On Sky Sports News now; Rooney has signed for Newcastle

Apparently he found it too hard to turn down the 50 grans a week deal that Newcastle offered.
What gives it away is the fact that there's nothing but a header line in the first post.

AEBM didn't get that name by chance. He normally actually writes a post to go along with the header.

Not the best of efforts, I must say.

Still, try it in the newbie, it could be hillarious to read their reactions. ;)
blythy said:
"Dear Mr. Tweety.

I know you're a busy man. But I also know you're a genrous, kind, French-type man, and often fulfill the requests of your many many (that's lots) of fans.

I have one tiny request, please, oh, please could spend one night with me. I promise not wet the bed. And if we're quiet, my Mum says you can stay for ReadyBrek.

Awaiting your reply,
VanNistlerater xxx.

(PS, I know it's spelt wrong)."

:lol: :lol:
Lets put this back to the top of the page and give some people heart attacks.
Its official!
