Gaming PlayStation 5 | Forza Horizon 5 coming Spring 2025

As always guys take everything you read with a large pinch of salt, even Cerny's comments.

Not only do these things change constantly right up until final manufacture (remember the memory stuff this gen?), but anyone who actually knows what they are talking about will put out red herrings as not to piss of the people they are getting info from. Everyone else are clueless or mostly fake ITKs :lol:

Speculation is fun, but don't fall into the trap of arguing about this stuff when the 'news' of what M$ are doing next drops.

You heard anything interesting? You were very concerned about this gen's CPU (bottleneck) way before they came out.
No worries Mr P, sorry for my overreaction a tad. :(. It was my moment to shine (& instead, blew my load prematurely:nervous:)...xoxoxo

Hahaha sure afro. You're probably one of the more tech-savvy members on here - or well, in the gaming part at least.
feck Cina though, amirite?

  • 8 core AMD 7nm Zen 2 based on third generation Ryzen.
  • Ray-tracing support with custom AMD Navi GPU.
  • Custom AMD unit for 3D Audio, also aided by ray-tracing, a big upgrade.
  • Extremely fast high-end custom SSD storage faster than any solution currently available for PC:
    Spider-Man load times on PS4 Pro: 15 seconds → 0.8 seconds on next-gen PlayStation.
  • Technically supports 8K but Cerny demoed Spider-Man load speed improvements on a 4K screen.
  • New Virtual Reality platform strongly hinted at but also supports current PSVR (meaning millions of VR users 'day one').
  • Death Stranding might be a cross-gen title (speculation in article based on Cerny reply).
  • Physical Media.
  • Backwards Compatible with at least PS4.
  • Four years in development so far.
  • 2020 release
More details in the article:

Most exciting bit for me :D
At the moment there a bit expensive here and besides my big 1080p does the job, I wanna feel like I have no choice before investing in one of those beauties.

Depending what it is you're watching the difference isn't always massive. The 4K demonstration vids are unreal. Looks almost like it's coming out of the screen. If something is filmed with a grain though I don't think the difference is particularly amazing, at least not on a normal size tv.
Presumably with gaming it pops more.
Depending what it is you're watching the difference isn't always massive. The 4K demonstration vids are unreal. Looks almost like it's coming out of the screen. If something is filmed with a grain though I don't think the difference is particularly amazing, at least not on a normal size tv.
Presumably with gaming it pops more.
It'd mainly be for videogames but I'm sure it'll have other use too
The problem with dev kits is they look nothing like the finished design

Which is clearly this:

It's certainly ugly enough to be a dev kit going off previous designs.

Imagine if that was actually the console? Damn.
Currently have:
PS4 Pro
3x PS3
PS Classic
2x PSP
2x PS Vita

Safe to say I'll be getitng at least 6 of these.

I very much doubt it.

That V-shape top is not the slightest bit conducive to effective cooling. If the PS5 is going to be capable of reaching RTX 2080 levels of performance, it's going to need a really effective solution.

Not that I claim to be an expert. But I know enough about custom PC builds to have some idea. The heat exhausts from left and right will just be blowing into each and slowing down air flow. If that's the shape of either the Dev kit or the final product, expect to see a shit ton of breakdowns from overheating.

EDIT: Unless the middle is the intake and the outer sides are the exhausts. But even then, it doesn't seem like the ideal shape to me. Oh, well... we'll see.
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Why do you have so many?

The duplicates are just from friends that know I'm effectively collecting/fanboying.

I originally planned to have one of each and then got given the extras and couldn't really say no even though it made no sense. I'm a hoarder I guess along with a massive PlayStation fan.
It could be shaped like a dick for all I care. Sony consoles are always worth buying for the exclusives anyway.