Oscars 2012

Wait. The dean from Community just won as Oscar for screenwriting?!
How many of those movies did you love? Only a couple for me, some really crap and about half of them are good but few jump out as great movies. Silence of the Lambs is probably my favourite although I've not seen Unforgiven.

Most of them to be honest. Unforgiven is excellent, by the way
The Silence of the Lambs
Schindler's List
Forrest Gump
The English Patient
Shakespeare in Love
American Beauty
A Beautiful Mind
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
Million Dollar Baby
The Departed
No Country for Old Men
Slumdog Millionaire
The Hurt Locker
The King's Speech

I only love the bold ones.The Silence of the Lambs(even though I like it) and Slumdog are little overrated imo.
Most of them to be honest. Unforgiven is excellent, by the way

I bet you loved Braveheart and all.

Yeah I'm sure it is, pretty much everyone seems to love Clint Eastwood so I'll have to get around to watching some of his movies at some point. I didn't like Gran Torino or Million Dollar Baby and Western's far from my favourite though so I'm in no rush to see it to be honest. Stuck on The Good, The Bad and The Ugly the other day and my first thought was it looks amazing, but I didn't even last 10 minutes of it. No idea why Westerns don't appeal really, the idea of a bunch of rogue gunslingers chasing after gold roaming across the country sounds great but I can never bring myself to watch them. They all seem really long too; slow movies don't bother me at all but long movies are off-putting, even if they shouldn't be. I blame society for giving me a shocking attention span.
I don't think anyone would disagree with you that everything after Schindler's List degrades at least slightly in quality. Might have something to do with Miramax getting going in '94.

Everything after Crash is a joke. The Departed? Do you realize how silly you just made American film look with that pick? Hurt Locker? Lord save us. Crash itself is a case of Hollywood having a semi-desperate "wait, is this what we need to do to be popular?" moment.

Then the Oscars decided to address the increased output/decreasing quality problem with more nominations.

What they should have done was to turn it into a bi-annual thing. Now we're talking some real stakes. Then instead of picking the best of a poor bunch, you actually have a chance of assembling a field of suitable candidates.
I honestly thought you were picking out the worst ones. I was about to agree and maybe add on a couple!!! Each to their own.....
I did like "A beautiful mind" as well, although not as much as others.It might seem crazy but I still haven't seen Schindler's List, unforgiven, Braveheart, The English Patient,Shakespeare in Love ,Crash, Hurt Locker and No country for Oldmen.
So technically I liked almost every single movie on that list although loved only few of them. I have Schindler's List on DVD so probably will watch it tomorrow.Thinking of having one Oscar week.
I did like "A beautiful mind" as well, although not as much as others.It might seem crazy but I still haven't seen Schindler's List, unforgiven, Braveheart, The English Patient,Shakespeare in Love ,Crash, Hurt Locker and No country for Oldmen.
So technically I liked almost every single movie on that list although loved only few of them. I have Schindler's List on DVD so probably will watch it tomorrow.Thinking of having one Oscar week.

:lol: ah ok! makes a lot more sense! Schindlers List is excellent
I did like "A beautiful mind" as well, although not as much as others.It might seem crazy but I still haven't seen Schindler's List, unforgiven, Braveheart, The English Patient,Shakespeare in Love ,Crash, Hurt Locker and No country for Oldmen.
So technically I liked almost every single movie on that list although loved only few of them. I have Schindler's List on DVD so probably will watch it tomorrow.Thinking of having one Oscar week.

That was Gary's finest hour for me... Oscar Winning Performance I say!
Crap out of that list for me: Million Dollar Baby, Titanic, English Patient, Shakespeare in Love

Not crap but not worthy of an Oscar win either: Crash, Slumdog, The Departed, A Beautiful Mind, LOTR

Worthy of Oscar win: Silence of the lambs, Schindler's list, Unforgiven, No Country of Old men

Have not seen King's speech.
The Departed is a fantastic film, was well worthy of the win in my opinion. How much of that's down to Di Caprio's performance I'm not sure, because he was outstanding, should of won best actor.
I bet you loved Braveheart and all.

Yeah I'm sure it is, pretty much everyone seems to love Clint Eastwood so I'll have to get around to watching some of his movies at some point. I didn't like Gran Torino or Million Dollar Baby and Western's far from my favourite though so I'm in no rush to see it to be honest. Stuck on The Good, The Bad and The Ugly the other day and my first thought was it looks amazing, but I didn't even last 10 minutes of it. No idea why Westerns don't appeal really, the idea of a bunch of rogue gunslingers chasing after gold roaming across the country sounds great but I can never bring myself to watch them. They all seem really long too; slow movies don't bother me at all but long movies are off-putting, even if they shouldn't be. I blame society for giving me a shocking attention span.

Yeah I like Braveheart. The inaccuracies don’t really concern me. It’s simply a great action movie

Here would be my order of those movies (done quickly without much thought)

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
Schindler's List
Forrest Gump
American Beauty
No Country for Old Men
The Silence of the Lambs
Million Dollar Baby
Slumdog Millionaire
The King's Speech
The English Patient
The Departed
The Hurt Locker
I probably like The Hurt Locker more than most because I saw it in the movies having never heard of it and didn't know what the hell to expect. Really liked Ed Harris and Jeremy Renner in it. I also like army movies that go for realism.

That being said, it was up against Inglorious Basterds, Up In the Air, The Blind Side. It definitely has been quite political in recent years. THL had a female director. Mo'Nique and Jennifer Hudson got Oscars. Look at all the awards and nominations Precious got. It had Oprah and Tyler Perry producing it.

There really has been a lot of shitty awards recently. I didn't like The Social Network so maybe it's me but who here remembers the score from the movie (and is not a NIN fan)?
Who remembers the score from Inception? The score in Inception what brilliant. It had so much influence on the film.
I thought hurt locker was rubbish and slum dog winning best picture was a farce and more down to other factors. But otherwise, I tend to like the kind of cinema and performances that the academy awards reward.
What annoys me about the oscars is the foreign film award, if a film is good it is good regardless of where it came from, 9 times out of 10 foreign cinema is better than english language cinema, i know the artist swept the board and is of french origin and i hope it opens the door in future for foreign cinema to get more recognition.
I thought hurt locker was rubbish and slum dog winning best picture was a farce and more down to other factors. But otherwise, I tend to like the kind of cinema and performances that the academy awards reward.
Totally true about the Slumdog part
The Hurt Locker was absolute crap, and probably one of the most unrealistic plots and character interaction Ive seen, especially for a movie lauded for its "realistic depiction of the life of a bomb defusal squad in Iraq". But there werent really any other standout candidates that year, so it was easy for the Academy to make a politically correct statement by picking it.

Forrest Gump is a good movie made great because of Tom Hanks. Best actor material, but never best movie, especially when you consider that both Pulp Fiction AND Shawshank Redemption also came out in 1994. Other examples of undeserving movies that won are A Clockwork Orange being bested by The French Connection and Shakespeare in Love over Saving Private Ryan.

The Academy has a habit of giving the main award to the safe option, or something that glorifies Hollywood instead of being interesting. The Artist is a prime example - its like Hollywood just celebrates itself. A decent movie that is all style, no content, but because of the concept it wins.

The great movies in that list for me are Unforgiven, Schindler's list, No Country for Old Men, The King's Speech, Gladiator, and then there are good movies that are brought up a level by excellent acting, such as Forrest Gump and The Silence of the Lambs.
I think we can all agree Gladiator is the most worthy Oscar winner of all time.
Yeah I like Braveheart. The inaccuracies don’t really concern me. It’s simply a great action movie

Here would be my order of those movies (done quickly without much thought)

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
Schindler's List
Forrest Gump
American Beauty
No Country for Old Men
The Silence of the Lambs
Million Dollar Baby
Slumdog Millionaire
The King's Speech
The English Patient
The Departed
The Hurt Locker

You lost me when you put Lord Of The Rings at the top.

I love Lord of the Rings and have been a huge fan for many years. I was very pleased with the movies too

I love Lord of the Rings and have been a huge fan for many years. I was very pleased with the movies too

Indeed... deserve every single one of those 12 Oscars in my book. Especially when you consider they were sort of for all 3 movies as opposed to just ROTK.
Indeed... deserve every single one of those 12 Oscars in my book. Especially when you consider they were sort of for all 3 movies as opposed to just ROTK.
Indeed it was really great.The music, the pace, gollum everything was great.
I bet you loved Braveheart and all.

Yeah I'm sure it is, pretty much everyone seems to love Clint Eastwood so I'll have to get around to watching some of his movies at some point. I didn't like Gran Torino or Million Dollar Baby and Western's far from my favourite though so I'm in no rush to see it to be honest. Stuck on The Good, The Bad and The Ugly the other day and my first thought was it looks amazing, but I didn't even last 10 minutes of it. No idea why Westerns don't appeal really, the idea of a bunch of rogue gunslingers chasing after gold roaming across the country sounds great but I can never bring myself to watch them. They all seem really long too; slow movies don't bother me at all but long movies are off-putting, even if they shouldn't be. I blame society for giving me a shocking attention span.

I was never much of a western fan before but I was blown away by Once Upon a Time in the West and The Assassination of Jesse James, used to think the genre was really gimmicky before that. I liked For a Few Dollars More more than The Good, The Bad and The Ugly and it would probably be best to watch that one first.

It's very unusual that I finish a long film in one sitting, like you don't really finish a book in one sitting.
I'm the opposite, you could probably count on one hand the amount of movies I've stopped a movie halfway through to watch some other time. It takes a while to get back into it for me. I can only think of the Seven Samurai that I've stopped halfway through to watch the next day, and even then I kind of regretted it. I guess that's why long movies seem a bit daunting, because I know I'll be committing to watching it the whole way through.

Been meaning to watch the Assassination of Jesse James for a while so I might start off with that since it's recent.
I love the The Good, the Bad and the Ugly but didn't like tAoJJBtCRF at all even though it had Pitt, Rockwell and Renner in it.
I love the The Good, the Bad and the Ugly but didn't like tAoJJBtCRF at all even though it had Pitt, Rockwell and Renner in it.

At first glance I thought you had posted a YouTube code without the tagging on either side... :wenger:
I love the The Good, the Bad and the Ugly but didn't like tAoJJBtCRF at all even though it had Pitt, Rockwell and Renner in it.

TGTBaTU for me was basically a stylistic build-up to OUaTiTW. tAoJJBtCRF is a different film and perhaps hard to appreciate if you're not into slow, brooding, poetic, existential films. It's one of the few movies that actually deserves to be branded as 'underrated', and it's a tough sell so I have to go on about it! The second viewing was even better than the first one, that's when it really sinked in for me how good it actually is.

And the name is spot on!
Yeah it was pretty good. Not as good as RItfAOcbN though.
The assassination scene was great, probably a lot because of the slow build up, but its not epic enough to warrant such a slow pace in my opinion. Good movie overall, but not great.

I thought it was better with Yogi Bear.

Problem with this movie is that I didn't like the characters very much. And that's despite the great actors in it. tHtBatU has great characters and one of the best scores I've heard in a movie.
TGTBaTU for me was basically a stylistic build-up to OUaTiTW. tAoJJBtCRF is a different film and perhaps hard to appreciate if you're not into slow, brooding, poetic, existential films. It's one of the few movies that actually deserves to be branded as 'underrated', and it's a tough sell so I have to go on about it! The second viewing was even better than the first one, that's when it really sinked in for me how good it actually is.

And the name is spot on!

There's just so much good about tGtBatU. You get some action very early on. Then hardly a word is spoken for like 10-15 minutes. It's a slow build up with much anticipations. It's one of the few movies I know which gives me the same feel as reading a good book. The narration is all visual. The three characters are fantastic. Spot on the lot of them. It has great scenes (Beginning, introduction of The Bad, civil war scene, prison camp scene, desert scene, shootout in the town and the great ending).
Music score is one of the best I've heard in movies. Many people will know two parts of it without knowing which movie its from. That's rare with movie scores.
It's a very long movie indeed and you've got to be ready for it to watch it. I'm not even that bothered with westerns. Like them as well as many other genres. But I watched this for the first time when I was about 12 and really dug it then. Mostly because of Clint. But it has grown better on me over the years.