Gaming Pokémon Go (Android, iOS)

Yes, I will wait. Do you have others to coordinate as well? I've got two others close to BF from the caf I believe. Would be nice if it was possible do everyone on one egg.
Was just coming in here to tag you. We’re on one day remaining.

I take it the bonus comes after that one? It’s not one of those were the final day is zero?

Edit: At work now all day. Will pop back in at lunch (usually around 12pm gmt) to see what’s going on.
:lol: I was going to post here as well. With jrsenior it is literally my next interaction. If Minkaro and you haven't opened a gift today, then yeah, one day remaining = next interaction.

I'm fine to coordinate with you. With there being four of us it'll probably take a day or two to get a time we're all happy with but fortunately our timezones are pretty close - Mink, 2mufc0 and I are one hour behind you I believe (10:07am here, 11:07am where you live). I'm fine with whichever time and day you all decide (preferably before Saturday), just give a few hours notice.
Was just coming in here to tag you. We’re on one day remaining.

I take it the bonus comes after that one? It’s not one of those were the final day is zero?

Edit: At work now all day. Will pop back in at lunch (usually around 12pm gmt) to see what’s going on.
What's your nick in pogo Minkaro? Sorry for asking, but I can't find you on the first page list.
Perfect for me! How long is the egg active these days, 30 min? I will pop mine five min to 7pm just in case.
Yeah, 30 mins (remember it'll be 5 to 8 your time and not 5 to 7). Post in the caf thread when you're on and we'll do the same before eggs are activated/gifts sent and opened.
Still on for lucky egg everyone?
Only managed a poxy two shinies today, but the first was a shundo. Was a bit too busy to take full advantage of CD, so only played for half an hour or so. Most of them I spend three hours or more but never get a shundo, so fairly happy.
@Damien @2mufc0 @BootsyCollins @backofthenet @Sied

I added you, because you're all active in the thread and are listed on the first page, incase you're wondering who the random is. I'm Ravatn/0634 3262 0735. I'll send daily gifts, don't accept or return if it doesn't benefit you. No one I know plays so I'm not wasting gifts by someone not collecting. I'm based in Scandinavia if you care about eggs and catch distance.
Would you like to coordinate going ultra friends with a lucky egg or shall I open your gift any time?
How do you know which Pokemon to get rid of? I've got to the point I'm constantly full up but have a lot of redundant pokemon like Butterfree etc

Would you keep them incase breeding or another use becomes available? At the minute, I have 10 free spaces that I have constantly delete what I catch which is very frustrating, how do you decide who is worth keeping?
How do you know which Pokemon to get rid of? I've got to the point I'm constantly full up but have a lot of redundant pokemon like Butterfree etc

Would you keep them incase breeding or another use becomes available? At the minute, I have 10 free spaces that I have constantly delete what I catch which is very frustrating, how do you decide who is worth keeping?

I think most of what you catch will be junk. The only things I'm looking to keep are...

1: Pokemon with the right IV's for League PvP (so 1/15/15 or close). I'm not bothered about "Masters League" yet, so only Great and Ultra possibilities interest me.
2: Pokemon with perfect IV's for raids (so 15/15/15 or close) and ability to evolve to a high level which may help me with raids.
3: Interesting Pokemon (shiny or events)
4: Pokemon temporarily kept to evolve with a Lucky Egg for XP (this is losing its charm as levels start to take millions of XP)
5: Legendaries caught in raids.

Hopefully others will chip in and let you know if I'm doing it wrong. :)
How do you know which Pokemon to get rid of? I've got to the point I'm constantly full up but have a lot of redundant pokemon like Butterfree etc

Would you keep them incase breeding or another use becomes available? At the minute, I have 10 free spaces that I have constantly delete what I catch which is very frustrating, how do you decide who is worth keeping?
I think @Counterfactual has pretty much nailed it with what to keep, and why.

One thing, I would add though is that I found myself catching something that was like 89% IV, or 93% or something like that, but never checking that I had something better. So go through, if its something you just wanna keep for the sake of having atleast 1 of every type, then check what you have. Have 3 of something you only want 1 of, just keep the best one.

Either that, or buy more space I suppose
Agree with the above. One for each league with low attack + the one closest to 4* for ml and raids, i also keep the shadow variant of these if it exists. Pluss most legendaries and the good shinies. Storage space fills up in no time. IMO you should spend most of the coins you make on defending gyms on bag space and Pokémon storage. These are permanent upgrades that you never regret buying.
My problem is that I find it to hard to throw away Pokémon that was hard to get when I started playing. I have way to many snorlax, charizard, gyarados and dragonites.
Afternoon all. I’ve been playing on and off since it started but have found myself engaged a lot more recently. Is it all right if I add some of you as friends on there? I keep on getting quests requiring me to send gifts and I’ve always been a bit of a gaming loner.
Afternoon all. I’ve been playing on and off since it started but have found myself engaged a lot more recently. Is it all right if I add some of you as friends on there? I keep on getting quests requiring me to send gifts and I’ve always been a bit of a gaming loner.
Yep, no problem. Don't worry about sending gifts to me regularly either - I'll send one to you daily regardless of if you send me one or not.
Afternoon all. I’ve been playing on and off since it started but have found myself engaged a lot more recently. Is it all right if I add some of you as friends on there? I keep on getting quests requiring me to send gifts and I’ve always been a bit of a gaming loner.
My code 8866 9484 2628 - Don't think my code is in the OP.
Yep, no problem. Don't worry about sending gifts to me regularly either - I'll send one to you daily regardless of if you send me one or not.
Thank you. I’ve added a few codes. In case I’ve missed anyone, mine is 7725 9967 1809 Ghostsinmybones. Feel free to add.
Afternoon all. I’ve been playing on and off since it started but have found myself engaged a lot more recently. Is it all right if I add some of you as friends on there? I keep on getting quests requiring me to send gifts and I’ve always been a bit of a gaming loner.
Welcome to add, my code is in the OP.
Thank you. Who from the first list is still playing? I’m a bit behind you guys, but I’m level 31, 415 Pokédex. Not too bad.
I think most of us are still playing. Add me if you like, although I'm not great at sending and receiving gifts. Mainly because I usually have full items and I find the friends screen laggy and annoying, but sometimes I get round to it!