
I thought Larry Fishwipe was the best thing in it...His Johnny Depp impression was hilarious

What I didn't get was why they introduced a new breed of Predator...who is bigger, stronger and harder to kill than the original Predator (who was pretty big, strong and hard to kill) and then have them be really easy to by a skinny Yakuza bloke with a sword and one by Adrian Brody happy slapping him...FFS it took Arnie nuking a forest to kill one in the first film

That made no sense
I thought Larry Fishwipe was the best thing in it...His Johnny Depp impression was hilarious

What I didn't get was why they introduced a new breed of Predator...who is bigger, stronger and harder to kill than the original Predator (who was pretty big, strong and hard to kill) and then have them be really easy to by a skinny Yakuza bloke with a sword and one by Adrian Brody happy slapping him...FFS it took Arnie nuking a forest to kill one in the first film

That made no sense

Not even, he bombed himself!

All the new Predator movies have been shit, and are a disgrace to the Predator name!
Hah! You know what I mean, the Predator bombed himself!

Arnie just dropped half a tree on his head, is all!
That's true're right...even Arnie couldn't kill him!!

And yet Adrian Brody happy slapped the fecker to death...and a bigger feck to boot?

That's true're right...even Arnie couldn't kill him!!

And yet Adrian Brody happy slapped the fecker to death...and a bigger feck to boot?

Yeah but Morpheus killed three!! and eluded them for a decade, yet managed to get himself killed very easily as soon as the other humans arrived. My main gripe wasn't with the pathetic plot/storyline. . . I had no qualms when a skinny Yakuza trained as a samurai warrior(chuckle) killed a giant predator, heck I didn't even mind the expert botanist with the knowledge of all plant life throughout the universe. . .no I hated the fact that it lacked action, suspense and good old entertainment. The original Predator was a brilliant action flick, a squad of (very beefy)American soldiers including The Terminator were systematically hunted by an alien hunter. It took all of Commando's might to take care of the Predator, yet Brody and mates killed three and Mr Fishburn had taken care of three during his(well fed) time on the planet. They didn't kill bog standard Predators, oh no. . . but these super sized ones. The original predator was a brilliant hunter. . .these predators were too easily killed and lacked the tactical nous of. . .well. . .predators. Which kinda made the whole film redundant. How about we just stick on the original and watch an expert inter galactic hunter do what he's meant to do. . . . Hunt. Prey.

Oh and whoever cast Adrien Brody should feck off and die. Please.
Yeah but Morpheus killed three!! and eluded them for a decade, yet managed to get himself killed very easily as soon as the other humans arrived. My main gripe wasn't with the pathetic plot/storyline. . . I had no qualms when a skinny Yakuza trained as a samurai warrior(chuckle) killed a giant predator, heck I didn't even mind the expert botanist with the knowledge of all plant life throughout the universe. . .no I hated the fact that it lacked action, suspense and good old entertainment. The original Predator was a brilliant action flick, a squad of (very beefy)American soldiers including The Terminator were systematically hunted by an alien hunter. It took all of Commando's might to take care of the Predator, yet Brody and mates killed three and Mr Fishburn had taken care of three during his(well fed) time on the planet. They didn't kill bog standard Predators, oh no. . . but these super sized ones. The original predator was a brilliant hunter. . .these predators were too easily killed and lacked the tactical nous of. . .well. . .predators. Which kinda made the whole film redundant. How about we just stick on the original and watch an expert inter galactic hunter do what he's meant to do. . . . Hunt. Prey.

Oh and whoever cast Adrien Brody should feck off and die. Please.
The guy who knew everything about anaesthetics made the most sense of all, since hes a psycho killer who has clearly used it on his previous victims. Sure makes you feel sorry for the russian guy but.
Sometimes I wonder whether tiptoing around plagiarism lawsuits has become such a nightmare that studios feel they have to resort to licensed product for that reason alone.


Planet Taninabottle, populated by business school graduates angry at having missed out on The Great Global Fleecing by virtue of their parents not having gotten pregnant in their teens. A group of starving liberal arts majors seed the planet with badly written short stories and hire Susan Sarandon on a $1 retainer.

We all know what comes next.

Their unsuspecting prey began to slaughter each other over titles such as 'Shakedown' about a retired detective with Parkinsons called out for one last case, or 'Connection' about a pair of orphaned children put to work stripping gold from circuitboards, because they're the only ones whose fingers are small enough. Trust me, Barry. It's the next Schindler's List.

Just when the battle-weary victors emerge, thinking they have triumphed, the planet-seeding liberal arts majors swoop in for the kill. Predators become prey, and they must find a way to work together to avoid hemmhorragic multimillion dollar payouts, going so far as to risk their entire culture through unentangleable inbreeding in the form of insurance-based financing even as they search for the answer to that final fateful question:

Why exactly are they so terrified of a character from a twenty-year old John Grisham novel?

PREDATORZ (title subject to change per test-screening response)
Yeah I felt it progressed too fast from "OH SHIT WE'RE BEING HUNTED" to "Okay I've got a plan to kill everything and escape"

It lacked suspense(well it lacked a shedload of things, to be fair).

Are the writers and directors of these types movies rubbish or are they just pandering to studios for whatever gay reason?

The guy who knew everything about anaesthetics made the most sense of all, since hes a psycho killer who has clearly used it on his previous victims. Sure makes you feel sorry for the russian guy but.

Yeah, he was the one I was on about, the expert on plant life on SuperPredatorLand.