PS2 still outselling PS3 worldwide (just)


New Member
Jun 21, 2001
Salford in Castellón de la Plana
From Sony's 2nd Quarter financial report.

Worldwide hardware unit sales (increase/decrease year-on-year):
→ PS2: 2.50 million units (a decrease of 0.78 million units)
→ PSP: 3.18 million units (an increase of 0.60 million units)
→ PS3: 2.43 million units (an increase of 1.12 million units)

Worldwide software unit sales (increase/decrease year-on-year):
→ PS2: 23.1 million units (a decrease of 14.9 million units)
→ PSP: 11.8 million units (a decrease of 0.8 million units)
→ PS3: 21.1 million units (an increase of 10.7 million units)

SCE also lost $379m, so no PS3 price cut it seems. I know a lot of you find the sales of PS2 surprising, but as you can find in sub 100 quid and considering the size and range and quality of its library of software, it probably is by far the best way to get into gaming and also makes a great present for the kids. This Christmas will probably be its swansong, but the PS3 is really paying for Blu-ray.
Do you not think it'll be beneficial for PS3 if Sony simply discontinued the PS2. I know its still selling in the bucketload but really it might be a necessary step to urge those "last-geners" to finally invest in a next-gen system (a PS3 hopefully in Sony's case :lol: )
It's games libray won't be matched for years, but it's still pretty surprising. I wonder how many sales are simply down to PS3 owners buying one so they can continue their old games without having a 60gb version.
The PS2 sales wern't surprising, but now that the Xbox can be bought for around the same price it is rather surprising imo, yes it has an un-matchable games library but most of them are cheap mini game sorta games.

Will be interesting to see the 360's sales aswell, see if the price cut has made a difference.
Who the feck is still buying all these PS2's? I don't know anyone who even plays a PS2.
Do you not think it'll be beneficial for PS3 if Sony simply discontinued the PS2. I know its still selling in the bucketload but really it might be a necessary step to urge those "last-geners" to finally invest in a next-gen system (a PS3 hopefully in Sony's case :lol: )

Yes, but they are still selling PS3 at a loss, so in a retarded way, it's better that they sell less of them. ;)

It's PS2 and PSP that are making the losses at least respectable.
I still play my ps2 at my house because I'm too cheap to buy a 360 or ps3. I can play halo, fifa09, and the like at my friends' houses. I just don't see the need to put in the extra 200+ plus dollars to upgrade when there are several older games I still enjoy playing on ps2.
I still play my ps2 at my house because I'm too cheap to buy a 360 or ps3. I can play halo, fifa09, and the like at my friends' houses. I just don't see the need to put in the extra 200+ plus dollars to upgrade when there are several older games I still enjoy playing on ps2.

Thats fair enough, but I would argue that your also missing out on great titles such as MGS4, Gears of War 2, BioShock, Call of Duty 4, Halo 3 etc....and also on innovating titles such as LBP, which provide gameplay that simply cant be experienced in the older consoles.

P.s. Did you know you can get a 360 for as cheap as £130 now? :)
PS3 is just too expensive. I would have gotten one over the 360 i recently bought but for the fact it was around 100% more expensive.
I still play my ps2 at my house because I'm too cheap to buy a 360 or ps3. I can play halo, fifa09, and the like at my friends' houses. I just don't see the need to put in the extra 200+ plus dollars to upgrade when there are several older games I still enjoy playing on ps2.

What games are you still playing on the PS2 that you can get any sort of enjoyment factor out of?
Probably the same type of idiot that buys a Wii for almost double the price? ;)

I can understand people buying the Wii Slightly more. There is loads of media hype around the Wii and Nintendo have marketed it excellently. But the only time i hear or see anything in relation to the PS2 is when you inform us of the exceptionally high sales figures. Seem's bizarre to me.
I don't think it really needs any hype. It's almost 8 years old, has by far outsold anything else, and has a software library that nothing else can even get close to seeing, never mind touching. Even if Wii does finally outsell it (and I doubt it), it will never be in the same class due to, well, just down to the depth and bredth of software that PS2 has. Oh, it's on its last legs, even Sony are not making big games for it anymore.
I presume Mario, SF2, Zelda and such. But no it was a genuine question. Im interested to know what games he still finds entertaining and playable after this length time. I would presume games like GTA would get boring after a long period, FIFA and other sports game's become out of date quickly, so was wondering what software doesn't really date and has longevity.
It kinda pisses me off though that the PS3 has no BC, I really did want to play FF12, God of War II, and Okami. And no im not investing in another PS2 :p
You had your chance to get one that did!

But I wasnt willing to spend rediculous amounts of money for a console that had a very limited range of decent games at the time, especially when most the good games were on the 360.

How'd your 18th go btw mate?
But I wasnt willing to spend rediculous amounts of money for a console that had a very limited range of decent games at the time, especially when most the good games were on the 360.

Fair enough, but you're looking at the £500+ price range for a 60GB BC Compatible PS3 now.

I have mine:D

How'd your 18th go btw mate?

Very good thanks, was a great night:D
What games are you still playing on the PS2 that you can get any sort of enjoyment factor out of?

Well i stil enjoy the older games. Been playing Final Fantasy VIII of late. As well as Dragon Quest:Cursed King, Rogue Galaxy and mainly RPG's which the next-gen don't seem to have any decent ones of yet. I also play guitar hero on it as i can't be arsed to fork out an extra 50 quid for the same game. I still enjoy playing SNES games from time to time as well.
But I wasnt willing to spend rediculous amounts of money for a console that had a very limited range of decent games at the time, especially when most the good games were on the 360.

How'd your 18th go btw mate?

It will come in software at some point, because selling PS2 games over the PSN is too lucrative to not put the money into it. It was supposed to have BC in software at launch. It didn't happen, but I'm sure that if Crazy Ken thought that it was possible, then it probably is, just difficult.
It will come in software at some point, because selling PS2 games over the PSN is too lucrative to not put the money into it. It was supposed to have BC in software at launch. It didn't happen, but I'm sure that if Crazy Ken thought that it was possible, then it probably is, just difficult.

Then I sure hope these rumours of a BC update are true.
What games are you still playing on the PS2 that you can get any sort of enjoyment factor out of?

I don't play video games that much, but when I do I play either Tekken 5, GTA III, fifa 07 (it's not as realistic as the new one, but the game allows for a very fast pace to the matches which makes it pretty entertaining. Plus, I updated the team squads by logging into my online ps2 account), or fifa 09 at one of my friends' houses.

Thats fair enough, but I would argue that your also missing out on great titles such as MGS4, Gears of War 2, BioShock, Call of Duty 4, Halo 3 etc....and also on innovating titles such as LBP, which provide gameplay that simply cant be experienced in the older consoles.

P.s. Did you know you can get a 360 for as cheap as £130 now? :)

I'm in the states, mate. 130 pounds is 260 dollars. Over here it's about $200 now.
PS3 is just too expensive. I would have gotten one over the 360 i recently bought but for the fact it was around 100% more expensive.

Same here. I picked up an Arcade Xbox, which fulfills all my needs, for £125, while a PS3 here is £330. It's just a no contest. If there was a hundred difference in it, I'd go with Playstation every time, I know a better product when I see one. The thing is, I'm not even arsed about blue ray. Could they not have released a cheaper version without that utility, perhaps a version that doesn't actually lose them money?

They dropped the ball big time. I fear to wonder how many otherwise loyal customers they've driven away because of it

I'm suprised how well the PS2 is still selling, but it was a bloody good console. When the Xbox is available for a similar price now, shows the loyalty the PS3 is missing out on
:mad: Don't you dare correct me when I'm wrong. I'm using the 2:1 exchange rate and that's that.


I sorry

Same here. I picked up an Arcade Xbox, which fulfills all my needs, for £125, while a PS3 here is £330. It's just a no contest. If there was a hundred difference in it, I'd go with Playstation every time, I know a better product when I see one. The thing is, I'm not even arsed about blue ray. Could they not have released a cheaper version without that utility, perhaps a version that doesn't actually lose them money?

Every game uses Blu-Ray Disks, without a Blu-Ray drive they wouldn't play!
Every game uses Blu-Ray Disks, without a Blu-Ray drive they wouldn't play!

Yeh I know, but could they not have developed a cheaper version that didn't, even if it meant selling two different versions of the game? It's not like they don't do it with European PAL games, and whatever the rest of the World gets. If that console could have been sold cheap, I'm sure the loyal playstation buyers would have remained. And folk are still gunna buy the blue ray version, because its the best available

I dunno, just seems this could all have been handled so much better
Apology accepted. I don't like incredibly complex math and dividing/multipling by two is much easier than using the real exchange rate which looks harder than advanced calculus.

It really isn't. The current exchange rate is $1.63 per £1. So you just multiply the amount of £'s by $1.63.

So £100 x $1.63 = $163, £200 = $326 and so forth.

Yeh I know, but could they not have developed a cheaper version that didn't, even if it meant selling two different versions of the game? It's not like they don't do it with European PAL games, and whatever the rest of the World gets. If that console could have been sold cheap, I'm sure the loyal playstation buyers would have remained. And folk are still gunna buy the blue ray version, because its the best available

I dunno, just seems this could all have been handled so much better

The PS3 is doing well considering it's price point. It has sold 17m consoles since launch compared to the 360's 24m, and outsold it in the last quarter.

I happen to think it is doing fine, for it's price point anyway.
Having seen this thread I'm kind of tempted to buy a PS2 again. Now I have Vista 64 I probably can't install Final Fantasy 7 and 8, and there's probably other PS games I'd want to play again

Wonder if there is a good Playstation emulator for PC? I have ones for SNES, Mega Drive and N64
I dunno, just seems this could all have been handled so much better

Nobody knows the facts here or are willing to talk about it, but Sony Computer Entertainment IMO were shoehorned into sticking Blu-ray into the machine by its much larger brothers Sony Electronics (this part is ironic, because it was performing very badly during the PS2 days, and SCE was propping it up) and Sony Pictures. Again, IMO, PS3 was never originally designed to have a BD drive, would have been more powerful, cheaper, and launched at the same time as XB360. However, HD-DVD is dead and PS3 is catching (at least before the price drop) XB360 in worldwide sales. Blu-ray disc will also within the next 5 years become a godsend for game developers.

It's easy to look at the whole thing as a massive feckup, but the whole story here is not known. Blu-ray WILL replace DVD in time, and that's one hell of a lot of money in Sony's pocket. Of course they could have released a PS2HD, it would not have been difficult to do. They could have kept Blu-ray out of PS3 and made the whole thing far more attractive in terms of price. They could have done many things, but I think they really do feel that PS3 has 10 years in it, and went with the long term view. They are constantly re-engineering the machine to get the cost down, and IMO as long as they can get the "PS3 Slim" out before we get "Wii HD", then this could all pay off. Once this thing gets below or around the 180 quid mark, it will start selling by the bucket load. Yes, many people cannot afford the thing currently, but in time I think they think people will.

The losses are also interesting because it all gets shifted onto SCEs balance sheet. The PS3 is basically entirely Sony produced, so SCE is paying money to Sony Electronics and Sony Semiconductor, helping both of those report a profit, not to mention Blu-ray licence fees.