Gaming PlayStation 5 | Forza Horizon 5 coming Spring 2025

Not too bothered about prices honestly. Of course I prefer free if possible, otherwise it is what it is.
Deaths door is excellent. Played on game pass last year

I honestly thought Dreams was free to play.
Loved Deaths Door. Terrific ost. One of the tunes was so good it still keeps popping up in my head.
Btw media molecule is making a neat looking train puzzle game that is coming to Dreams on August 1st.
I finally started Returnal yesterday.
Do i suck at the game if i havent even finished the 1st biome in my first 7 runs? Ive been to the boss twice but couldnt manage to beat him.

Compared to other roguelikes like Hades or Dead Cells i feel that there are less permanent Upgrades in Returnal, is that right?
I only have the sword, the key to the house and another permanent Upgraded so far.

Is it possible to upgrade life or weapon damage permanently?

Im also never spending eather during the run and save it to spend it on that strange stone at the beginning. Is that right?

Any other tips for beginners?
I finally started Returnal yesterday.
Do i suck at the game if i havent even finished the 1st biome in my first 7 runs? Ive been to the boss twice but couldnt manage to beat him.

Compared to other roguelikes like Hades or Dead Cells i feel that there are less permanent Upgrades in Returnal, is that right?
I only have the sword, the key to the house and another permanent Upgraded so far.

Is it possible to upgrade life or weapon damage permanently?

Im also never spending eather during the run and save it to spend it on that strange stone at the beginning. Is that right?

Any other tips for beginners?
Getting through the first biome is easily the biggest barrier in the game so don’t be deterred. I found the other 5 tended to get progressively easier.

there aren’t permanent upgrades like in Hades no but you should make sure to max out the weapon abilities when you pick those up. Otherwise you just kinda need to get good at figuring out how to maximise your health bar and what items to buy like the mini astronaut etc.
I finally started Returnal yesterday.
Do i suck at the game if i havent even finished the 1st biome in my first 7 runs? Ive been to the boss twice but couldnt manage to beat him.

Compared to other roguelikes like Hades or Dead Cells i feel that there are less permanent Upgrades in Returnal, is that right?
I only have the sword, the key to the house and another permanent Upgraded so far.

Is it possible to upgrade life or weapon damage permanently?

Im also never spending eather during the run and save it to spend it on that strange stone at the beginning. Is that right?

Any other tips for beginners?

Don't put a limit on yourself like that, it could take lots of tries. But once you crack that first biome, as Spanner said (and he should know, he's poop at games), it does click and get progressively easier.

You don't retain a lot, no, but you do unlock chances of finding better gear and so you can build a class that you like that way. As for health, don't rush to pick everything up at once, save some for later. For the boss don't be afraid of going in with the basic pistol if the weapon you find yourself with isn't suiting you.

Most of all, forget about where you are shooting and focus on the movement and getting used to dodging around the areas. Not getting hit is way more important than dealing damage, once you realise the enemy patterns are predictable (especially the bosses) you'll find the whole thing way easier.
I finally started Returnal yesterday.
Do i suck at the game if i havent even finished the 1st biome in my first 7 runs? Ive been to the boss twice but couldnt manage to beat him.

Compared to other roguelikes like Hades or Dead Cells i feel that there are less permanent Upgrades in Returnal, is that right?
I only have the sword, the key to the house and another permanent Upgraded so far.

Is it possible to upgrade life or weapon damage permanently?

Im also never spending eather during the run and save it to spend it on that strange stone at the beginning. Is that right?

Any other tips for beginners?
Avoiding damage is more important than dealing it.
Theres a few options that are worth changing. I think you can set it to auto sprint and a couple of others that make life a lot easier. It gets easier, its pretty plain sailing once you beat the 2nd biome. Some of the weapons you unlock later can be hilariously overpowered and you'll tear through stuff thats normally hard. Weapon you unlock in 2nd biome is very strong. If you're full health when you pick up a healing item it'll increase your max hp. Its not a permanent upgrade but trying to maximise healing items is kind of part of the game. Leveling up weapon perks makes a big difference.
Ether is a bit of a balancing act. The stone at the start unlocks new items that you'll run into on future runs and thats the primary use. Using it during a run to top your health off or get a second life is pretty useful too though. If your having a good run and have a good weapon use it during the run imo.
Thanks for the many replies!

One question regarding the weapon upgrades. I mostly use the "machine gun" (forgot the name) so far and two times there was a popup saying i unlocked a weapon upgrade. In the next run after i picked up this weapon again, i looked in the menu und couldnt see any permanent upgrade?
Thanks for the many replies!

One question regarding the weapon upgrades. I mostly use the "machine gun" (forgot the name) so far and two times there was a popup saying i unlocked a weapon upgrade. In the next run after i picked up this weapon again, i looked in the menu und couldnt see any permanent upgrade?
Each time you pick up a weapon, it randomly gets assigned traits. It's these traits you unlock by killing enemies with the weapon. Even if you've unlocked a couple, next time you pick up the weapon, it might get assigned other traits, which you still need to unlock. If you look at the weapon in the menu, you should see the weapon trait names with their ranks next to it. If there's a lock symbol with a percentage next to it, you're still working towards unlocking it. You should also see these when comparing weapons in the field before you pick them up.

That's your main meta-progression. Just keep playing the game and keep working towards to unlocking weapon traits, and your damage output will increase, even if you don't necessarily notice it at first. Early on, it might be worth it to constantly pick up weapons with locked traits, to make sure you're still unlocking stuff. By the end of the game, certain weapons with the right rank 3 traits will absolutely demolish everything in your path.

By the way, conserving your ether and only spending it at the start of each run is perfectly fine. Unlocking new items adds them to the random pool for each subsequent run, so keep doing that until you've exhausted the options.
Thanks for the many replies!

One question regarding the weapon upgrades. I mostly use the "machine gun" (forgot the name) so far and two times there was a popup saying i unlocked a weapon upgrade. In the next run after i picked up this weapon again, i looked in the menu und couldnt see any permanent upgrade?

You have to find the weapons with the upgrades. What you've unlocked is the chance to find that upgrade. So you can go hunting for the build you want and hope to get lucky basically.

I will say that whilst some of the weapon traits are cool and useful (like shield breaking, or power), they aren't the be all and end all. The basic weapon you are comfortable with is more important.
Mute PS5 beep sound. You can now mute or adjust the volume of the PS5’s beep sound when turning it on or off, or putting it in rest mode.

Go to [Settings] > [System] > [Beep Sound].
To adjust the beep sound volume, select [Volume].
To mute the beep sound, turn on [Mute Beep Sound].

I've got stick drift again on a brand new controller I bought in April.

@Damien what's my best option here since there's no warranty I think. Bought direct from Sony but their site is a ball ache to navigate and sort a repair.
I've got stick drift again on a brand new controller I bought in April.

@Damien what's my best option here since there's no warranty I think. Bought direct from Sony but their site is a ball ache to navigate and sort a repair.
Note that I would never advocate doing this, but I've heard some unscrupulous people buy another, swap out the controllers and return.
It's annoying there's no calibration option on the PS5 to check it as well like you have on Switch.

Also why the feck is it so prone to drift. Annoying and impossible to play with once that happens.
Mute PS5 beep sound. You can now mute or adjust the volume of the PS5’s beep sound when turning it on or off, or putting it in rest mode.

Go to [Settings] > [System] > [Beep Sound].
To adjust the beep sound volume, select [Volume].
To mute the beep sound, turn on [Mute Beep Sound].


This might just be the greatest QOL update in the history of gaming.

My wife and son can hear this beep even if they are in another country at the time it happens
I finally started Returnal yesterday.
Do i suck at the game if i havent even finished the 1st biome in my first 7 runs? Ive been to the boss twice but couldnt manage to beat him.

Compared to other roguelikes like Hades or Dead Cells i feel that there are less permanent Upgrades in Returnal, is that right?
I only have the sword, the key to the house and another permanent Upgraded so far.

Is it possible to upgrade life or weapon damage permanently?

Im also never spending eather during the run and save it to spend it on that strange stone at the beginning. Is that right?

Any other tips for beginners?
Dunno if anyone else answered about it specifically but yes, keep using your money to unlock artifacts at the beginning of the run. They can drop anywhere from that moment onwards and some are game changers...