Performance on the 24th

Hey guys, just want to say thanks again for the comments. I had a lengthy talk with our drummer last night and I showed him that video too cinc. He said he got carried away and that usually doesn't happen with him so he feels it's something he's got to work on. He plays with other bands too and he said if they saw what he did, they would say he's better than that. Good thing is that we're on the same page and we're trying to get better and bring about a cleaner blend between all of us.

Cant wait for the next one!
I'm just glad that we're getting honest input. A lot of people come up to us and say that we're great but I'm kind of looking for the type of view that analyzes what we're doing and assesses how good our blend/balance is because that's what is really key.

It's nice being told you're good but I'd much rather hear comments about how we can improve.

Thing is, Phil is one of those musicians that plays by ear so he's had no formal training of any sort except for like playing the violin I think. Everything else, he's picked up by being around others so he's hungry to learn. So once again, thanks guys and I'll let you know about our next opportunity.
The drummer is too busy and too loud. He needs to practice with a metronome too.
Thanks Jimy, I talked to him about that last night. The next time we perform which is March 24th. It will sound much cleaner.

I like the name 'jamming with Phil' there is not much in a name anyway. The Beatles and Arctic Monkeys are two shit names that got some good mileage.

The two MC's in the first vid were very good. I take it that you are the dude on the keys in the Man Utd shirt? It is hard to to hear the other instruments too clearly, obviously the sound the camera records might be totally different to what the audience heard. I think that the concept and look of the band is pretty cool, just need polishing a bit.
I like the name 'jamming with Phil' there is not much in a name anyway. The Beatles and Arctic Monkeys are two shit names that got some good mileage.

The two MC's in the first vid were very good. I take it that you are the dude on the keys in the Man Utd shirt? It is hard to to hear the other instruments too clearly, obviously the sound the camera records might be totally different to what the audience heard. I think that the concept and look of the band is pretty cool, just need polishing a bit.

Yes indeed. I thought it'd make it easier for you lot to spot me that way. Thanks for the input, we appreciate it. Like I said yesterday, I'll be off the forum starting thursday so hopefully you've seen the links I've put up if you still want to follow what we do.