Shameless Musketeer
Hurt Locker was a boring, shit movie.
The only thing the Oscar's got right was Waltz
The only thing the Oscar's got right was Waltz
First person to win a Razzie and an Oscar for acting in the same year.
Can't believe Hurt Locker won. What a farce.
But you show a bunch of yank critics a film about black and white American soldiers befriending each other and being the victims of a foreign war, then crying copiously into each other's arms and it'll be a guaranteed award winner. The rest of it doesn't matter.
For sheer spectacle and audacity, Avatar should have won. If you want to go deeper than that and reward excellent scriptwriting and acting, then Inglourious Basterds should have won. But, nope, the Emperor's New Clothes curse strikes again, with one film just becoming "the" film, and the critics tossing each other off over it even though us layfolk can't understand the hype. It happened with No Country For Old Men, too.
Also, Katheryn Bigelow was always going to win Best Director, because it meant they got to make history with the first woman winner - and they weren't going to turn down that opportunity for a bit of publicity. The Oscars have been a predictable waste of time for years now. Remember Heath Ledger being practically guaranteed the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor because he died? That summed them up, frankly.
Now I haven't seen most of the nominees for best picture, but if Avatar should have won ahead of any of the others, then 2009 was a very bad year for film.
Avatar was amazing visually, but that can't be enough to win Best Picture, surely?
I don't know whether Hurt Locker deserves it or not as I haven't seen it yet, but the vast majority of movies I've seen this year weren't all that good, never mind worthy of an Oscar.
Hurt Locker was a boring, shit movie.
The only thing the Oscar's got right was Waltz
Your point is basically that you didn't like Hurt Locker but did like Avatar, and are therefore a massive gimp of some kind, and taking it all as some kind of slight on you that this woeful tragedy befell you.
is that it?![]()
To be fair, it was. This is like the year No Country for Old Men won, when basically all the nominated films where shite because there simply hadn't been any good ones.
Neither Avatar, nor the Dark Knight were particularly good movies.
Those are two examples (Departed is another one) where the majority desperately wanted the movie to do well and overrated it beyond necessary limits for some external reason.
Neither Avatar, nor the Dark Knight were particularly good movies.
Those are two examples (Departed is another one) where the majority desperately wanted the movie to do well and overrated it beyond necessary limits for some external reason.
Why are you so angry about this? ...The general public are fecking idiots when it comes to what films they like. Should Independence Day have won an Oscar? No. And Critics don't vote for the Oscars, people who've won Oscars do, and I think they probably have a better incling than you and Joe Public about what a good script and a well made movie is...It's an awards show, don't get your pants in a twist. ....and Avatar was shit.
Why are you so angry about this? ...The general public are fecking idiots when it comes to what films they like. Should Independence Day have won an Oscar? No. And Critics don't vote for the Oscars, people who've won Oscars do, and I think they probably have a better incling than you and Joe Public about what a good script and a well made movie is...It's an awards show, don't get your pants in a twist. ....and Avatar was shit.
Right, see this is the sort of elitism that makes the Oscars a joke.
If "the majority" wanted a film to win, clearly it struck a chord with them, which surely makes it a "good film"? If a film is judged by how much it entertained people, then the one that the majority supports must have entertained the most people.
Instead, a bunch of tight-ass critics look disdainfully down their noses whilst they toss each other off and regard the world through their vastly superior eyes, dismissing the popular films as cheap twoddle and lauding the plaudits of films that most people thought were good, but not great. It's the Emperor's New Clothes - the critics decide one film is good and then just praise it to the heavens.
Tell me The Hurt Locker will still be remembered as one of the best war films ever in twenty years, as it should now be. No, it won't, the critics will have moved on to wrap their lips around another flavour-of-the-month and will be telling everyone what a wonderful, amazing film it is when everyone else thinks it was merely good.
"Oh, but you simply didn't get it, plebian. Leave it to us critics, and don't worry your poor darling little head."
I just hate film snobs, Mockney. People who like to think they're better and more intelligent than me because they love the subtleties of the intellectual films (most of which is just pretentious bollocks) and I like a bit of exciting entertainment that allows me to pass the time.
Wouldn't you say though there is a big vested interest when the awards are based on weighted votes within the industry? For instance a major film could have a hundred academy voters working on it, and everybody within it's studio could have so many more votes as well, I'm not sure precisely how the weighting works but if you are a multiple previous winner/nominee your votes count for much more than otherwise - and of course they all benefit if they work/own an academy award winning feature.
Thanks. It is weird though that you're on completely the other side of the debate here to the side you adopted in the music thread. That debate essentially being commercialism v. taste, quality and culture...But then you're sort of saying you don't really care about the actual quality, as long as it's entertaining and passes the time. So what do you care if people that want more than that from a film, award and don't award, films that do or don't do that? I'll bet if something you do care about the quality of (I dunno, take music for example) was being judged, and people used exactly the same argument for X Factor winners or Lady Gaga (the musical equivalent of something like Avatar really) then you wouldn't be so bothered about it, or would be more, but from the other side of the argument.
What you are suggesting is mob rule, nothing more and nothing less.
Not really, in fact not at all. He was saying this that and the other about certain films, and I simply said his views were just his opinion and nothing more. In fact I'm using the same argument. I haven't definitively said what is and isn't good at all. But keep going, you'll get there eventually.
This from the man who advocated dropping a nuclear bomb on Buenos Aires if the dirty Argies so much as looked at us funny.
I think I'll take my patronising bollocking from someone less stupid, thanks.
To be fair, it was. This is like the year No Country for Old Men won, when basically all the nominated films where shite because there simply hadn't been any good ones.
I just hate film snobs, Mockney. People who like to think they're better and more intelligent than me because they love the subtleties of the intellectual films (most of which is just pretentious bollocks) and I like a bit of exciting entertainment that allows me to pass the time.
Well, no BL. Again I've given my opinion on the matter, and said certain films I consider Oscar worthy are, which is my opinion, and one which I'm entitled to, as is CD. It has nothing to do with commercialism or the defence of promotion of it at all. I don't know where you're getting that from.
I was simply countering his rant about it being all so unfair by pointing out other people didn't think so. It was merely a counter to his argument that all commercial films are more worthy than "arty" ones by virtue of popularity. Similarly I wasn't claiming commercial classical music (which is a far far smaller genre than film with far less opinions thrown at it) is superior by default, or any other means, and never have or ever will, but merely that you saying this particular interpretation was crap cos you didn't like it, is a bit ...well, unfounded. Exactly as I did with CD. It's nothing to do with commercialisation at've just invented that. I liked one commercial piece therefore, by default, I promoted commercialism and am hypocritical by criticising it here? What?
Furthermore I assume the 'artist' you are referring to is Maksim, who isn't an artist I was promoting, merely the person playing the piece I was promoting.
If there were 2 versions of the same film made and we were haggling over which actor had portrayed the role better then it would be comparable, and entirely subjective since we'd be haggling purely over "interpretation" rather than the creation of the art itself. But we aren't.
As for the "fecking idiots"...well again, no idea what that has to do with anything. i've never mentioned commercialism with regard to classical music, or claimed that Maksim peice was good cos loads of people liked it. Merely that I liked it. So I don't know where you're going with that.
Right, see this is the sort of elitism that makes the Oscars a joke.
If "the majority" wanted a film to win, clearly it struck a chord with them, which surely makes it a "good film"? If a film is judged by how much it entertained people, then the one that the majority supports must have entertained the most people.
Instead, a bunch of tight-ass critics look disdainfully down their noses whilst they toss each other off and regard the world through their vastly superior eyes, dismissing the popular films as cheap twoddle and lauding the plaudits of films that most people thought were good, but not great. It's the Emperor's New Clothes - the critics decide one film is good and then just praise it to the heavens.
Tell me The Hurt Locker will still be remembered as one of the best war films ever in twenty years, as it should now be. No, it won't, the critics will have moved on to wrap their lips around another flavour-of-the-month and will be telling everyone what a wonderful, amazing film it is when everyone else thinks it was merely good.
"Oh, but you simply didn't get it, plebian. Leave it to us critics, and don't worry your poor darling little head."
Aren't you the one that liked the Star Wars prequels and the Transformers movies and stuff? If so, I don't think you're really in a position to talk about what is a "particularly good movie".
I've never watched a Star Wars or Transformers movie.