Performance on the 24th


New Member
Oct 9, 2009
In a land far far away....playing Fifa
Hey all. Me and my band are performing tomorrow and even though we've already played, this will be the first time all 5 of us will be playing in front of a decent-sized crowd. I've done performances before so I'm not too terribly nervous but I was just wondering if any of you had some general tips for our performance tomorrow.

I think it should go well overall, but there are always things that one should be mindful of. Hopefully if all goes well, I'll put up a video on Saturday.
The cymbals/high hat whatever you call it were a problem once again so I'll have to talk to my drummer to situate it out because it keeps causing an annoying ring in the video. You'll see what I mean pretty soon.

Show him some Chris Dave, if he wants to ride the cymbals, he can, but then he has too update his technique:)

Shame, the the guy on the left is a really talented MC and we know you can play, but the drummer makes the recording almost unbearable. I say almost because I will try listening to it again.

He has absolutely no feel, just plays his own overplayed, overanxious, rocknroll bit. Really badly.
Aye, the drummer goes a bit too mental. I liked it though mate, especially the second part. Looked like good craic.

Love that you wore your United top aswell :lol:
I dont think your mc can hear himself :lol:

Edit - argh my ears it gets louder.
All he has to do is put his foot on the pedal a bit more, the hat is eating everything else up in that recording. Having said that, it'd sound much better simply if you moved your cameraman (who I presume is just using his camera's built-in mic to record the ausio) back a few metres, that way the frequencies should balance out more. You'll get more bass and less high frequencies such as cymbols.

You could do with a decent name though.
Here's the second half for our show. It was a bit of a different feel. Just a few notes about this half of the show.

I want to give props to our lead guitarist. He played through a fever and still did pretty well considering how he felt at the time. You'll probably notice a bit more mistakes and miscues in this one as sometimes we got a bit off from what we were doing but for the most part, it was pretty good. When I sing at the end, realize that I had to sing without any preparation or warm-up so even though I do a decent enough job, know that I can sing a lot better than that. Alright here are the videos:

All he has to do is put his foot on the pedal a bit more, the hat is eating everything else up in that recording. Having said that, it'd sound much better simply if you moved your cameraman (who I presume is just using his camera's built-in mic to record the ausio) back a few metres, that way the frequencies should balance out more. You'll get more bass and less high frequencies such as cymbols.

You could do with a decent name though.

Ah appreciate that. About the name, I'm not completely sure what to do about that since most people like our name but that might have to be because a lot of people like Phil. who knows......
Turned on part 2, all I could hear was the drummer again, over everything. Way too loud, way too frequent. Drummer needs to get a regular soft beat to back you instead of hitting everything in front of him every second of the song and drowning you all out. I skipped to 4 minutes and it seemed much better then. He chilled out, stopped hitting everything in front of him constantly and started playing relaxed.
Turned on part 2, all I could hear was the drummer again, over everything. Way too loud, way too frequent. Drummer needs to get a regular soft beat to back you instead of hitting everything in front of him every second of the song and drowning you all out. I skipped to 4 minutes and it seemed much better then. He chilled out, stopped hitting everything in front of him constantly and started playing relaxed.

yeah exactly. I just listened to it again and I know what you're saying. He got carried away a bit and I was trying to signal to him to calm down but I couldn't til we had a slight break.
sounds good. funnily enough, the last band I was in we had the same exact problem. Our drummer was really good but he just kept doing too much. He ended up leaving but when he finally realized the 'less is more' concept, we sounded a lot better as a band.
It's usually always the case. Drummer feels he needs to show everyone how good and skilled he is, smashes everything and the audience react like 'wtf I can't hear the singer or the bass or anything because that tit is just smashing cymbals.'

All they need to do is lay down a beat.
It's usually always the case. Drummer feels he needs to show everyone how good and skilled he is, smashes everything and the audience react like 'wtf I can't hear the singer or the bass or anything because that tit is just smashing cymbals.'

All they need to do is lay down a beat.

A good drummer can add a lot, but for that you have to be really good, not just technically proficient.
the interesting thing is zarlak is that if it wasn't for phil being so popular, then we wouldn't be able to get away with it. Alot of chicks love him and people are like, 'we love phil, he's the nicest guy ever!' for his sake, he should be thankful he's married.

Next practice, i'll mention it to him and hopefully by the next time we perform, this wont be something we have to worry about. I wish i had the software to make those high-pitched noises go away when he hits the cymbals.
the guy that played drums in the first half of the show and then went to the smaller keyboard in the second half of the show as well as the bass for one song.

No wonder he thinks he's the star of the show then.

I don't know what your ambitions are as a band, but if you want to expand your audience, everyone else is going to be saying "Who the feck is Phil?!"
good point. I thought about that too. For me, that depends where the direction of the band goes this year. If things really start popping off, then we'll change the name. I just did for that good PR around the university since a lot of people really like Phil.

Appreciate the input though.