OMG! Ricky Martin is gay!

Fags on the beach = disgusting.


I bet they just chucked the butts in the sand and everything so some seaturtle or something chokes on them...
I really really want to understand this gay thing. I mean why? I am quite open minded about a lot of things, but when it comes to this issue, my mind is closed. Yes, we have the right to do whatever we want but you don't fecking put food through your ears. Everything has a natural purpose.
I really really want to understand this gay thing. I mean why? I am quite open minded about a lot of things, but when it comes to this issue, my mind is closed. Yes, we have the right to do whatever we want but you don't fecking put food through your ears. Everything has a natural purpose.


People don't just wake up one fine summers' day and think "oooh, I fancy a bum today!"

And besides, repressing the urge to put food through your ears is relatively easy, whereas repressing homosexual urges must be incredibly hard. Better out than in, as my boyfriend always says...
I really really want to understand this gay thing. I mean why? I am quite open minded about a lot of things, but when it comes to this issue, my mind is closed. Yes, we have the right to do whatever we want but you don't fecking put food through your ears. Everything has a natural purpose.

What an odd analogy.

I was once talking to a gay man, and I asked him when he knew he was gay. He simply responded with "When did you know you were straight?" Which kind of puts the argument to bed, really. As Alwyn said, I doubt they woke up one morning and decided they just fancied a bum.
I really really want to understand this gay thing. I mean why? I am quite open minded about a lot of things, but when it comes to this issue, my mind is closed. Yes, we have the right to do whatever we want but you don't fecking put food through your ears. Everything has a natural purpose.

Post of the year 1973.
Shock fecking horror :rolleyes:

I roll my eyes at Ricky Martin by the way, not you Cantonaswife. I mean come on, does Ricky really believe anyone gives a feck. Why would he even want to use the media to 'come out.' In this day and age nobody gives (or shouldn't) a flying feck what sexuality someone is. Yes maybe 10 years ago, but in 2010 it's a bit of a lame attempt to grab the headlines.

My co-worker read this in the Sun the other day and the column was tiny, tucked away down the bottom right corner of page 18 or something. Just completely insignificant