Television Peep Show


I’m one season 2, episode 1, “Dance class”

Jez: “God she’s amazing, got to keep her interested. Prove I can keep breaking taboos, but how, take a crap on the floor?”

Lost count how many times I've watched this. Been listening to 'Podcast secrets of the pharoahs' on Spotify recently (a podcast about peep show episodes, obviously)
I'm amazed at how many jokes and funny moments they are able to jam into such a short scene. Super Hans is just gold. "You'd love that, wouldn't you?" :lol:


I’m one season 2, episode 1, “Dance class”

Jez: “God she’s amazing, got to keep her interested. Prove I can keep breaking taboos, but how, take a crap on the floor?”


Mark is great at Rainbow rhythms

"Well, listen, I'm sorry if I didn't do it right and I'm sorry if you assume that I eat red meat and don't necessarily think money or Tony Blair are a bad thing, but if there isn't room here for people who stand against everything you believe in, then what sort of a hippy free-for-all is this?"
It’s such a weird show - in a good way, I ended up laughing my head off when he hid himself in a stationary closet thingie. And yeah, I’ve plenty of episodes to burn through yet.

I tried watching Alan Partridge but the fake laughing isn’t doing it for me, although I find that type of humour hilarious.

Try Midmorning Matters as far as Alan Partridge stuff goes. No laugh track and up there as some of my favourite Alan. If you like it then maybe go back to the I'm Alan Partridge series, which is brilliant and most popular but the laugh track does make it seem a bit dated.

Peep Show is in my top 5 comedy series ever, one of those shows that you can watch no matter your mood.
Try Midmorning Matters as far as Alan Partridge stuff goes. No laugh track and up there as some of my favourite Alan. If you like it then maybe go back to the I'm Alan Partridge series, which is brilliant and most popular but the laugh track does make it seem a bit dated.

Peep Show is in my top 5 comedy series ever, one of those shows that you can watch no matter your mood.

The two Alan Partridge books are unrivalled, the audio versions read in character are as good as any TV comedy I’ve watched.
Try Midmorning Matters as far as Alan Partridge stuff goes. No laugh track and up there as some of my favourite Alan. If you like it then maybe go back to the I'm Alan Partridge series, which is brilliant and most popular but the laugh track does make it seem a bit dated.

Peep Show is in my top 5 comedy series ever, one of those shows that you can watch no matter your mood.
I really like Peep show but find I cant watch it if Im in a shitty mood, When im pissed off Jez makes me even more wound up :lol:
I keep ordering 4 naans when I go to a restaurant and people get confused why.
Jez ‘what we calling the pub then’

Hans ‘Free the paedos’!

Jez ‘hmm, yeah, I’m not too sure about that’
What’s a washing machine doing in a pub? I need a drink.
The two Alan Partridge books are unrivalled, the audio versions read in character are as good as any TV comedy I’ve watched.

Yeah the audiobooks are brilliant, especially I, Partridge (which actually improves with every read) but maybe better appreciated by an Alan fan rather than an introduction to the character.

Can't wait for the Alan Podcast which is out later this month. Can listen to the first episode on the alexa app if you haven't checked it out.
I still think my favourite moment is from the first episode where Mark's sick of those hooligan, chavvy kids, and he just charges them.
Yeah the audiobooks are brilliant, especially I, Partridge (which actually improves with every read) but maybe better appreciated by an Alan fan rather than an introduction to the character.

Can't wait for the Alan Podcast which is out later this month. Can listen to the first episode on the alexa app if you haven't checked it out.

Yeah they have excellent replayability value, agreed it might not be the ideal starting point though. One for the already initiated.

Thanks for reminding me, I’d heard he was doing a podcast but not got round to it yet.
Lost count of how many times I've watched the first 7 seasons of this. The last two seasons are a step down imo but the whole thing back to front is so brilliant. Up there with Community for me as being the ideal "throw on and let yourself unwind" TV show. Every episode of the first 7 seasons (and every other episode of the last two seasons) has at least two or three moments or quotes in it that are just all-timers for me.
I absolutely roared when Jez taped a bag of drugs to a frisbee to get Super Hans out of the hotel room.

:lol: :lol:
Wedding episode about as good as British comedy has ever got.
have fun :p
Funniest BritCom for me. One of the few series I never mind rewatching! I have a mate who says I behave a lot like Mark, don't know if it's a good thing.

Mark's failure to hold a conversation with literally anyone gets me every time :lol:
Very good show. Shit ending.