Oooh-Ahhh Vote McGrath! - McGrath VICTORY: A New Dawn OFFICIAL

Like I said earlier someone in here is helping Duffy. They're waiting for the last second to move past Dawn and then we won't have time to catch up. We need to maintain and extended lead. We can't lose this.

I knew I recognised Colin from somewhere...
Duffy is blind and also paints with her feet. I bet you all feel bad now. Disgraceful

My parents have a painting in their dining room, painted by a woman who has no arms or legs, and paints holding the brush in her mouth. No joke.

It's way better than Duffy's.
My parents have a painting in their dining room, painted by a woman who has no arms or legs, and paints holding the brush in her mouth. No joke.

It's way better than Duffy's.
There’s no need for running Duffys talent down considering. Plus she has big boobs that she likes to paint with. Does that change anyone’s mind?
Like I said earlier someone in here is helping Duffy. They're waiting for the last second to move past Dawn and then we won't have time to catch up. We need to maintain and extended lead. We can't lose this.
Weed out the rats and burn them at the stake using Duffy's paintings as firewood....
My measly 1 vote for Dawn is more about moral support at this point considering I am competing against bots and politicians :lol:
Now I feel bad for Roisin. 670 legitimate votes for what is technically the best painting and yet she'll be consigned to the dustbin of history along with the likes of Gary Johnson and Jo Swinson.
Now I feel bad for Roisin. 670 legitimate votes for what is technically the best painting and yet she'll be consigned to the dustbin of history along with the likes of Gary Johnson and Jo Swinson.

It's not technically the best painting. The flowers in the foreground are pretty, but when you look beyond those, the bulk of the painting is technically quite poor.

I'd have said it was technically the worst, were it not for Meredeth's surrealist piece.
Now I feel bad for Roisin. 670 legitimate votes for what is technically the best painting and yet she'll be consigned to the dustbin of history along with the likes of Gary Johnson and Jo Swinson.
If Roisin isn't aware that you need to enlist an army of bored forum users if you want to have any chance of winning an online poll these days, then it's her own fault. Her being 92 is no excuse for such a blatant oversight.
The only fair way to judge art is to count the number of brush strokes it took. Dawn wins by an absolute mile.
The top comment under Dawn's painting on Facebook is: "As beautiful as Cavani" :lol:
Duffy said in one of the comments that she's putting her painting up for sale.
Duffy said in one of the comments that she's putting her painting up for sale.

It'll be ruined by her tears once Dawn brings the £100 of art supplies prize home.
Dawn thanking the cavani commenter - was that a sly wink/nod to the forum? :lol: