PlayStation 2


nice guy, unassuming, objective United fan.
Jan 21, 2004
So I found out today that I could get one for £40, and games for this are £2 to £4 a piece, so I jumped at the chance and bought it!

I'll stuck it in my bedroom because PS3 occupies my living room, and there's no point playing PS2 on a 42" TV anyway, 32" gives a far better picture and it actually doesn't look that bad on a plasma screen from what I've seen. I'm waiting on my PS2 to be delivered though and I'll buy a TV next week so I don't know how it's going to look on my particular TV.

So far I've bought the obvious titles like San Andreas, Vice City, MGS2&3, Gran Turismo 4, both Max Payne games, Hitman games etc. Oh, and Bully as I've never played it, think it's been released as Canis Canem Edit here. Can't believe that I only paid £40 for about 15 games, it's so freaking cheap compared to what I have to shell out for PS3 games, hell - they cost as much as a fecking bag of chips.

What other games should I get? I don't have a clue because I last owned one in 2006 and haven't played ever since, being predominately occupied with Xboxes and then PS3.
if i was you id just modify it for the hell of it

i am a nuisance for stuff like that though, i see a console and instantly wana open it.
Get all the Ratchet and Clank games on the PS2 (I think there are 3). Awesome series.

I know, I used to play them when I had the PS2 back in the old times, I'll get it definitely!

Shadow of the Colossus.

It's so expensive, £16 is the cheapest I could find, what's so different about this game? Is it new?

if i was you id just modify it for the hell of it

i am a nuisance for stuff like that though, i see a console and instantly wana open it.

The one that I've ordered has already been modified, it's supposed to be able to read movies on USB, but there's no chip inserted so I don't know how it works.
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty

Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater

Basically the reason why the PS2 was invented.

Aside from that, Tomb Raider. Not as good on PS2 as PSOne, but still worth a go

Same with Crash Bandicoots.

Tony Hawks?
I bought one from a friend last year when I was bored. £30 for the console, 2 controlers and 16 games. Bargain. Had a good 2 or 3 weeks worth of play out of it and then put it in the loft with the rest of my consoles.

I don't collect them, but discovered the other day that I now own:

NES, SNES, MasterSystem (wont work :(), MegaDrive, N64, Dreamcast, PS1,2 and 3, Xbox and I have a RROD Xbox360 that I kept for some reason. I have various boxed, some unboxed and a very random selection of games. Some classics, some I can't even remember playing. Probably about 150 games between all the consoles. Oh I also have a Gameboy, Colour and Advance, a GameGear and a DS and the original PSP. Again, various original boxes but most of the handhelds are with their games in carry cases.

Strangely enough, aside from the Snes, N64, Xbox and PS1, PSP and PS3 I bought all these consoles when their haydeys were just over so probably spent less than £1000 for the lot over the years.

If I was to sell that, any idea what it would be worth?
MGS 2 & 3
Tony Hawk's series
Hitman: Blood Money
Tekken 5
Gran Turismo 3 & 4
Twisted Metal Black
Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory
Silent Hill 2
God of War 1 & 2
Fight Night Round 3
Devil May Cry 1,2 & 3
Resident Evil 4

Some of the best games ever made tbf.
You MUST get Kingdom Hearts. Easily the best game of the Playstation 2 era imo. It fuses Disney with Final Fantasy with real time fighting. And a great storyline to boot.

I saw a playstation 2 on ebay the other day go for £20.

But seriously:
Kingdom Hearts
Kingdom Hearts II
God of War
God of War II
MGS 2 & 3
Tony Hawk's series
Hitman: Blood Money
Tekken 5
Gran Turismo 3 & 4
Twisted Metal Black
Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory
Silent Hill 2
God of War 1 & 2
Fight Night Round 3
Devil May Cry 1,2 & 3
Resident Evil 4

Some of the best games ever made tbf.

Devil May Cry! How could I forget, one of the best games I played when I had it.

You have a PS3 right? Why not simply wait for the HD remastered version that will be out soon?

I have a PS3, yes.

GT5 about to be released.
New Twisted Metal not far off.
GOW - Both available in HD remasters.

But GT4 is still a very fine game, and I'll have my PS2 in a different room so I could use a racing game from time to time here, GOW costs three times as much for PS3 so I don't see a point really but I won't be buying that anyway since I'm not into it very much.

I wonder how big a shock will be when I start playing it regularly and then switch between a PS2 and a PS3, because of the graphics. The gap is probably greater than between PS1 and PS2, but I think I'll still be able to enjoy those games because from what I've seen they don't look THAT bad. has the GOW collection so I & II, for 16.99 brand new. That's 8.50 per game. Where are you finding the PS2 versions for less than 3 quid?

Online auctions, God of War I is sold for £3 in a pack with Prince of Persia and God of War II goes for £5.

I paid £4 for Gran Turismo 4, £6 for San Andreas, £1 for GTA3, £2 for Mafia, £1 for Max Payne, £3 for Max Payne 2, £3 for Hitman Contracts, £2 for Hitman 2. Admittedly MGS3 was expensive - £8! Can't believe how cheap those games are, when I had the PS2 I used to pay £30 for a used game, now I basically spent £50 on games and ordered 15 top titles!
Final Fantasy X, God of War 1 & 2, Resident Evil 4, Shadow of the Colossus, Ico, Tekken Tag, Devil May Cry...
RPG's: Persona 3 FES, Persona 4, Dragon Quest 8, Rogue Galaxy, Dark Chronicles, Final Fantasy X, Final Fantasy 12, Digital Devil Saga 1&2.

Action Games: Kingdom Hearts 1&2, Metal Gear Solid 2&3, GTA (3, Vice City, San Andreas), Okami, Prince of Persia trilogy, Jak and Daxter trilogy, Ratchet and Clank games, Devil May Cry trilogy, Silent Hill 2, Resident Evil 4, Beyond Good and Evil, Spiderman 2

Sports: Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3, Tony Hawk Underground 1&2, SSX3, Burnout Revenge, Gran Turismo 3

Others: Tekken Tag, Katamari Damacy

Games you should get but might as well get HD remakes: Ico, Shadow of the Colossus (superb game), God Of War 1&2, Sly Cooper trilogy.

That should keep you going for a while.
Devil May Cry! How could I forget, one of the best games I played when I had it.

I have a PS3, yes.

But GT4 is still a very fine game, and I'll have my PS2 in a different room so I could use a racing game from time to time here, GOW costs three times as much for PS3 so I don't see a point really but I won't be buying that anyway since I'm not into it very much.

I wonder how big a shock will be when I start playing it regularly and then switch between a PS2 and a PS3, because of the graphics. The gap is probably greater than between PS1 and PS2, but I think I'll still be able to enjoy those games because from what I've seen they don't look THAT bad.

Which one is officially the biggest difference in graphics PS1-PS2 or PS2-PS3, also where does the PSP fit in, i suppose its better than the PS1 but not as good as a PS2?
I loved the Syphon Filter games. Were they PS1 or 2?

Most were PS1, I think Syphon Filter 4 was on the PS2. Loved the guys name, Gabe Logan... nice.

Syphon Filter 2 was great, the first level was pretty epic with the parachuting in, i always remember there was a secret supply of ammo in a cliff part way through a chase with a guy who's name i can't remember.

EDIT: Just found out the guy's name was Chase, not sure if that's ironic or not.
Pexbo you can fix that Xbox360 ya know?

I think this ones long dead and buried to be honest, my friend gave it to me for my collection and said he's tried all the ways to get it going. It's one of the original models I think the "core" or something like that.

I'll have a go at getting it working though cause I was actually thinking of buying a new 360 for Fable 3.
Yer he was quite hard in the second one and all. Especially as he's got that move where he literally depletes all of your HP in one swift move.

Eventually took him out after about 12 tries. He was much more difficult than Xemnas was.

Theyr'e building up the story nicely as well with the success of Birth By Sleep. Can't wait for the next installment to come out.
Do you like RPG's Sarni? Seems you're more of an action gamer by the looks of things.

I prefer my games set in a real world, that's why I'm very excited to be able to play the likes of the GTA, Max Payne and Hitman again. And I'll finally be able to play Bully, I was excited by it before it came out and had a pre-order placed but I didn't have a PS2 when it was finally released.