Ole interview with Rob Dawson Espn

Are you in touch with reality?

Very weak management? He managed Pogba really well, he managed Greenwood really well last year, he managed Maguire really well, he's managed Fred, Shaw and even Cavani really well. Where is weak management there?

We live in a covid era, how can you blame Ole for that?

Its obvious they see Henderson as the long term option, because the club gave DDG a big contract, they can't get rid so what do you do?

Its also obvious the club want to sell Dalot, Perreira but the right offers are not coming in... what club is paying £5m loan fee? The club want that but clubs are not prepared to pay those.

Oh my god. So im not in touch with reality when im sceptical about Oles management ? What you are talking about is man management, and you can argue there as well that he is just to nice with everybody which keeps players happy but is not optimal in the longrun if we want to win trophies again.
Ole sounds like a politician and is very good with the press. Underneath the surface though i see a very weak management. The pre season is a mess. Selling players like Lingard, Pereira and James seems impossible. Keeping both De Gea and Henderson for a second year ? Why sign Heaton and renew Grants contract then ? What a joke.

We need a new holding midtfielder. There are several good candidates for around 40 mill available. If we need to sell first raising 40 mill is easy by selling Lingard, Pereira and James or just sell Henderson alone. We will also raise 5 million each by loaning out Dalot and Tuanzebe.
I'm sure you doing a splendid job. How did pre-season go at...
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Oh my god. So im not in touch with reality when im sceptical about Oles management ? What you are talking about is man management, and you can argue there as well that he is just to nice with everybody which keeps players happy but is not optimal in the longrun if we want to win trophies again.

Just because he keeps players happy he is nice? I am sure he was nice to Alexis, Smalling, Young, Lukaku... he clearly didn't fancy them and got them out.

He is a good man manager but that doesn't mean he is nice, he still dropped Pogba a few times last season.
Ole sounds like a politician and is very good with the press. Underneath the surface though i see a very weak management. The pre season is a mess. Selling players like Lingard, Pereira and James seems impossible. Keeping both De Gea and Henderson for a second year ? Why sign Heaton and renew Grants contract then ? What a joke.

We need a new holding midtfielder. There are several good candidates for around 40 mill available. If we need to sell first raising 40 mill is easy by selling Lingard, Pereira and James or just sell Henderson alone. We will also raise 5 million each by loaning out Dalot and Tuanzebe.
I wouldn't say the preseason is a mess. It's been far from ideal, but it's been complicated by the European Championships, the Copa America, and COVID. The players who didn't play in those tournaments have had a full preseason. The ones that did play in the tournaments were always going to return later than the rest. It's not unique to this summer - it's been the case for any summer there's been an international tournament. I know some players cut their holidays short to return sooner - kudos to them. But I don't think the club can twist their arm into reporting early - they're entitled to their holidays. The likes of Cavani, Fred, and even Pogba, who haven't yet returned or returned later than expected - apparently there are quarantine/isolation issues related to all of those, again which is outside of the club's control.

Regarding sales, I doubt the club will want to be lowballed into selling players for fees much smaller than their value, just as conversely United didn't want to pay over the odds for Sancho last summer.
Let's see how it works out..

I'm not blaming Ole for the situation, but I think he's just talking good game, I don't believe it was his intention to keep both DDG and Hendo, considering their position, ambition, wages.

If I'm wrong and that was his plan for the GK situation then I think it's a bad idea and we won't benefit from that. Just my opinion.

It really should have been decided in a season though. We are heading into our second with two "1st choice" keepers. For me De Gea didn't pick his form up enough, but I just don't see who even tries to sign him on his wages.
I really like Ole's approach to these now he's grown out of the Utd, History, Fergie stuff. He displays a level head and knows what the issues are but also wants to protect his players, I've got respect for that.

Players still need to be sold though, and his interview doesn't given any indication that is happening. He, of course, won't say who he wants shifted on, but I find it hard to believe they have not had discussions about that internally.
That's a nice read. Good interview with good questions. Ole's handling very well media. Always giving positive vibes, never throwing players under the bus nor winging about the club's actions (in that count transfer activities, season preparations, players' contracts handling, etc.). It was not long ago when the manager was creating a rather negative environment by saying that the u23s are not his squad or subtly pointing fingers at the club for not getting the set targets.

There were steps taken in the right direction. Bringing players with certain profiles, not just based on football skills. High percentage of the players brought in since Ole's appointment turning out to be important squad members. The appointment of Murthough and Fletcher. I'm sure Ole's vouched for opening those positions. And honestly the way Varane and Sancho arrived gives a very positive feeling about the way the club will operate in the transfer market going forward. A vast difference from previous seasons.

Now that is just a small area that progress will be judged upon. Consistency of operating in that manner is more important than just striking a couple of good deals on time.
Wage structure and ability to move on players. Now those two are co-related. Not good enough players on higher wages are proving hard to move on - but that's something harder to fix, as we can't just rip up their contracts and give them reduced wages. It will take time and should be the long term target. And not so much related to Ole.

So far Ole's taken us forward. We leaped the defending champions last season and it looks like we're closing the gap on City. There's one question that still stands: "Will he takes to the title?"
I think we'll come really close this season. Probably it will be decided in the last 2-3 match days.
Ole definitely should try politics someday. Not a single wrong word.

Problem is, we shouldn't really buy into too much any of his words, as of any politician.
Gary Neville said last season that as a defender, he always preferred to know who the first-choice goalkeeper was...

I enjoyed having one first-choice right-back when I played, but I never had one!


:lol: stick it to him, Ole! AKA tell me you're a successful manager without saying your critic is not.
The squad is bloated and Ole needs to address that. We are also lacking in some key areas. But all in all I think Ole has handled this club really well.
Biggest b*ll*cks I have ever read on this forum. You may not like the guy as a manager but as a treble winning star striker for one of the most successful teams in English footballing history, I’m sure he knows how to win and has the belief that he can win & knows far more than you or I what it takes to win a premier league title.

I still worry he doesn’t really believe he can win the big trophies. You need to believe you can or it’ll never happen.

How? 1 has been in training for a fair bit and one is/has been on holiday and hasn’t met up with the squad.

Frustrating how Grealish is available for the community shield this weekend but sancho not yet available.
I really like Ole's approach to these now he's grown out of the Utd, History, Fergie stuff. He displays a level head and knows what the issues are but also wants to protect his players, I've got respect for that.

Players still need to be sold though, and his interview doesn't given any indication that is happening. He, of course, won't say who he wants shifted on, but I find it hard to believe they have not had discussions about that internally.
Obviously. You don't expect him to say yeah we have a huge pile of deadwood and are trying our best to move them on don't you.
Biggest b*ll*cks I have ever read on this forum. You may not like the guy as a manager but as a treble winning star striker for one of the most successful teams in English footballing history, I’m sure he knows how to win and has the belief that he can win & knows far more than you or I what it takes to win a premier league title.

How? 1 has been in training for a fair bit and one is/has been on holiday and hasn’t met up with the squad.
As a player and as a manager are two completely different jobs. His lack of managerial skills cost us the EL final or have you forgotten that already? He has it all to prove. He’s proved nothing yet.
GK situation is a mess, however it is portrayed. 500k/pw for two goalkeepers is bonkers.

Some experienced goalkeepers have said they always prefer to have a clear situation who's the number one.

Ben Foster in a interview with The United Stand
Ole sounds like a politician and is very good with the press. Underneath the surface though i see a very weak management. The pre season is a mess. Selling players like Lingard, Pereira and James seems impossible. Keeping both De Gea and Henderson for a second year ? Why sign Heaton and renew Grants contract then ? What a joke.

We need a new holding midtfielder. There are several good candidates for around 40 mill available. If we need to sell first raising 40 mill is easy by selling Lingard, Pereira and James or just sell Henderson alone. We will also raise 5 million each by loaning out Dalot and Tuanzebe.

Manchester United every time the "sack Ole bell rings"

Obviously. You don't expect him to say yeah we have a huge pile of deadwood and are trying our best to move them on don't you.

You'd be surprised the amount of people that would expect him to say that...
GK situation is a mess, however it is portrayed. 500k/pw for two goalkeepers is bonkers.

Some experienced goalkeepers have said they always prefer to have a clear situation who's the number one.
Of course. "Healthy competition" is good on other position but on goal is not. Gk must have clear head and play without fear. Now we have 2 gk who know that one mistake means bench.
Not good.
I still worry he doesn’t really believe he can win the big trophies. You need to believe you can or it’ll never happen.

In the one breath he's saying he's rather be an optimist and wrong, than a pessimist and right, and then when asked of his goals he states he hopes we are challenging by April/May in league and a cup and maybe getting to another final.

I get that you don't want to be cocky, but as fans reading this, it doesn't really sound like he has a lot of belief, and that's concerning.

I still get the feeling that OGS has too defensive a mindset to be a winner. I guess it goes back to him as a player, he was the super sub, a player that was the perfect squad player, the ultimate professional. The issue with that is, he seems to want the whole squad of players like that, but you need a lot of players who won't accept being anything other than a starting role.

It might be easier to manage players who are happy as squad players but it means they won't have winning mentally to go on and win a premier League or champs league. That is Ole's downfall. If he had Ferguson's mindset, he'd be far more ruthless with the players who are still at the club. Unless he changes his mentality, I think we're still in for a long wait for a trophy.
I still worry he doesn’t really believe he can win the big trophies. You need to believe you can or it’ll never happen.
Yes I think that as well. Hes still probably cant believe he has got a prestigious job on the back of nothing and when he says he does things for the good of the players and the team, he doesnt, otherwise he wouldnt run the same players into the ground.
Hes probably either too nice to some players who need moving on, or easily pacified by the board, when they bizarely want to keep an 'asset'.
Well you had time to read that and evaluate and come up with the best answer, He answers questions in the spot and to be fair the question wasn't even a question but rather a statement of what Gary Neville used to prefer back when he was a player.

I'm no OGS defender but give the man a break, his dealing with the media is the last thing to be concerned about when it comes to his abilities.
Interview questions are always given earlier to be vetted ahead of the the interview.