. For example, .mkvs I turn into vobs using mkv2vob. If you don't mind losing things such as subtitles it works flawlessly. WinAVI is also a nice tool.
Have you turned UPnP off on the PS3? You have DNLA turned on on the PS3?

To be honest, I didn't check. :nervous: I assumed it was the router rather than the PS3 and when I couldn't find any Upnp settings I managed to convince myself it was the router. I will check tonight.

Thanks Weaste!
Are you streaming trough wirelss to the ps3? Then you'll get some problems streaming 720/1080p quality. I'd whack whatever you'r watching onto an external hard drive or a memory stick and connect that to the ps3.

Eh. I have a WDTV but currently do not have an a portable HDD to utilise it, so I thought streaming through the PS3 with a little loss in quality would be ok. I make a conscientious effort in downloading 720/1080p quality videos so I guess this isn't for me then.

Thanks for clarifying things though.
I am a technotard. If I can manage to work it out, I'm sure you can.

Got it going!

I had to turn off my firewall then allow the Java application stub and then turn the firewall back on. This no longer allows me to run in stealth mode though.

I don't know enough about firewalls to know how vulnerable this makes me, but I suppose I could switch back and forth as it's only a few clicks.
Got it going!

I had to turn off my firewall then allow the Java application stub and then turn the firewall back on. This no longer allows me to run in stealth mode though.

I don't know enough about firewalls to know how vulnerable this makes me, but I suppose I could switch back and forth as it's only a few clicks.
See, I have no idea what the hell you just said. But I'm glad you managed to get it working. :)
Wow, this is truly amazing :eek: !

Now I just need a dvd player like remote for PS3. Do they exist?

Is it possible to have subtitles too?
Now I just need a dvd player like remote for PS3. Do they exist?

Is it possible to have subtitles too?

Like this one? ;)



Subtitles, yes, the transcoder should deal with that.
Yes, exactly like this one :D . Found it on Amazon for 15 pounds, I'll get it :drool: .
Weaste, I got Avatar in HD on my PC. How do I stream it to my PS3?? Picture seems to be stuttering. Any format I can convert it to without losing the quality of HD??
I'm in the office currently. I know the format is in .mkv and 1080p. I have The Dark Knight on 720p which runs fine. Is there any other format I can convert the Avatar to so I can watch it without interruptions yet still maintains the HD quality??
Of course, once it's in a vob, the PS3 can play it on its own, so you could copy it over to the PS3 HDD and play it from there. On the media server, go to the vob and click triangle, and then copy. You'll have to do it this way if the file is over 4GB, as a USB device will be FAT32 and can't take a file size larger than that.
I actually use a wired connection for my PS3 and router. It's even a wired connection from router to the PC. I set it up like that on purpose to prevent disruptions.

Will try converting it to .vob when I get back from work today.
Yes, try that, it sounds as if the PC isn't beefy enough to read the file, transcode it, and then stream it. With a vob, as the PS3 knows the data format, all the PC has to do is read the file and stream it over the network.
By beefy, I suppose you mean powerful enough?? I'm running a quad core rig with 4gb ram by the way if that is a problem. The processor is 2.8 Ghz I think. Can't remember.
I expect that is plenty to play it on the PC, but then having to re-encode or remux 1080p video in real time is quite another. If it's in a format the PS3 understands, that part of the process can be skipped.