POLL ADDED: Would you want Jose Mourinho as the next Manchester United manager?

Would you want Jose Mourinho as manager of Manchester United?

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He wouldn't be at the top of the list, but should all candidates above him go elsewhere then why not.
If there are no other viable options, sure. I'm not a major fan of his, but he's a damn good manager.
No. I've never given a positive answer to this question. Most likely never will.
He's organized but has a 2-3 yr life span at a club. So same shit different day. I'd have like Kloop but that ship has sailed. Jose should have Ben first choice after Fergie for the organization. He would have bridged the gap.

He would but our Bobby thought he was a naughty boy.
Let him go elsewhere to prove he hasn't completely lost the plot, get in Pep for 3-4 years of success leaving behind a world class team that Mourinho can come in and add to with a blank cheque.

= United domination, again.
He's completely bonkers. Unless it was all part of an elaborate plan to feck up Chelsea before coming to us, then no fecking way.
He would but our Bobby thought he was a naughty boy.

Lol that's why I'd leave him and Fergie out of the process , feck "process" I can't believe I used it. Twice.

Dans is on to summat. Agent Jose or Joe's B?
He's completely bonkers. Unless it was all part of an elaborate plan to feck up Chelsea before coming to us, then no fecking way.
I'm imagining Fergie and Jose laughing while drinking a fancy red wine next to a fire.
Depends on the choices available when we change manager. He is still a very good manager and will have something to prove if sacked by Chelsea.
No. Especially not after the current disaster. I also don't understand why people want him while complaining about van Gaal beeing a stubborn cnut, playing pragmatic football, lacking man-management skills and not beeing a long-term solution. Makes no sense and our youth record would be worse too. Should take a break after Chelsea, maybe it's time for a less busy job, so he could manage a national side, Portugal after the Euros maybe.
What we need is a manager that will establish structures and build (or continue to build from LVG) this team into a long-term force - something Mourinho would fail big time. Literally the only benefit of having this man would have been that he would have stabalised the club after Fergie left and kept it on its winning run. Which is now irrelevant.
Why are we discussing this. No. Isn't he everything that we don't want in a manager. Does stuff like the Eva firing get forgotten so rapidly. Leaving that, why would anyone in the right mind fire a manager who is 4th in the table with arguably a worse squad, for a manager who is 16th with a better squad?
Obviously no. Shit football, moany basterd. Alienates players when they're playing rubbish. Sells players with great potential instead of being patient with them. No.
I wanted him to replace Ferguson for 2-3 years because he is a winner. I've realized i don't want him to manage Utd because he always plays defensive football and doesn't put any emphasize on youth development.

Next manager needs to want to attack. I wanted Klopp but he wasn't available after Moyes. We have to approach Guardiola strongly.
Hell no. I said no before he went back to Chelsea and now my answer is even more firm.
Wont happen, he behaved like an idiot this season, more so than usual. And no, I dont want him really here. It would end in tears too after a few years.
I'd rather go for Unai Emery, Koeman, Pochettino etc than him.

Jose has never played as dire football as LvG has managed to do here, but I still think he'd get stick for his style of football and the youth not being used.
That ship sailed by us and no I wouldn't want Jose now.

The right man for the job, a manager who's gone as as far as he can go with his current club, is Diego Simeone. He's an Argentinian Ferguson who offers the right balance of attacking spirit and defensive solidity. The only questions I'd have with Simeone is whether he speaks English and whether he has any interest in ever leaving Spain.

If Simeone is a no-go for those reasons, then it has to be either Pep or, more likely, Ancelotti.
Hopefully he has learned from this season. Good manager undoubtedly but not sure i could enjoy all of the manufactured BS that he always seems to stir up.

I read somewhere that his style is reliant on generating conflict and keeping people on their toes constantly.
Fascinating thoughts so far.

I'm on a knife-edge....for me:
a. One of the best managers in the world
b. But does he have the temperament for being a United manager and it's values
c. But guarantees trophies
d. But at what cost, and stifles youth
e. But would build a seige mentality within the club - which we deperately need at the moment
f. But the ship has probably sailed and if chose Chelsea over us (when SAF retired) why should we give him a second chance.

I've voted 'yes' but I'm just not sure...
Would be utterly stumped if Pep and Carlo choose to go else-where - then I'd defo solidify into a 'yes' tbh
Not quite sure the context of the question but I voted yes, purely in the scenario of a lack of great managers available. If Pep is not available, Ancelotti is gone elsewhere, Klopp at Liverpool...who else is there?

To reject Mourinho on the basis of this season or his so called 'boring' football is just retarded (although somewhat typical of this place). The man is a walking success. I would prefer Pep every day of the week but we're not exactly the biggest draw at present.

If it came down to Giggs or Mourinho and we didn't choose the latter, we deserve to be fecking relegated.
He is a good manager right up there in terms of honours and respect. I just don't think he has the ability or the charisma to give a club a boost when shit hits the fan. As soon as anything goes wrong, it goes very wrong for him. Same off field issues as his time at Real as he is having at Chelsea. And he turns into a bitter old twunt, and somewhat embarrassing at times.

Just as bad with transfers recently too. Filipe Luis, Cuadrado, Salah etc, players signed for 9-12months and then flung out the door as he cant get the best out of them as he goes and buys another player.

He isn't a manager for stability, that's for sure.
This season doesn't change the fact he is still in the top 3 managers operating in football today. I also believe being an arsehole is not his default personality trait and that the United job could revive the character that so many found entertaining and charismatic. If he wanted to come, then yes, I'd take him.
Voted no, he'd be a short term fix for me and would do little to improve the overall structure of the club.

It doesn't say much for him that he's played so few of Chelsea's CL winning youth team when so many first team players have been performing so poorly.
If we ended up with him, I wouldn't be devastated but I think his own ego would cause the relationship to implode at some stage and we'd still be rather defensive so on the balance I voted no.
Not anymore, but I would not have minded when Fergie retired.