Players & managers react to the Super League

Do you go around threads throwing cheap points around?

This is a group of people that actually have a platform with reach that can help whatever can happen gain momentum, and you want to spend time calling them hypocrites? Sit down and work on your goddamn timing

I personally don't think this is that big a deal. And in 10 years not many people will either. e.g Despite all the talk about Glazers out, nearly 20 years later United still fills OT every game, away fans are the best around and revenue has grown massively.

Most people love to moan and follow the crowd.

Once again. You’re missing the point. What stinks about this isn’t just about money. It’s about locking away an elite pool of clubs. Saying they’re better than all the other clubs and always will be. Which is, of course, bullshit. And couldn’t be made clearer right now, thanks to the current league positions of Arsenal, Liverpool and Spurs.

And you are ignoring my point. Herrera joined a team that is doing the exact same thing in France. No team in France can even remotely compete with PSG in terms of financial power.
Some foreign players maybe, but academy players that have come up through grassroots should definitely see what this means and speak up.

What do you mean not 100% official ? Every club made a statement . It is official. But it may fail to materialise and that's why players need to overwhelmingly speak out now.

Well all the reliable journalists and sports marketing people in my country have been insinuating this isn't exactly set in stone yet. The general concensus seems to be that this Super League probably will not materialize, at least not in the next two or three years. It's basically the start of a very tough negotiation by the clubs in order to make sure they get more money from UEFA, and also even more influence, guaranteed placement for the CL instead of qualifiers, stuff like that.

Every club involved put the same rather generic statement on their website yesterday, I saw that. But other than that... If you look at things like the lawsuits that need to be worked out, signing new sponsor contracts with a bunch of new parties, deciding how they'll broadcast this league, logistics and infrastructure, other commerical aspects that need to be worked out before you can start such a new big league, the COVID insecurity...

It doesn't seem particularly realistic that the Super League will start in 4 months, that would be 16 weeks from now. Unless the UEFA (and FIFA) go ballastic and force the clubs to play this hand, but that wouldn't exactly be in the UEFA's best interest, quite the opposite actually because they'd lose the clubs that have been responsible for bringing in the most money so yeah.

The players could play a part yes, but again, why would they be particularly opposed to this new concept at this point in time? They probably understand it's not 100% set in stone yet, presumably are instructed by their employers to keep their opinions for themselves, so why make a big fuss right now?
Well all the reliable journalists and sports marketing people in my country have been insinuating this isn't exactly set in stone yet. The general concensus seems to be that this Super League probably will not materialize, at least not in the next two or three years. It's basically the start of a very tough negotiation by the clubs in order to make sure they get more money from UEFA, and also even more influence.

Every club put the same rather generic statement on their website yesterday, I saw that. But other than that... If you look at things like the lawsuits that need to be worked out, signing new sponsor contracts with a bunch of parties, logistics and infrastructure, other commerical aspects that need to be worked out before you can start such a new big league, COVID insecuterity... It doesn't seem particularly realistic that the Super League will start in 4 months, that would be 16 weeks from now. Unless the UEFA and FIFA go ballastic and force the clubs to play this hand, but that wouldn't exactly be in the UEFA or FIFA's interest, so yeah.

The players could play a part yes, but again, why would they be particularly opposed to this new concept at this point in time? They probably understand it's not 100% set in stone yet so why make a big fuss right now?
And I heard on Sky today that they were aiming for start this August. The important thing is the statement of intent which may have burned a bridge too many.
I personally don't think this is that big a deal. And in 10 years not many people will either. e.g Despite all the talk about Glazers out, nearly 20 years later United still fills OT every game, away fans are the best around and revenue has grown massively.

Most people love to moan and follow the crowd.

And you are ignoring my point. Herrera joined a team that is doing the exact same thing in France. No team in France can even remotely compete with PSG in terms of financial power.

That is true.

In the league, Lilla are leading ahead of PSG, with Monaco following 1 point behind, and Lyon 1 point behind there again. These are clubs that are competing with PSG and would normally have a shot at a Champions League slot. That is now likely being taken away, depending a bit on what the rules fort the 5 "visiting teams" will be.

Herrera left the club because we let the contract run down and PSG made him a better offer than we were wiling to. I'm not sure what there is to criticize about that.

People moan when they are unhappy about a result, or a bad pass.

People become furious when something they genuinely love gets taken away from them with no motivation other than finances, lead by bankers and investors that genuinely do not care about the fans that spend so many hours following the clubs they love. It's fine that you don't have any type of meaningful connection to the contests, but a lot of us do, and we are beyond pissed off.
Well all the reliable journalists and sports marketing people in my country have been insinuating this isn't exactly set in stone yet. The general concensus seems to be that this Super League probably will not materialize, at least not in the next two or three years. It's basically the start of a very tough negotiation by the clubs in order to make sure they get more money from UEFA, and also even more influence.

Every club put the same rather generic statement on their website yesterday, I saw that. But other than that... If you look at things like the lawsuits that need to be worked out, signing new sponsor contracts with a bunch of parties, logistics and infrastructure, other commerical aspects that need to be worked out before you can start such a new big league, COVID insecuterity... It doesn't seem particularly realistic that the Super League will start in 4 months, that would be 16 weeks from now. Unless the UEFA and FIFA go ballastic and force the clubs to play this hand, but that wouldn't exactly be in the UEFA or FIFA's interest, so yeah.

The players could play a part yes, but again, why would they be particularly opposed to this new concept at this point in time? They probably understand it's not 100% set in stone yet so why make a big fuss right now?

And you believe JP Morgan would partake in such a staged action?

Also, if the associations called the bluff, the clubs would be relegated to the lowest tier, having to play 8 years of amateur football without big TV revenues. They'd lose hundred of millions of player value and probably have billions of opportunity costs. No way they'd risk so much without being sure that they could just play their super league.

To be honest, I think they're a bit surprised by the severity of the reactions. I doubt they expected to be excluded from domestic leagues. They don't think the associations will be so consequent.
Then explain to me how it's false since you keep repeating the same nonsense in every thread. Cause and effect.

The fact that rich owners have bought clubs in a league where each team has that opportunity, is completely different to this proposed SL. It's not hard. Plenty of clubs have extremely rich owners.
I personally don't think this is that big a deal. And in 10 years not many people will either. e.g Despite all the talk about Glazers out, nearly 20 years later United still fills OT every game, away fans are the best around and revenue has grown massively.

Most people love to moan and follow the crowd.

And you are ignoring my point. Herrera joined a team that is doing the exact same thing in France. No team in France can even remotely compete with PSG in terms of financial power.
Some people love to go against the 'crowd' because it makes them feel more intelligent than they really are.
Teams cant compete financially with PSG, but they can compete in football, note that PSG Aren't top of their league. There is a clear difference between a team getting huge over the top investment (Which is a problem) and a bunch of the so called top clubs deciding to join together and leave one of its greatest competitions, instead opting to take part in an American style 'Super League' which is designed to destory competition so that a select few businessmen can extract billions out of our sport.
The point was that you're throwing mortarshells in a glass house when you start insulting peoples intellect, while you can't get your own sentences correct.

The word you were looking for is 'paid'
That's a common spelling mistake, and I think that my English is fine enough. I've seen much worse in your posts on this very page, when it comes to actual grammar.

Anyway, continue this important moral crusade for keeping professional football a noble and common man's game.
That's a common spelling mistake, and I think that my English is fine enough. I've seen much worse in your posts on this very page, when it comes to actual grammar.

Anyway, continue this important moral crusade for keeping professional football a noble and common man's game.

I don't go around insulting people :)

I'm very curious though: Do you want players to speak up, or what do you want? Do you want the super league to become a thing?

I genuinely do not understand the point of insulting people with large public platforms when they speak up, but I am sure you can shed some light on why you feel its needed.
The fact that rich owners have bought clubs in a league where each team has that opportunity, is completely different to this proposed SL. It's not hard. Plenty of clubs have extremely rich owners.

No it isn't. There aren't "plenty of clubs" that have owners of the magnitude of PSG and Manchester City that purposefully use them to sportswash their reputation.

There aren't "plenty of clubs" that have contributed to massively inflated transfer fees and the creation and demolition of FFP who essentially bought their way to success.

It's highly ironic to see a fan of said oil club watch it get taken over, watch them build the Etihad campus, and sign top players from all across Europe only to be shocked and appalled to the core when this finally happens. That goes for Manchester United fans too. But perhaps more so the people involved with the clubs that have come up from nowhere over the last ten years. They have in large parts been the catalyst.

You'd have to be pretty naive to realize that this was the inevitable end game. It's all about revenue.
And you are ignoring my point. Herrera joined a team that is doing the exact same thing in France. No team in France can even remotely compete with PSG in terms of financial power.

No. You’re wrong. Again. The “exact same thing” in France would be PSG changing the Ligue Un rules so they can never be relegated. Which, obviously, hasn’t happened.
The Norwegian governing body of football have come out and said that they support the banning of our own players from international competition. They are completely behind UEFA. Stands to reason many more are.

FIFPRO have challenged the banning from international duty, so that will be a legal battle all on its own.

This is only going to get uglier.

But on that note: The players haven't done anything to be punished. The clubs have.

Eventually they'll see how ridiculous that stance is. Why the sudden collaboration to support UEFA on a matter that really is a club vs governing body matter. Essentially UEFA can ban clubs, restrict players and transfers without any pushback, yet people wonder how these governing bodies have managed to be corrupt for so long. I don't like the details for the super league, the exclusivity of it is poor form. However, I do feel the big clubs have a right to feel aggrieved and have no other way of reducing UEFA's power than threatening to break away. It's like a European Club football coup which people are so scared to see the outcome of despite acknowledging that the current landscape is not the best. I think its too soon for people to talk about the effect for fans when nothing is clear on how it would actually this moment in time, it has no impact on fans.
No it isn't. There aren't "plenty of clubs" that have owners of the magnitude of PSG and Manchester City that purposefully use them to sportswash their reputation.

There aren't "plenty of clubs" that have contributed to massively inflated transfer fees and the creation and demolition of FFP who essentially bought their way to success.

It's highly ironic to see a fan of said oil club watch it get taken over, watch them build the Etihad campus, and sign top players from all across Europe only to be shocked and appalled to the core when this finally happens. That goes for Manchester United fans too. But perhaps more so the people involved with the clubs that have come up from nowhere over the last ten years. They have in large parts been the catalyst.

You'd have to be pretty naive to realize that this was the inevitable end game. It's all about revenue.
So because City and PSG have questionable owners, its fine to remove all competition from football, and create an American style league which exists to create lots of money for American Businessmen? Its fine to create a competition that doesn't reward teams by doing well in their domestic league? We can talk about competition being ruined already by City and PSG, or we can look at the fact that Liverpool, Chelsea, Arsenal and Tottenham aren't even in the top four, yet think its perfectly fine to create a competition away from the Champions league that only exists to guarantee money for their owners. You can sit here all you like stroking your ego and saying everyone that is angry at this is naive, but its fecking embarrassing to do so. Anyone in favour of this competition is against the sport we love.
And you believe JP Morgan would partake in such a staged action?

Also, if the associations called the bluff, the clubs would be relegated to the lowest tier, having to play 8 years of amateur football without big TV revenues. They'd lose hundred of millions of player value and probably have billions of opportunity costs. No way they'd risk so much without being sure that they could just play their super league.

To be honest, I think they're a bit surprised by the severity of the reactions. I doubt they expected to be excluded from domestic leagues. They don't think the associations will be so consequent.

I don't think it's a 'staged' action, I think the clubs involved in the Super League see it as a win/win situation. Either they stay in the CL on their terms, with more money and influence. Or they actually start the Super League they've been planning, and get more money from that. I just get the impression the clubs aren't that advanced yet with setting up this Super League, which would mean they most likely would want to reach a better agreement with UEFA for the CL for the next few years. But there's a possibility this blows up so hard they will have to proceed with their Super League, I just don't think it's very likely at the moment.

I don't think the national associations would call their bluff. Barcelona and Real Madrid bring in like 80% of the multi billion revenua for La Liga, why would the same La Liga punish them so severely? That would be financial suicide. Similar goes for the Premier Leauge and the 6 biggest clubs. It makes no logical sense at all.

So like you say yes, you get the impressions that the clubs involved don't think the associations will be so consequent.
No it isn't. There aren't "plenty of clubs" that have owners of the magnitude of PSG and Manchester City that purposefully use them to sportswash their reputation.

There aren't "plenty of clubs" that have contributed to massively inflated transfer fees and the creation and demolition of FFP who essentially bought their way to success.

It's highly ironic to see a fan of said oil club watch it get taken over, watch them build the Etihad campus, and sign top players from all across Europe only to be shocked and appalled to the core when this finally happens. That goes for Manchester United fans too. But perhaps more so the people involved with the clubs that have come up from nowhere over the last ten years. They have in large parts been the catalyst.

You'd have to be pretty naive to realize that this was the inevitable end game. It's all about revenue.
As the super league is about revenue, it is a stupid move for someone who wants to sportswash themselves to support it. There is a a point in staying in the classic league system and supporting that - would enable PSG to rave all about how they are true to the values of football or whatever. Some clubs leaving the system is a PR opportunity for others to stay in the system and support it - that is no guarantee that they will do, but there is a chance for some teams to become the big fish in a bit smaller pond (CL without SL teams), therefore improving their financial situation similarly to if they joined the SL and also have good PR about it.

Will be interesting to see how all this turns out in the end.
No it isn't. There aren't "plenty of clubs" that have owners of the magnitude of PSG and Manchester City that purposefully use them to sportswash their reputation.

There aren't "plenty of clubs" that have contributed to massively inflated transfer fees and the creation and demolition of FFP who essentially bought their way to success.

It's highly ironic to see a fan of said oil club watch it get taken over, watch them build the Etihad campus, and sign top players from all across Europe only to be shocked and appalled to the core when this finally happens. That goes for Manchester United fans too. But perhaps more so the people involved with the clubs that have come up from nowhere over the last ten years. They have in large parts been the catalyst.

You'd have to be pretty naive to realize that this was the inevitable end game. It's all about revenue.

That's not all on PSG/City at all... That is a natural consequence of the amount of money that is now in the game.

Also you can both realised that this was an inevitability and also think "enough is enough"... you can also not object to dodgy ownership, but object to the idea of unfair competition.
So because City and PSG have questionable owners, its fine to remove all competition from football, and create an American style league which exists to create lots of money for American Businessmen? Its fine to create a competition that doesn't reward teams by doing well in their domestic league? We can talk about competition being ruined already by City and PSG, or we can look at the fact that Liverpool, Chelsea, Arsenal and Tottenham aren't even in the top four, yet think its perfectly fine to create a competition away from the Champions league that only exists to guarantee money for their owners. You can sit here all you like stroking your ego and saying everyone that is angry at this is naive, but its fecking embarrassing to do so. Anyone in favour of this competition is against the sport we love.

That was quite a rant even though you seemingly haven't got a clue on my stance.

You have already removed all competition from football. Do you think a team from Sweden will have a chance to get into the Champions League in 2024 with the new rules?

Do you not realize that essentially they already made it a closed-up shop for the big teams?

This is purely about TV-Money. You are kidding yourself if you believe anything else.
And I heard on Sky today that they were aiming for start this August. The important thing is the statement of intent which may have burned a bridge too many.

Yes I heard August too, that's what I mean witht 4 months from now, or 16 weeks. The interesting part is that there's an incredible amount of money involved in this matter, various parties who are in a position to strongly look after their self interest first, and also whole load of (corrupt) ego's. It could be a clusterfeck and in that way it's genuinely exciting to see what'll happen.

But realistically my guess would be that it makes the most sense for UEFA and the clubs to come together and reach an agreement to keep the current CL structure in place with various changes that'll benefit the biggest clubs.
That's not all on PSG/City at all...

Also you can both realised that this was an inevitability and also think "enough is enough" ... you can also not object to dodgy ownership, but object to the idea of unfair competition.

Like I've said, with the new rules and even then for quite some time the Champions League has been unfair competition tilted towards the rich clubs.

It's not on PSG and Man City to break FFP several times over and get away with it?
If the ESL doesn't have VAR or has better handball rules, not haivng to abide to the IFAB cnuts I will support it 100%
But on that note: The players haven't done anything to be punished. The clubs have.
Regardless of the clubs have done right or wrong, it's another subject. Still I don't get why there are people who support Fifa/Uefa/domestic governing body to ban the players from WC or Euro. They're actually just professional workers who are respecting their contracts. If Fifa/Uefa have any issue with the ESL, they should target those 12 clubs not the players I think.
That was quite a rant even though you seemingly haven't got a clue on my stance.

You have already removed all competition from football. Do you think a team from Sweden will have a chance to get into the Champions League in 2024 with the new rules?

Do you not realize that essentially they already made it a closed-up shop for the big teams?

This is purely about TV-Money. You are kidding yourself if you believe anything else.
No they haven't stop speaking rubbish. If they'd already made the Champions league a closed up shop, United, City, Chelsea, Arsenal, Liverpool and Tottenham would already be competing in it next season. I don't even understand how you've come to these conclusions, other than you just being contrarian to try and come off as intelligent. It isn't working.
As the super league is about revenue, it is a stupid move for someone who wants to sportswash themselves to support it. There is a a point in staying in the classic league system and supporting that - would enable PSG to rave all about how they are true to the values of football or whatever. Some clubs leaving the system is a PR opportunity for others to stay in the system and support it - that is no guarantee that they will do, but there is a chance for some teams to become the big fish in a bit smaller pond (CL without SL teams), therefore improving their financial situation similarly to if they joined the SL and also have good PR about it.

Will be interesting to see how all this turns out in the end.

I don't have any doubts that if this Super League becomes a reality, PSG will come running right after they've had the World Cup if not before then.

So this PR-thing is only a short-term thing really. Like always with massive changes.
Like I've said, with the new rules and even then for quite some time the Champions League has been unfair competition tilted towards the rich clubs.

It's not on PSG and Man City to break FFP several times over and get away with it?

And yet both City and PSG have never won it...

Football is always geared towards the rich clubs, but there are a) a lot of them b) there could always be more of them and c) football often works in cycles with who rises and who falls (look at Liverpool now vs. 7 or 8 years ago)

Breaking FFP and being responsible for the value of transfers are too completely separate things.
No it isn't. There aren't "plenty of clubs" that have owners of the magnitude of PSG and Manchester City that purposefully use them to sportswash their reputation.

There aren't "plenty of clubs" that have contributed to massively inflated transfer fees and the creation and demolition of FFP who essentially bought their way to success.

It's highly ironic to see a fan of said oil club watch it get taken over, watch them build the Etihad campus, and sign top players from all across Europe only to be shocked and appalled to the core when this finally happens. That goes for Manchester United fans too. But perhaps more so the people involved with the clubs that have come up from nowhere over the last ten years. They have in large parts been the catalyst.

You'd have to be pretty naive to realize that this was the inevitable end game. It's all about revenue.

Again that has little to nothing to do with the rejection of the proposed plans. Certainly when it comes to the fans and/or players of those clubs.

By all means say that those clubs were obviously going to have the interest in forming this league but to suggest fans or players of those clubs can't oppose the completely ridiculous SL is both ridiculous and a demonstration of false equivalency.
I'm very curious though: Do you want players to speak up, or what do you want? Do you want the super league to become a thing?
I'm personally for the abolishment of professional sports, and don't care if the mega rich clubs play in super league, turbo league, or galaxy league.

I do like the game though, and love to watch the proper competition. (We are all a bit of hypocrites.) Ideally, I'd enjoy watching the genuine super league, but this is just another cup competition, so nothing really new.

I don't expect from professional players to speak up and opt out of the decadent system they're part of. Just to shut up and stop being such terribly obnoxious hypocrites, as we all know they will eventually shut up when their personal earnings come into question.
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I don't have any doubts that if this Super League becomes a reality, PSG will come running right after they've had the World Cup if not before then.

So this PR-thing is only a short-term thing really. Like always with massive changes.
I believe you are right. Still think that this would be a stupid move for them. Would only advise them to do this if they win the CL, not before that (a CL without the SL clubs would be their best chance at actually winning it).
No they haven't stop speaking rubbish. If they'd already made the Champions league a closed up shop, United, City, Chelsea, Arsenal, Liverpool and Tottenham would already be competing in it next season. I don't even understand how you've come to these conclusions, other than you just being contrarian to try and come off as intelligent. It isn't working.

Yes they have. Look at the proposal on the table.

The wild card spots for teams that "historically have done well" who do you think those spots are for?

This was the part of the proposal where UEFA pretty much gave in, however when it came to media rights, that's what caused the formation of the Super League.
Has any player (from one of the 12) actually said anything? I don't mean liking an Instagram post but actually said something?

They're in a tough spot.

Didn't Bruno say "Football can't be bought" in his reply to that Instagram post?
Any lawyers know of any language in player's and/or manager's contracts that might be of use to those who want to oppose this?

The PFA can file an injunction on behalf of the players, effectively pulling all players into a general strike. It will then make the rounds in litigation and will either be successful or not.

IF the players then still refuse to adhere to the guidelines of their professional contract, the clubs have several rights up to and including termination of contract and legal lawsuits for the players transfer value. First the club will start docking players wages, and ultimately cancel contracts if arbitration does not succeed.

This very rarely happens, so we have one case in particular in recent memory that is somewhat similar in Chelsea v Mutu from 2004, in which the players contract was terminated after Mutu tested positive for Cocaine. Chelsea sued for the transfer fee from Parma, and won. The appeal process is still pending to this day.

The principle remains the same, gross professional misconduct = breach of contract = liability. There is a lot of litigation that will take place between that and then, but that is the tl;dr version.

"Gross Misconduct" shall mean serious or persistent conduct behaviour activity or omission by the Player involving one or more of the following: (a) theft or fraud; (b) deliberate and serious damage to the Club's property; (c) use or possession of or trafficking in a Prohibited Substance; (d) incapacity through alcohol affecting the Player's performance as a player; (e) breach of or failure to comply with of any of the terms of this contract

The players contracts only stipulate that the players are mandated to "Engage in matches the club is engaged when directed by a club official". The contracts has no langauge that specifies WHAT contest.

So in short, the players can't do a lot by themselves if they refuse The club will likely tighten the screws if any dissenting opinion is voiced. The execs are very friendly until you start fecking around with them, then it's night night.

For anyone, myself included, that hope the players will speak up, they might not have a chance to, following the same ramificatoins, hereunder monetary punishment for doing so:

Part of a standard PL contract stipulates that a player shall not: knowingly or recklessly do write or say anything or omit to do anything which is likely to bring the Club or the game of football into disrepute cause the Player or the Club to be in breach of the Rules or cause damage to the Club or its officers or employees or any match official. Whenever circumstances permit the Player shall give to the Club reasonable notice of his intention to make any contributions to the public media in order to allow representations to be made to him on behalf of the Club if it so desires;

I want every player of the club to speak up, but it may not be as simple as just speaking, as doing so can come with real punishment, yet great reward in the public eye.
Has any player (from one of the 12) actually said anything? I don't mean liking an Instagram post but actually said something?

They're in a tough spot.

Only Bruno with this small message so far I think.
And yet both City and PSG have never won it...

Football is always geared towards the rich clubs, but there are a) a lot of them b) there could always be more of them and c) football often works in cycles with who rises and who falls (look at Liverpool now vs. 7 or 8 years ago)

Breaking FFP and being responsible for the value of transfers are too completely separate things.

Well, we can both probably agree that it's only a matter of time before City and/or PSG win it.

There are only so many clubs that can compete at the very top and it requires a "big brand" team or one of the wealthiest persons on the planet to do so.

Breaking FFP with transfer solutions when getting Mbappe and Neymar are largely part of when all hope for FFP started to fade. Killed off completely when City dodged the ban last year.
Has any player (from one of the 12) actually said anything? I don't mean liking an Instagram post but actually said something?

They're in a tough spot.
I don't think anybody will comment before consulting their lawyers and the player union first. Things could get very ugly and you never know when a stray comment can be used against you.