Gaming PlayStation Plus


Self-Aware RedCafe Database (and Admin)
Mar 4, 2010
Also won Best Gif/Photoshop 2021
With so many threads dedicated to PS3, PS4, and PSV I thought that it would be a good idea to keep this type of thing all in one place.

EU December:
24th December: Grid 2 (PS3)
24th December: Dragons Dogma Dark Arisen (PS3)
24th December: Sonic and Allstars Racing Transformed (PSV)
8th January: Contrast (PS4)

24th December: DmC Devil May Cry (PS3)
24th December: Borderlands 2 (PS3)
24th December: Soul Sacrifice (PSV)
24th December: Blazblue Continuum Shift Extend (PSV)
8th January: Don’t Starve (PS4)​

Remember that leaving does not mean that you lose the game if you have "purchased" it as a PS+ member. As long as you have an active PS+ subscription all of your previous purchases are accessible to play.
Excellent, thanks Weaste.

Worth reading the comments section too as Chris leaves bits of advice there.

From the comments:
  • They've been looking at getting Plants vs Zombies but not been able to strike a deal with the publisher yet. Doesn't mean it won't come but not planned at the moment.
  • Unsure whether LA Noire will go on IGC as it's not available in all regions which makes it tricky.
  • No plans to discount PS+ subscriptions anytime soon.
  • They've also looked at getting Dragon Age games in the past but not been able to strike a deal with the publisher.
  • Says to hold off buying BioShock Infinite and Persona 4 Golden
  • No plans for Rain, Flower or Star Wars Pinball.
Thanks Damien.

Also it needs to be remembered that you don't need to own a particular system to bank the downloads if you are a PS+ subscriber. Just go to the Sony Entertainment Network and pass the games for the systems you don't own through the checkout. In the future, if you then own one of those systems you'll have a nice library of games to play.
Makes a mockery of Xbox's "games with gold". I don't think I've ever had something I wanted from that but with PS+ in the past few weeks I've had Resogun, Contrast, Remember Me, Grid 2, Dragon's Dogma and LittleBigPlanet racing...then Borderlands 2 and DMC next month? Ridiculous value.
Excellent, thanks Weaste.

Worth reading the comments section too as Chris leaves bits of advice there.

From the comments:
  • They've been looking at getting Plants vs Zombies but not been able to strike a deal with the publisher yet. Doesn't mean it won't come but not planned at the moment.
  • Unsure whether LA Noire will go on IGC as it's not available in all regions which makes it tricky.
  • No plans to discount PS+ subscriptions anytime soon.
  • They've also looked at getting Dragon Age games in the past but not been able to strike a deal with the publisher.
  • Says to hold off buying BioShock Infinite and Persona 4 Golden
  • No plans for Rain, Flower or Star Wars Pinball.

Bioshock and Persona will be included in 12 Deals of Christmas sale I think. I've just grabbed Walking Dead for Vita for £6.
Ridiculous value.

It's as self destruction policy also, as it makes people wait to get things for free. The fact that Soul Sacrifice is there is sad IMO yet they can't give us say Tools of Destruction for PS3? Look at the likes of Tearaway or Puppeteer, people hold of buying them because they expect that they will get them for free. That's not a sustainable business model.

Now that PS+ is required for PS4 online play I have no clue how they can support all of this going forward. Before it was simply the likes of me giving them €50 per year and leeching off them, now.....
Is it not the developers taking the hit in the long term though? Considering the money they will rake in now that PS+ is mandatory for online play, the fees paid to the companies to use their game would surely be minimal in comparison.
It's as self destruction policy also, as it makes people wait to get things for free. The fact that Soul Sacrifice is there is sad IMO yet they can't give us say Tools of Destruction for PS3? Look at the likes of Tearaway or Puppeteer, people hold of buying them because they expect that they will get them for free. That's not a sustainable business model.

Now that PS+ is required for PS4 online play I have no clue how they can support all of this going forward. Before it was simply the likes of me giving them €50 per year and leeching off them, now.....

It'll be a great selling point for PS3 if they can market it well.
Is it not the developers taking the hit in the long term though? Considering the money they will rake in now that PS+ is mandatory for online play, the fees paid to the companies to use their game would surely be minimal in comparison.

I don't think it is. For PS3 they choose games that everyone really into it has already bought and other people would hold off buying them until they got to £10 or around it, and even if they give £1 or £2 per download to a publisher it'll still bring significant money to them as the audience will be vast.

For new games like Resogun it's also a decent deal for developers as even at £1 per download they could give them for having their title in Plus they'll probably receive more money in total than if they charged £7.99 or something for a full game from people who actually got interested.
Is it not the developers taking the hit in the long term though? Considering the money they will rake in now that PS+ is mandatory for online play, the fees paid to the companies to use their game would surely be minimal in comparison.

They would take the hit if all subscribers intended to buy the games at full retail price. However, the games are almost exclusively games which has been out for awhile and on sale more than once. Then, If you factor in the following;

Free publicity
Potential new players
Potential sales and selling DLC

you'll quickly see the benefits for the devs. A couple of devs have their say in this Gamasutra article. It's not perfect of course but it works to some extent and adds a bit of revenue.
Exactly, if people haven't bought DmC or Borderlands 2 until now they likely never would in most cases and through such deal they make sure that they'll reach a wider audience and perhaps their next titles will be more popular. Grid 2 had been on the market for just 6 months before it went free with Plus and didn't even reach the price point of £15 when most people would have probably thought it was priced fairly (for a full price not many bothered).
Gucamelee which is free on vita right now is a nice little game. Although some if the jumpy bits are incredibly frustrating.
Gucamelee which is free on vita right now is a nice little game. Although some if the jumpy bits are incredibly frustrating.
Just started playing this for an hour yesterday afternoon.

Agee it's good quirky fun. Good thing is you effectively have infinite lives so can keep trying those difficult jumps.

Realised yesterday that I must have forgotten to 'purchase' arkham City when it was free a couple of months back. Went to download it yesterday and it was showing as £19.99 :mad:
Gucamelee which is free on vita right now is a nice little game. Although some if the jumpy bits are incredibly frustrating.

Very enjoyable. I got a bit stuck on X'Tabay so I've moved onto Tearaway for a bit, which I've now completed but just got two trophies left to get, then I'll go back to Guacamelee.
Yeah this Guacamelee is awesome, especially for free, although there are some parts I've had to put the Vita down and walk away for a bit because it gets a bit frustrating. Maybe not the exactly correct thread but this is rather mental isn't it?

It's seriously mental and difficult to believe that it has been done without cheating somehow.

Anyway, I have yet to understand the deal of trophies/achievement and why people care about it. I enjoy playing games but I never care to get trophies. Would like to hear from someone who tries to get all/most of them, why he does that.
It's seriously mental and difficult to believe that it has been done without cheating somehow.

Anyway, I have yet to understand the deal of trophies/achievement and why people care about it. I enjoy playing games but I never care to get trophies. Would like to hear from someone who tries to get all/most of them, why he does that.

I quite enjoy going for platinum simply because I like to finish my games (though I fail by and large the majority of the time due to various reasons, mainly lack of time) but I only do this for certain games, it's more just pat on the back and a reason to keep gaming sometimes in games that may have previously been done with.
To be at level 100 you have to basically complete all games ever released for the console, no?
He must be very wealthy or more likely, a collection of tards.
Reading up on him it's insane. Seems to be a full-time 'job' for him and he has a service where he charges $200 or something like that to people to get platinums or regular trophies for them.

If you look at his trophy list, he gets a lot of Japanese games etc, which are apparently dead easy and quick to complete like these:


Well over 100 trophies in little time.

And then there's games he gets for multiple platforms:



I don't really get it. Surely there's plenty of games he purchases and plays that he doesn't enjoy at all, he just buys them as they're easy plats or whatever.
I quite enjoy going for platinum simply because I like to finish my games (though I fail by and large the majority of the time due to various reasons, mainly lack of time) but I only do this for certain games, it's more just pat on the back and a reason to keep gaming sometimes in games that may have previously been done with.

That's fine. Almost all the time I finish the game I start, but I do that for the game not for the trophies. What I cannot understand is people who complete the game in different difficulties to get all the trophies or defeat xxxx amount of enemies on multiplayer. Stuff like that.
He must be very wealthy or more likely, a collection of tards.

Likely some wealthy collection of retards. I doubt that there is only a single person. Especially considering that he plays also for other people (as Damo and that article mentioned). Even if he plays 24 hours a day it will be difficult to achieve that.

Reading up on him it's insane. Seems to be a full-time 'job' for him and he has a service where he charges $200 or something like that to people to get platinums or regular trophies for them.

Well people who pay money to someone (especially big amounts like 200$) are a specie on itself IMO. Those are the ultimate losers.

I don't really get it. Surely there's plenty of games he purchases and plays that he doesn't enjoy at all, he just buys them as they're easy plats or whatever.

Which brings the question: why the hell he does that?
It's seriously mental and difficult to believe that it has been done without cheating somehow.

Anyway, I have yet to understand the deal of trophies/achievement and why people care about it. I enjoy playing games but I never care to get trophies. Would like to hear from someone who tries to get all/most of them, why he does that.

I don't feel I've completed the game unless I've got all trophies/achievements. Thing is, some of them are random as hell anyway. Or near impossible / too time consuming. I'd like to get all trophies, but it's more tedious than anything now IMO
I actually wish they'd have another list for "completion" of story modes of games, so you can see how much of the main game has been complete or how many you've completed.
Bioshock and Persona will be included in 12 Deals of Christmas sale I think. I've just grabbed Walking Dead for Vita for £6.

I bought it too and just finished it now (not done 400 days yet, but done the main five episodes). Would definitely recommend it to anyone.

I think P4G will probably be out on the 12th deal along with TLOU
Jaguar boss in Guacamellee is a right bastard. Took me upwards of 50 attempts.

Did the second to last boss in about ten attempts, but the final boss is making me want to give up. Ridiculous attacks which remove a third of my health versus mine on him which remove 1/20th of his health.
Right, what's up with Guacamelee and not being able to turn back from a bloody chicken? I'm stuck in this form infinitely and only a game restart will turn me back.

Thought it would be much earlier than that?
It will be. It was supposed to be Early 2014 and it'll be released in Japan at PS4 launch in late February so that's the latest it could come out in Europe.
Completed Guacamalee last night. Its a right cnut at times but well worth it.

I may go back and pick up chests and orbs I missed
Exactly, if people haven't bought DmC or Borderlands 2 until now they likely never would in most cases and through such deal they make sure that they'll reach a wider audience and perhaps their next titles will be more popular. Grid 2 had been on the market for just 6 months before it went free with Plus and didn't even reach the price point of £15 when most people would have probably thought it was priced fairly (for a full price not many bothered).

Ok, I get this as being publicity, but I also now see people holding off buying games because they hold on for it to appear on PS+.
3 games I bought for almost full price were free in PS+ less than two months after I bought them. Far Cry 3, Dragon's Dogma, and Sleeping Dogs.

I tend to think a long time nowadays before buying a game.