Music Podcasts

The Iamstereopodcast my Michael Rapaport is a good laugh. BSReport is good also. Inside Health is another good one if you're interested in such things.
My updated list now

1) Up first by NPR
2) NPR Politics
3) This American Life
4) Science Solved it
5) Myths and Legends
6) Stuff you missed in History Class
7) Freakonomics Radio
8) Techstuff
9) Vergecast
10) Star Talk
11) Football Weekly
12) Remarkable Lives Tragic Deaths
13) Serial
14) Any Dar Carlin Podcast
15) On this Day
If anyone happens to care, Here is my current rotation of Podcasts:

- European Football Show (Good round up of European football)
- The Bill Simmons Podcast (American sports talk)
- The Second Captains (Good football talk, Bit short though and not long enough for my liking)
- The Ringer NFL Show (NFL talk)
- Binge Mode (Game of Thrones talk)
- The Lapsed Fan (2 guys sit and review old wrestling events from when it was good and take the piss. Very long but excellent)
- The Tuesday Club (Arsenal podcast, but very funny. Don't let the Arsenal thing put you off)
- The Lowe Post (NBA basketball talk)
- Talk Salad & Scrambled Eggs (Matt Mira and Kevin Smith discuss old Frasier episodes)
- The Brilliant Idiots (Talk about mainly black culture and topics around that. Not for the faint hearted)
- Wrestling Soup (Excellent pod about modern wrestling and topics associated with it)
- Totally Football Show (James Richardson's new pod)
- Redcafe United Pod

Looking for a movie podcast. Any recommendations?
Looking for a movie podcast. Any recommendations?

For movie reviews:

Truth & Movies (if only for James Richardson... it might not be football, but he still gets his puns in)
The /Filmcast
Empire Movie Podcast (which is good for spoiler specials on "big" films and interviews)

For shit movie reviews, it's still hard to beat How Did This Get Made.
For movie reviews:

Truth & Movies (if only for James Richardson... it might not be football, but he still gets his puns in)
The /Filmcast
Empire Movie Podcast (which is good for spoiler specials on "big" films and interviews)

For shit movie reviews, it's still hard to beat How Did This Get Made.

Awesome, thanks mate will check those out.
I am currently listening to a podcast called They Walk Among Us. It's based up True Crime cases in the UK over the last 50 years or so. Only around 25 episodes so far but if you are interested in True Crime it is very good. Such cases examined include the Shannon Matthews kidnapping case, Peter Manuel in Scotland, Michael Peterson AKA Charles Bronson and so on. As stated if anyone is a fan of True Crime I really recommend it.
Listening to a series called Dirty John at the moment. It's a 6 parter about one story, similar to Serial/S Town if you like that sort of thing.

It's free on itunes/android and is from the L.A. Times.
Thought I’d list the ones I regularly listen to:

Empire podcast
How Did This Get Made?
Scroobius Pip Distraction Pieces
Football Ramble
Kermode and Mayo 5 Live
My Dad Wrote a Porno
Rant Cast
Ear Hustle
Bill Burr podcast
Adam Buxton podcast
The Weekly Planet
Generation Why
Any new ones anyone's come across recently and can recommend?
West Cork about a murder in Ireland. Great access to many of the key figures in the case and so many different versions of events to make you wonder who to believe.

The only downside is its only on Audible but if you sign up for the month's free trial you'll get through it in a short while and get a free audio book to boot.
Made a new podcast called Horror Filmmaking Academy. All about making indie films. Very niche but if you're into that kinda stuff, the guests have great insight. Already talked to the directors of Pyewacket and Wildling plus a few more. Here's one episode if you'd like a listen:

Has anybody got recommendations for any drama podcasts?
I just listened to Waking The Dead prequel after finishing up Homecoming and I'm struggling to replace them.
Years of true crime and mma podcasts has limited and narrowed my podcast range :(
A new one's just come out called "Everything is Alive". Only two episodes in but it's off to a really good start. Off the wall comedy built on the idea of interviewing inanimate objects - cola cans, lampposts etc.

Of those that have been running for a few years, I'm surprised these didn't pop up in this thread:

Revisionist History - Malcolm Gladwell's re-telling of American history, science, education etc. coming at it from some really interesting angles
Criminal - 30 min true crime episodes, not reinventing the wheel in any way but lots of well-told stories (although at nearly 100 episodes things are getting a bit stale)
Reveal - 50 min long episodes of investigative journalism, very US-centric but some really interesting stuff in there

I'll 2nd Invisibilia as well - some really interesting science woven into some wonderful narratives (particularly their take on a "concept album" in the 3rd season).
Joe Rogan Experience
Daniele Bolelli History on Fire
Waking up with Sam Harris
Did anyone seen the Nick Yarris one with Rogan from last week?

Its start off as a fascinating story of his troubled life but the more it went on the more I got the distinct feeling the guy was full of shit. It felt like Rogan twigged it half way through as well.