Overrated Gaming Franchises

Well you got unbelievably lucky then.

Between both games(and for that COD4), I got endless broken games. No online game will ever be glitch free, but MW2 especially took the cake considering how easily they could of fixed half of it. Though as I said, it was still fun as hell.
years ago I would have had to say the Tomb Raider games, only a casual gamer now so don't play too many but I'm suprised so many people are saying Call of Duty, every game of them I've played has been epic.
It is fashionable not to like Call of Duty now due to how popular its become.

Each year has taken many hours/days of my life. Not arsed with the single player but for multi player online it takes some beating
Agree with GTA. The first two were ace, then it got all 3D, lost it's simple charm and went a bit shit.
Unreal series were ok with Unreal then Unreal tournament after that they went downhill fast from a community point of view when Epic decided to make the games to show off what they could do and forgot to make the maps playable for the size of a normal league for certain game types. They lost the fun and gameplay from their first 2 games in the chase of showing off the new and improved engine each time around in the following games in the series.
Cant believe people prefer the old GTA's to the new ones. The scale of GTA 4 is incredible
Super Mario
Final Fantasy

Do you just hate gaming, or life in general? ;)

For me it's Call of Duty. I've never understood its immense popularity. It's not a terrible game, just very generic and boring compared to many other games in its genre. Maybe it's the 'bikeshed factor'? (Everyone else is playing it...)

Do you just hate gaming, or life in general? ;)

For me it's Call of Duty. I've never understood its immense popularity. It's not a terrible game, just very generic and boring compared to many other games in its genre. Maybe it's the 'bikeshed factor'? (Everyone else is playing it...)

Girls shouldnt be playing video games.

Do you just hate gaming, or life in general? ;)

For me it's Call of Duty. I've never understood its immense popularity. It's not a terrible game, just very generic and boring compared to many other games in its genre. Maybe it's the 'bikeshed factor'? (Everyone else is playing it...)

I wonder if it's just a girl thing? I know a few girl gamers, and none of them like CoD. I think it's the competitive element, I play games these days mostly online and with the intention of competing and lording my supremacy over a bunch of tards I will never meet.

Most women gamers I know just find this a bit sad, though. Weirdo's.
I wonder if it's just a girl thing? I know a few girl gamers, and none of them like CoD. I think it's the competitive element, I play games these days mostly online and with the intention of competing and lording my supremacy over a bunch of tards I will never meet.

Most women gamers I know just find this a bit sad, though. Weirdo's.
Personally I enjoy playing online (when I've got the spare time; I'm rather competitive and hate not being able to put in the hours to be really good), I just find CoD a bit dull for a FPS. It's a bit like Facebook & Twitter -- the draw is in the fact that everyone else is there, not in the game/site/application itself.

And there's nothing sad about 'lording your supremacy over a bunch of tards' as far as I'm concerned -- I take my joy where I can get it.
Not enough votes for Werewolf in this thread, IMO. :D
Cant believe people prefer the old GTA's to the new ones. The scale of GTA 4 is incredible

San Andreas was a richer game in terms of scale and things to do.

GTA IV went for a gritty and serious twist at the expense of some of the wacky fun usually expected in the franchise. I hope GTA V doesn't follow the same formula.
Call of Duty. The original CoD was probably the best FPS I can remember playing. Modern Warfare was good, but the rest have just become reskinned versions of the old game with no real changes. It's no longer CoD 2/3/4. It's Call of Duty 2k9, 2k10, 2k11. Then, they have the gall to charge for reskinned maps that they already had made. Chinatown for MW was just a reskinned version of Carentan...that they charged around $3 for. feck. That. Noise.

I'm not a huge fan of JRPGs so FF doesn't do much for me, but I won't say they're bad or overrated.
Halo 2+
WoW (Never played it, don't want to).
Most RPG 3PS's
F1 series
Final Fantasy's post PS1
I'm not really one to call a genre or series overrated because it's a matter of taste, however I always think people bang on about Red Dead and Undead Nightmare a bit too much.

Yeah it's got Zombies and Cowboys, but beyond that it is pretty dull with very simplistic gameplay. Much like the GTA series (after the originals of course) which are still pretty dull to play when it comes to any action.

Oh and anyone saying the likes of Zelda and Mario games are putting pictures in my head of them waving their hands in the air screaming "look at me! I'm being controversial!" ;)
I'm not really one to call a genre or series overrated because it's a matter of taste, however I always think people bang on about Red Dead and Undead Nightmare a bit too much.

Yeah it's got Zombies and Cowboys, but beyond that it is pretty dull with very simplistic gameplay. Much like the GTA series (after the originals of course) which are still pretty dull to play when it comes to any action.

Oh and anyone saying the likes of Zelda and Mario games are putting pictures in my head of them waving their hands in the air screaming "look at me! I'm being controversial!" ;)

I'd like to think im a trendy contrarian...but OoT was horseshit :nervous:
I still refuse to believe anyone who has played more than like 5 COD online games truly believes they "ran perfectly". It's not possible, no console FPS runs perfectly, not many PC ones do either for that.
Call of Duty. The single player campaigns feel more like interactive movies to me rather than 'games'. The linear and restrictive nature of the gameplay is endlessly frustrating to me.

Online is no doubt a different experience but I'm so bored with the game by then that I never want to go online.
Well normally you have good taste, but everyone has their spaz days ;)

Still, you can't think the series is overrated?

From a subjective point of view - I just couldn't get into them. I actually persevered and spent hours telling myself to like the game, thought something was wrong with me. But honestly every single one of them - OoT, MM, Twilight princess.

The only one I came close to liking was Wind Waker, but it wasn't long enough for me to take a liking to :(
I still refuse to believe anyone who has played more than like 5 COD online games truly believes they "ran perfectly". It's not possible, no console FPS runs perfectly, not many PC ones do either for that.

The odd game fecks up. Id say about 1 in 30
Final Fantasy



Call Of Duty
Super Mario
Final Fantasy

Final Fantasy?! They've had about 10 games that have been absolutely top class. Some of the greatest stories, graphics (relative to the time) and soundtrack compositions to be found in gaming can be found in the FF series!

Absolute mentalists.
Yeah, but as a game I don't like it.
We really have top level game critics and testers here don't we. Knobs.
Halo doesn't seem popular with the moderate gamers. I think it's good for beginners and advanced players, but not the intermediate where the novelty is gone and the subtleties aren't easily recognised, which is fair enough.

I've never been a fan of Gears of War, probably because I'm scared by it, but it seems a decent game. I don't really "get" Final Fantasy at all, but I haven't played it myself much.

Shadowrun should definitely be in underrated lists. No campaign, laggy, and never updated, but still somehow brilliant.
Yeah, feck subjective opinion.

Halo was the gran-daddy of the new age of first person shooters and multiplayer experience. Revolutionized the making of games and cams up with a good story and good trilogy. They should've left it at that where it was the one game from which every other fps had its derivatives. But no, they decided to do Halo: Reach and apart from the extremely intelligent AI, nothing was really different about the game even though it was a pre-quel. The graphics wasn't all that great, it was the same old monsters and the level design was pretty monotonous. What pissed me off the most is the music. Such good music which doesn't at all go with the game. It sounded very medieval gladiator-esque to me and with the whole addition of the fact that facial expression are hardly seen in this game makes it very tough for a gamer to become one with the character. Bungee milked the franchise and the faithful fans as usual with expectations bought the game and will even till date defend the game as a good one because these x360 maniacs simply won't let anyone critic halo even a bit. It was one of the first new age fps' to hit the screens and will always be remembered for that, but to keep remaking the franchise and to think that it is capable of competing creatively and artistically with the likes of Bioshock Infinte, Battlefield or Crysis is pretty ludicrous. Overrated game IMO.

WoW - Typical MMoRPG which took the advantage of the success of the reign of chaos, frozen throne fanbase and pulled of a masterstroke with WoW. MMORPG gamers get addicted to it and I'm not one of them. It is never in comparison or competition with any of the big ones in the market and when RPGs are concerned, it has been at the helm for quite some time now.

Call Of Duty - People worshipped the COD series at a point of time. Then some started complaining about the monotony of the game when quite clearly apart from inferring after playing that the game was shit, players are pretty much engrossed in the campaign while it happens. Yes, there are a lot of scripted events and is extremely linear but when has CoD been a sandbox and when you have two studios trying to make games every alternate year they are going to try to better each other with the same formula ie epic sequence-campaign-cliffhanger-change character-epic sequence-cliffhanger and so on.. They know that this will sell. Why would they want to risk sales by trying something new where the majority of the CoD fans are pretty content with both the campaign and the mulitplayer. CoD never wins GoTY or best graphics or any great award for that instance apart form voices etc. The CoD games are made purely for the fans and the ones who still enjoy it when Soap McTavish, Captain Price pull out an absolute beauty of a stealth mission. It is the most eagerly awaited game not because of its game mechanics, level design or graphics but purely for "what happens next" factor from the fans.

Call of Duty multiplayer - You still have people playing CoD 4 , Mw2 mulitplayers on the net and it is still engrossing. While Battlefield 2 bad company was excellent on the mulitplayer with a real war like experience, it ran out of steam but CoD doesn't because of its generic nature and how easily people are able to attain satisfaction by playing the game.

Super Mario , Zelda and Final fantasy - Miyamoto's one game that is probably the most globally recognized gaming franchise. Few games survive the test of time like Super mario, Zelda and FF. Lynk mate, of course you can have your opinions and I apologize for having said that but to call games like these (the three above) overrated without any support isn't fair. Maybe you did not get them or they did not appeal to you as different people have different tastes, but overrated? I think not.
I agree with nearly every game mentioned so far but would like to add the undisputed king of overrated tosh: Resident Evil.

And chuck Shenmue on the fire while we're at it.