OK, compare -
Last game, Pool had 59.6% possession, 18 shots, 8 on target, won 7-0 (with 40.4% possession, we had 8 shots, 4 on target).
This game, Pool had 68.9% possession, 34 shots, 8 on target, scored no goals (we had 6 shots, 1 on target).
Last time, it was a freak result. This time, a little less so, but odd. I'd like to know what their XG was, because I never thought they had a good shot.
On the other hand, I really thought Hojlund blew it with McTominay's feed to him near the end, had the first shot deflected right back and botched the rebound shot. We had the better, clearer chances, in my opinion, especially at the end.
Credit to our defensive line and Mainoo and Amrabat, though - we clogged the box up and made it impossible for Pool to get good chances.