Portugal Discussion | Roberto Martinez watch

Even Bruno agrees? Bruno with the prime seat close to the corner flag?

How awkward is that?

Ronaldo: I touched it. You saw it, right?
Bruno: Yes, very clearly (you giant bellend)
Santos: Lads, we are resting today but stay in the hotel. A FIFA technical team will interview each and everyone of you to determine who should be awarded the goal
Ronaldo: What do you mean who?
Santos: Oh, yes, of course, to determine Ronaldo should get the goal
Ronaldo: What about the Man of the Match award? That should get voted again
Apparently the goal is going to be reviewed so they might change it, the meltdown in here would be hilarious if it happens.

I can't see that happening but if it does it'll just be another reason to laugh at Fifa and how pathetic Ronaldo is. I don't envisage there being a meltdown over a meaningless (to everyone but Ronaldo) goal.

Holy Christ. Do they not understand how desperately pathetic that makes them & Ronaldo look, irrespective of the findings of the Commission? If he doesn't get it, he'll look like a total prat and a fraud for raising the issue. Because it's not actually possible to mistakenly believe your head touched the ball. If he does get it, he'll be ridiculed for insisting on a goal that could only be attributed to him because of a touch so slight it had to be established by forensic examination. The upshot of either is to make him a laughing stock, and to taint his equalling of Eusebios record, at least in the short run. And Team Portugal will just look like they're slaves to Ronaldo's ego. Players will feel that in their gut, and it won't affect them well.

"Even Bruno Fernandes agrees"? How the feck would Bruno even know, any more than anyone else?
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The man is pathetic, the federation is pathetic bowing to his petulance. Does it matter who put the ball in the net in this instance. It gave them a goal. Of course it matters, it is all about him and his fecking records.
A few games is a tournament and the lead up games. He's been awful in qualifying and you got to the tournament through the skin of your teeth. He's had a minimal impact in what is one of the most creative midfield's in the World Cup. Now he's dominating proceedings about claiming a goal he hasn't scored. We'll see how the rest of the tournament goes.
Tbh the report that Portuguese federation were going to present evidence wasn’t true.

FIFA are independently doing their own analysis.
So they waited 15-20 years to see almost 38 year old Ronaldo to make this tweet?
Messi is 35 which is a huge difference in age when you’re well into your 30s as an athlete. Ronaldo at 35 scored 40+ goals in 2020. Let’s see how many goals Messi scores at age 38. In fact, I’d be surprised if he’s even playing football by then.
How many Ronaldo pictures do you have on your walls?
It surprises me that Ronaldo doesn't mind to be so associated with Piers.
Just reminded me of that goal Eriksen scored for Spurs where Kane swore on his daughters life that he had the last touch (images showed he was nowhere near it).

Footballers are cnuts.
Just reminded me of that goal Eriksen scored for Spurs where Kane swore on his daughters life that he had the last touch (images showed he was nowhere near it).

Footballers are cnuts.
And before that he said I dont care its mine goal live on tv in front of Eriksen.
The news about the Portuguese FA appealing are false. Edu Aguirre is a Ronaldo Spanish fanboy who knows nothing and has no connections in our FA. The goal was scored by Bruno, end of story.
Just reminded me of that goal Eriksen scored for Spurs where Kane swore on his daughters life that he had the last touch (images showed he was nowhere near it).

Footballers are cnuts.
The difference is that Kane was Spurs star man and was going to be their key player for the foreseeable future. It made sense for Spurs to baby him and accommodate his ego.

Portugal are trying to take a goal off the guy who is most likely to win them a World Cup for a 38 year old has-been who is holding back the team. It's bizarre that a country that has produced the likes of Eusebio and Figo has collectively decided that they owe their existence as a worthwhile football team to Ronaldo.
If FIFA accept this then they have to scrap their semi auto offside technology. The data clearly shows that there was no contact.
Portugal’s camp didn’t appeal anything. It was all media noise. The goal has already been given to Bruno.
The difference is that Kane was Spurs star man and was going to be their key player for the foreseeable future. It made sense for Spurs to baby him and accommodate his ego.

Portugal are trying to take a goal off the guy who is most likely to win them a World Cup for a 38 year old has-been who is holding back the team. It's bizarre that a country that has produced the likes of Eusebio and Figo has collectively decided that they owe their existence as a worthwhile football team to Ronaldo.
I don't think portugal is doing anything.
Morgan (Ronaldo's now mouthpiece) claims Ronaldo has told him that it's his goal and that Bruno agrees.

Bruno doesn't care, he will give the goal to Ronaldo knowing he didnt touch it.

Bruno is playing for the team, not for himself.
Weak from Bruno to allow him to steal his first World Cup goal.

Not at all, having the intelligence and humility and sense of team unity to cede this goal is a huge strength.

Bruno is playing to win the World Cup not pad his own stats. He knows the greatest chance of that happening is to keep the man baby sweet, because Ronaldo certainly isn't going to be dropped by the coach.

Bruno doesn't care, he will give the goal to Ronaldo knowing he didnt touch it.

Bruno is playing for the team, not for himself.

Morgan (Ronaldo's now mouthpiece) claims Ronaldo has told him that it's his goal and that Bruno agrees.
He wonky saying Bruno agrees because Bruno said that in his interview. Not even screamed, that he thought Ronaldo scored. There was no way for Bruno to know
They just had the snick detector out on ITV, they use something similar in cricket to detect edges. The ball has sensors in it and detects contact with the ball. It picked up absolutely zero contact from Ronaldo. He would have known that he didn’t touch it and now there’s proof. What a cnut.

Edit: I’m late to the party, this was already known. As you were.
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I don't know what the biggest shame is.
Allowing the national team to be a private club of Jorge Mendes for almost 20 years, having Fernando Santos as coach, or feeding the madeira diva's ego like there is no tomorrow.

The team that could have Portugal and the football they could offer the world.

A shame.
Morgan (Ronaldo's now mouthpiece) claims Ronaldo has told him that it's his goal and that Bruno agrees.
I don’t believe anything Morgan says. I doubt he even spoke to Ronaldo about it. He (like every media outlet) is literally just using Ronaldo’s name to generate interactions.

Here a reputable Portuguese page says no such appeal was made:

And even if Ronaldo spoke to Morgan about it, doesn’t mean they went to appeal it.
I can't believe Ronaldo is single-handedly making me hate this Portugal team. It's a shame as they have the most likeable squad in a while. I hope Portugal gets knocked out inevitably in the quarter-final by their nemesis Germany and I can't wait to see Ronaldo's tears. F*ck this narcissistic cnut. What a douchebag seriously.
I don’t believe anything Morgan says. I doubt he even spoke to Ronaldo about it. He (like every media outlet) is literally just using Ronaldo’s name to generate interactions.

Here a reputable Portuguese page says no such appeal was made:

And even if Ronaldo spoke to Morgan about it, doesn’t mean they went to appeal it.

Well I guess its the media stirring shite for clicks and the crowd are falling for it then. So predictable.
I can't believe Ronaldo is single-handedly making me hate this Portugal team. It's a shame as they have the most likeable squad in a while. I hope Portugal gets knocked out inevitably in the quarter-final by their nemesis Germany and I can't wait to see Ronaldo's tears. F*ck this narcissistic cnut. What a douchebag seriously.

Portugal look awful. Good squad but terrible tactics. They are the jammiest team in NT football with the results they do manage but they will be in for a rude awakening in knockouts.

Once Ronaldo leaves they'll still be good as the squad is solid but the manager is kinda crap.