Gaming PlayStation 5 | Forza Horizon 5 coming Spring 2025

Anybody played through the Metro games?

Metro Redux is £4.99 on the PS Store at the moment. Never played one of them.
FF7R has completely sucked me in. I've put 20 hours in already and have just started chapter 11. The combat is a bit unbalanced in that I have taken down some bosses fairly easily only to then be annihilated by a group of bandits who have those damn electric AoE mines which stun you for about 30 seconds while they all hit you.

Overall though, a really fun game.
FF7R has completely sucked me in. I've put 20 hours in already and have just started chapter 11. The combat is a bit unbalanced in that I have taken down some bosses fairly easily only to then be annihilated by a group of bandits who have those damn electric AoE mines which stun you for about 30 seconds while they all hit you.

Overall though, a really fun game.

Same, although I find the combat incredibly easy. I'm yet to die and I've just reached the Corneo chapter.

It's made me want to get one of the older ones to play with the traditional combat
Same, although I find the combat incredibly easy. I'm yet to die and I've just reached the Corneo chapter.

It's made me want to get one of the older ones to play with the traditional combat
Yeah what's the deal with that? It started out fairly difficult but now I'm feeling op. Chapter 11 too...
Returnal looks like the kind of game you'll want to immediately returnal after you've bought it.
I picked classic combat. I died all the time in the original so not sure what's going on, apart from me being 25 years older.
Classic combat automatically puts the difficulty on easy as well, which is stupid imo. It should be an option separate from difficulty. The good thing about classic is that AI party members fill their ATB gauges more efficiently, without having to constantly babysit them. On the other hand, I guess constantly switching is sort of the point of this battle system.
Classic combat automatically puts the difficulty on easy as well, which is stupid imo. It should be an option separate from difficulty. The good thing about classic is that AI party members fill their ATB gauges more efficiently, without having to constantly babysit them. On the other hand, I guess constantly switching is sort of the point of this battle system.

Ahh, that explains it. So what will i lose if I change from classic now?

Also I rarely switch character, but that might be because it's so easy.
I figured it'd be at least normal difficulty, but with proper turn based battles. Looks like I couldn't have been more wrong.
Classic and easy is same difficulty. Think the only difference is in classic you just give commands. I wish they had that mode but with normal difficulty. I want to experience proper turn based combat and don't wanna be arsed with actually executing any moves.
Ahh, that explains it. So what will i lose if I change from classic now?

Also I rarely switch character, but that might be because it's so easy.

On the default mode (non-classic), you have use basic attacks (square) and special attacks (triangle) to build up your character's ATB gauge. You also need to dodge and defend/parry manually, if necessary. I haven't actually tried classic myself, but from what I've read it does all of those things automatically for you. Your AI party members also won't do much by themselves. They'll build up ATB at a snail's pace, so you actively have to switch characters to build up ATB so you can use spells and abilities. If you want to have characters unleash specific abilities in sequence, you'll first need to rotate between them so they have filled ATB segments ready. It can be slightly annoying at first, but fortunately switching between characters on the fly is all very quick and intuitive.
I haven't actually tried classic myself, but from what I've read it does all of those things automatically for you.
Basically similar to how it is in persona 5 then right? I don't mind that as long as there's enough strategy involved in selecting the commands. I remember playing the demo of this game on non classic and that wasn't really tough either. But in the turn based combat I've played so far I generally prefer being more involved in the strategy side of things than actual combat. Will start this soon and see what suits me. Think I've selected normal as of now.
Basically similar to how it is in persona 5 then right? I don't mind that as long as there's enough strategy involved in selecting the commands. I remember playing the demo of this game on non classic and that wasn't really tough either. But in the turn based combat I've played so far I generally prefer being more involved in the strategy side of things than actual combat. Will start this soon and see what suits me. Think I've selected normal as of now.
I wouldn't say it is similar to P5 at all. P5 is actual turn-based gameplay, there's nothing turn-based about FFVII remake, regardless of what mode you're playing. Classic still plays essentially the same as normal, except that the AI takes over part of the combat and the game partially plays itself. Command selection for all characters is the same in both modes, only the ATB accumulation is different.
I wouldn't say it is similar to P5 at all. P5 is actual turn-based gameplay, there's nothing turn-based about FFVII remake, regardless of what mode you're playing. Classic still plays essentially the same as normal, except that the AI takes over part of the combat and the game partially plays itself. Command selection for all characters is the same in both modes, only the ATB accumulation is different.
Cheers. I was hoping to get a bit of that turn based combat fix after starting with FF. I guess not. :(
I will recommend Nioh 1&2, Dark Souls 1-3, Demons Souls Remake, Bloodborne, Sekiro, God of War, The Witcher 3, Hollow Knight, Shovel Knight, Bloodstained ritual of the night, Darkest Dungeon, Persona 5, Nier Automata, Dragon Quest 11, YS 8, FF7 remake, Ni no kuni 1&2 & Ghost of Tsushima.

These are mostly rpgs, but out of those I've bolded the ones I think anyone should play if only for the experience.
Great list.

Just been reading this article. It's been three months since Cyberpunk was on of the PS store. Pretty crazy. At this rate, they're surely going to forgo the release of the PS4 version and go straight to the current-gen, which is something they probably should have done in the first place. Still mental how much they fecked this game up.

Also, I don't see much discussion about the game in general. It came out, got everyone talking about it for all the wrong reasons, then just disappeared seemingly forgotten by everyone. The whole thing is bizarre.

Just been reading this article. It's been three months since Cyberpunk was on of the PS store. Pretty crazy. At this rate, they're surely going to forgo the release of the PS4 version and go straight to the current-gen, which is something they probably should have done in the first place. Still mental how much they fecked this game up.

Also, I don't see much discussion about the game in general. It came out, got everyone talking about it for all the wrong reasons, then just disappeared seemingly forgotten by everyone. The whole thing is bizarre.
Genuinely forgot about that game. :lol:

Will pick it up when it gets good I expect.
Genuinely forgot about that game. :lol:

Will pick it up when it gets good I expect.

I think the majority of people have!

The game was always overhyped, but still crazy how it has seemingly died. Really does take some doing for a publisher that was so well regarded to torch their reputation as quickly as they did. The whole thing is quite fascinating.
I think the majority of people have!

The game was always overhyped, but still crazy how it has seemingly died. Really does take some doing for a publisher that was so well regarded to torch their reputation as quickly as they did. The whole thing is quite fascinating.
I haven’t even seen it in shops (not that I have been to a shop recently), when they do the ps5 patch I might consider it, although it sounds like the AI in it are just awful.
I haven’t even seen it in shops (not that I have been to a shop recently), when they do the ps5 patch I might consider it, although it sounds like the AI in it are just awful.

Yeah, I'll wait for the proper PS5 patch. Which at this rate, will probably be the end of the year. I'm in no rush, really. The game sounds pretty average aside from all the bugs, etc.
And Horizon Zero Dawn, not played that.
It’s a very good game tbf! You’d think bow and arrows v robots would be stupid but they make it work.

It would however great benefit from a 60fps patch.
Awesome to see Subnautica on there. Was going to buy that game a few weeks ago as it looks interesting.

I'm assuming the complete edition of Horizon includes The Frozen Wilds DLC? Played the main game but never played that. Be cool of so.
Streets of Rage 4 is currently £12.99 on the PS Store if anyone is interested in it. Seems a great price. Although you may want to wait until the April PS Plus games are announced just in case this is one of them!
It’s a very good game tbf! You’d think bow and arrows v robots would be stupid but they make it work.

It would however great benefit from a 60fps patch.
Amazing game but be prepared for some long losing times.
Awesome! :)

The main game is incredible.
It’s a great game
Thanks. So many first party games that I've had the opportunity to play this past year - Uncharted 1-4, Days Gone, God of War, Bloodborne (still playing) and now HZD
Thanks. So many first party games that I've had the opportunity to play this past year - Uncharted 1-4, Days Gone, God of War, Bloodborne (still playing) and now HZD
I’ve seen you mentioned you like getting platinums too. Horizon is a pretty easy platinum