Premier League Gameweek 34 (which is not the same as gameweek 35)

Shit, just saw the replay. Hasn't Coleman already suffered some horror injuries in his career? Hope he's (relatively) fine.
Would anyone actually miss Everton if they were relegated?

(Liverpool fans aside for the automatic 6 points every year)
Absolutely horrendous miss. At first I was giving him the benefit of the doubt that the defenders touch threw him, but no...he saw that, reacted and just didn't put it away. Awful.
Why isn't chelsea playing this gameweek?
Because having Arsenal play too soon may mean they finish PL before May 28. Spacing out to have all teams play on the same day this season end.
Looks like a ACL or some form of ligament damage for Coleman. Horrible one.
Has Coleman snapped his leg or something?
Absolutely horrendous miss. At first I was giving him the benefit of the doubt that the defenders touch threw him, but no...he saw that, reacted and just didn't put it away. Awful.
Think thats it though. Saw the touch, but the short reaction time made it hard to gauge the adjustment, and he overcompensated for the touch.
This game's had everything- penalties, great goals, shocking misses....leg breaks
Scary how poor and slow Everton's centre backs look. Vardy looks 26 again.
Poor old Seamus. That's a bad one. He's had no luck with injuries in the latter part of his career.
You’d think Coleman is finished in the Premier League now even if he does come back.