Gaming PlayStation 5

The series S is great at £250 but the digital ps5 for £360 could be even better value.

Depends on the games but if you like Sony's first-party titles then it's not up for debate which is the better value.

Third-party gamers will be finding it toughest to decide.
Anyone that’s looking a 4K blu ray player go for the PS5 disc version.
I have dreamed of that Harry Potter game since I was a kid, looks simply amazing. I have never been into Final Fantasy, but that looked pretty damn good. Spiderman will obviously be great.

Pricepoint is good, think I will have to go for the full spec one as I have a load of PS4 games I would like to be able to play.

Just a shame we get it a week after the yanks
I'd be tempted by the Digital but i get Fifa at launch every year and that's usually a hefty mark up on Digital.
I'd be tempted by the Digital but i get Fifa at launch every year and that's usually a hefty mark up on Digital.
It'll be cheaper in the long run if you get the disc version. Feck paying full price on the PS Store for games when you can find physical copies for like half price after it's been out for a few weeks. Plus you can resell them.
Amazon U.K. will surely announce if they’re taking preorders tomorrow right?
No launch games I'm interested in but at this point I've gotten the last two Playstations at launch so I'd be breaking a sacred tradition by not getting it again this time.
Just pre-ordered disc version. Was chatting with a friend while watching and talked about the games we hoped for, I mentioned bloodborne 2 and god of war 2 would have me pre-order, but I saw neither and after I shut down the stream as the show was ending he said "now you're hyped, eh?" and I just said no, not really, Ff16 will be good but is far away and I'd just get it on PC. Then I see you mad lads on here talk about god of war.:lol:
Getting mine from Argos hopefully and if they do a midnight launch I'll be FaceTiming the Caf live as I get it.
Do you think they will pre order tomorrow? I’ll be getting mine from it too as I have a voucher for them.
I would love to go digital, I have been all digital on PC for a decade. But I absolutely refuse to pay more for a digital version than a physical one, that shit drives me nuts and they need to stop it.
Yeah, the mathematical gymnastics stateside would drive me nuts. At least we get the full whammy in one go!

First thing I did was find a Levi’s jacket I thought was really cheap and then was shocked when they added tax at the till :lol: still bought it