Peterson, Harris, etc....

I'm more confused as to how people watch him and come away from it thinking he's smart.

I think the interest in him and renown that has developed around him is mostly organic.

I haven’t paid that much attention in recent years though…indeed the only time I really read about him these days is via this thread or other online sources containing the same kind of reactions as you see here.

It still amazes me that he was deemed controversial back in the day though. And it always said more (for me at least) about those making the claim than Peterson himself.
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word salad nonsense.

Who knew that models aren't the same as the totality of reality? His head will explode when he finds out that models are designed to include the most (actual/likely) important causal factors involved.
In a way, it is actually impressive for someone who is clearly very well educated and articulate to consistently talk such complete and utter bollox.

Nothing unusual about academics talking shite, he brings the added spice of being a bit unhinged too.
It’s really weird how nearly all the dog whistle right wing snake oil salesmen are extremely overly emotional and squawking left right and centre yet are constantly banging on about ‘hysterical leftists’ etc, and telling the World to ‘man up’ and so on.

While their followers are always telling ‘woke’ liberals to ‘go cry’, ‘woke tears’ etc. Peterson and Trump are beyond menopausal in their hyper emotional yelping.

It’s a proper double think job…

illiterate and a prick. this is a clinical psychologist and self-help guy. hope he gets colon cancer

What’s he even trying to say with this one?

Easy. Get women out of the workplace. Enforce monogamy and the nuclear family. Make church attendance mandatory and abortion illegal. Bring back The Red Scare.

Then everything will be swell.
What’s he even trying to say with this one?

He's comparing trans people to people who self harm, and points out what he sees as a contradiction in how the wokes view the two groups: If you accept trans people's gender identities as valid, and view transitioning as a good thing, then you should also accept that some people identify as someone for who self harm is the right choice and you should view them hurthing themselves as a good thing.

Or something.
I see Peterson is being disciplined and told to go through social media training due to him being unprofessional and bringing his field into disrepute with his tweets.

Not sure what to make of this one. I can see why the faculty would be unhappy with the way he’s putting his opinions across, but at the same time I’m not sure it’s enough for them to be threatening to take away his right to practice.

Here’s big Pete’s thoughts on supposedly bringing the field into disrepute:

Jordan Peterson said:
"I think I've done demonstrably more than any psychologist has ever produced to increase the prestige and trust of the practice of psychology around the world,"
He's usually been qualifying his climate denialism a bit, but now with Daily Wire I guess that's not profitable anymore.

He's usually been qualifying his climate denialism a bit, but now with Daily Wire I guess that's not profitable anymore.

Most annoying thing about him is that he seems to think he's an expert in so many fields of science, he's got one area he's well versed in and yet he's so active in so many others. I remember an article from a biologist ripping apart one of his points on lobsters and their social hierarchies being like humans basically because he'd misunderstood a basic point in the evolutionary tree but if millions of people hear his idea and only a few thousand read the article, you end up with a large weighting of misinformed people.