Ole Gunnar Solskjær | 2021/22 Discussion

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You guys are happy to let this guy lead us into mediocrity. It’s actually a funny watch. We should have been the Amazon Prime special :lol:

Our fan base still dreams of having another manager like SAF to manage us for 10+ years.

It's delusion and they've taken his speech of backing the manager to the depths of the Earth in terms of following it.

We don't deserve better.

We're 8th, but it's fine, because we have a plan.
Jones, Young and Mata will always try their best and try to execute the coach’s plan. They’re not good enough, but we can’t chuck everybody out at once.

At any rate I am confident that Ole’s more interested in United’s long-term well-being than any of his predecessors. I am fond of the following analogy: Fergie leaving and Moyes gutting our institutional memory, as well as making people like Rio, Vida and Evra jump ship, was akin to us breaking a leg. Subsequently our leg fused back together in a crooked way. Ole’s done the painful thing of breaking it again, and is trying to re-set it. To his managerial career’s detriment, he could definitely have taken an easier path to better results, but I think it was an important and correct move.

I may be wrong, which I keep emphasising, because I hate living in a trench and contributing to polarisation, but that’s how I feel at present. As has been pointed out, this season was always going to be an unstable one. A thin midfield making do without our star player definitely hasn’t helped, not to mention being without Martial, who at 24 is the closest we get to a veteran striker. I’m fine with being patient for the time being.

I don't disagree that Ole's is more invested in our long term future than prior managers (def more than Mourinho), I just question whether he's got the pedigree, skills and tactical nous to run a club of United size. It's a massive job and even though he may appear to be moving generally in the right direction, it may not be enough.

Our play is awful, and I'm not talking just about today. Watford, Colchester, Everton, AZ Alkmaar, Partizan, Aston Villa, Astana, Sheffield, Bournemouth, Newcastle, Rochdale, Southampton, Crystal Palace these are 13 games just this half season where we've looked atrocious and I can't even see what the game plan, attacking patterns, style, philosophy is/are. Remember these are not Barcelona, Madrid or Bayern Munchen, these are teams that we should routinely put to the sword.

I don't see our fortunes anytime soon, because world class players will not queue to play for Ole in the Europa League, so we are condemned to over pay for below top quality players.
How do you act at OT then?

I'm not a regular match-goer. The point is that a small and angry internet mob will not affect the situation in any way whatsoever. The onus is on regulars/locals to start protests against the board at the games. Empty seats and vocal protests at Old Trafford is the only language they will understand. That will lead to real media scrutiny, which will trigger the larger/worldwide fanbase, which will affect partners/sponsors which in return will force the board/owners to get their shit together by either a) hiring the right people in the right positions or better b) sell the club to someone who will care about the actual football side of things.

As it stands the regulars show no visible signs of dissatisfaction, there are no protests, plus the owners are making money like never before. It's a win-win situation for the Glazers.
The purse strings have severely tightened since the Sanchez signing. Have you been living in a cave for the past 18months?

No, but I prefer to deal in facts. In the last 18 months the net outlay has been similar, with United spending more than either Liverpool or City. The fact is that the spend has been lacking in effectiveness, not that it hasn't happened.

Net Spend
19/20 United £80m Liverpool -£28m City £89m
18/19 United £46m Liverpool £127m City £22m
17/18 United £138m Liverpool £-19m City £204m
What? You predicted a defeat against a team that are only 20th in the fecking league because of our players... I've never seen so much drivel and delusion. You're as bad as Wumminator and I'm pretty sure he's actually a WUM account started by the mods.


I remember when he was saying the LVG would have us winning the league. This was AFTER we had the disastrous December when we lost/drew every single game and were boring to watch.
In the Summer, he was saying that we were nailed on for top 3.
As you said, I am beginning to think that the mods have created an account to have a laugh, at our expense.
Jose had the same issues, as did Van Gaal. So is it the manager or the players or the coaches?

Van Gaal valued possession above all else and the few chances created was because of that, he didn't like risk taking. Mourinho didn't do too bad until his meltdown season but with Ole it's clear he doesn't know how to break deep lying defences. You're probably right, we need better players, coaches and probably a more experienced manager but if we are going to stick with Ole during this re-build, we might aswell get some help on the way, because right now we look clueless against defending teams.
Oh I got abuse a
The amount of flip flop fans is hilarious.

Also, seems a lot of you all want short term success over long term stability and success.

If you want short term success, shouldve stuck with Mourinho.....oh wait.

Sure we lost again, but we go again next week.

Entitled fans once again showing their worth.

Wah wah we lost again Ole’s cr@p wah wah

Sack Ole, Bring in Poch, we lose a bunch of games sack poch, bring in someone else.

But hey ho, let’s bring in Red Cafe’s Messiah in Pochettino. He’ll sort this lost out. Won’t he.

Entitled fans are Entitled.

Is there any need for you to format your post that way?
I don't disagree that Ole's is more invested in our long term future than prior managers (def more than Mourinho), I just question whether he's got the pedigree, skills and tactical nous to run a club of United size. It's a massive job and even though he may appear to be moving generally in the right direction, it may not be enough.

Our play is awful, and I'm not talking just about today. Watford, Colchester, Everton, AZ Alkmaar, Partizan, Aston Villa, Astana, Sheffield, Bournemouth, Newcastle, Rochdale, Southampton, Crystal Palace these are 13 games just this half season where we've looked atrocious and I can't even see what the game plan, attacking patterns, style, philosophy is/are. Remember these are not Barcelona, Madrid or Bayern Munchen, these are teams that we should routinely put to the sword.

I don't see our fortunes anytime soon, because world class players will not queue to play for Ole in the Europa League, so we are condemned to over pay for below top quality players.

Yeah, you may be right. I sure as shit don’t trust Poch to know how to instill the attitudes required, though. This is a fallen giant, not Tottenham.

Time will tell. The Ole-in crowd will likely get to see whether Ole can make some more signings and improve our takings against minnows. I hope to be able to say "I told you so" come May.

Oh I got abuse a

Is there any need for you to format your post that way?

Just about half way through the season.

  • 24 points off top having played a game more
  • Level on points with Newcastle
  • 10 points above the relegation zone
Is Project Ole really any better than Project Newcastle or Project Crystal Palace?

This is bad. Really bad. And it's getting worse for us. Soon (if not already) we will become an unattractive club for any talent. The Sancho thread (and if he signs for Chelsea) not only shows how far we've fallen but how deluded our fanbase is.
When Moyes was here, I saw him as a joke figure who was clearly way, way out of his depth. But at no point did I genuinely believe David Moyes was the worst manager in the Premier League at that time - not even remotely close.

I honestly think Ole might be the worst manager in the Premier League right now. This is not an exaggeration, I am truly struggling to name one other PL manager at present that seems to be worse than him. I can also name 4-5 Championship managers that seem to be better than Ole, too. That is terrifying for a club of our stature.

This weird little experiment is going nowhere, Ole is nowhere near good enough to take this team to the next level. By that, I don't mean winning the title either - I mean solidifying ourselves as a top 4 team to begin with. He isnt good enough to achieve that meagre goal, either.

The latest thing to wind me up about Ole, is this weird narrative that's forming about him "changing the culture" at the club.

Well considering our players appear spineless, cowardly and completely lacking in fight, Ole is changing the culture for the worse, not the better. He is a cowardly underdog manager and that approach is rubbing off on an already weak-minded squad of players. I don't think it helps that he's flanked by the silent trio of Phelan, Carrick and Kieran.

Zero leadership from the top down. The club is rotten. I don't see him in the job in January, the next few fixtures look potentially embarrassing.

Couldn't have said it better except the bolded part. Absolutely no fecking way we sack him when a spineless, slithering, pudgy faced banker is in charge. You're right we are rotten from top to bottom. We've got them fecking leeches double penetrating the club with Woodward as a camera man.
Couldn't have said it better except the bolded part. Absolutely no fecking way we sack him when a spineless, slithering, pudgy faced banker is in charge. You're right we are rotten from top to bottom. We've got them fecking leeches double penetrating the club with Woodward as a camera man.

Living up the hype, An adult Disneyland.
SteveW blaming the players and Watford for turning up in 3...2...1...

We're entitled to win that game!
Hope he resigns before people really start to disslike him.Good guy but way out of his depth as a coach.
Apparently not wanting to see the team play absolutely cluelessly and poorly is fans being entitled now.

Not good enough to be Manchester United manager, never has been and never will be, everybody is blinkered because he used to be a player for us. If OGS had never been a player for us, tell me, honestly, would he have ever been in contention for the job? The answer is a resounding no, which should tell you all you need to know really.
Hope he resigns before people really start to disslike him.Good guy but way out of his depth as a coach.

Lad, he's not going to resign. Listen, would you resign from your dream job, largely passive fans and board, and give up a feck tonne of money on top? No. His wife would cut his fecking throat.
We have definitely had a lot of penalties since he has taken over. We've even missed 4 or 5 this season.
I wouldn't blame him on penalties. Under him, we are trying to go more into the box and hence are winning more penalties.
I hate saying this but it's getting to the point where you cannot trust Ole in these non top six games at all. He simply has to shake things up on Thurs against Newcastle and start both Pogba & Greenwood. I also wish that he had the guts to send De Gea on a holiday like we saw Fergie do with Schmeichel in 98. His tactics are just not working against the so called lesser teams although it's becoming an insult to call them that when you look at how many have turned us over this season.

Just hope he is not going to rely on only Pogba to provide creativity from now until May, Ole will be given time because now Paul is back the board will be expecting him to just run the games against these sides we are unable to break down. I wouldn't blame Pogba for wanting out in the January window after the shambles he came into today and definitely made more of an impact that the majority did all game. Why on earth didn't Ole make that change at half time when the score was still 0-0, that really is a sure sign of a manager that has a reactive rather than a proactive mentality and it's tiresome.
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The official Sheffield United Arabic twitter account is having fun with us. It gave me a laugh.

Follower asking what are the requirements to switch allegiance from Man United.
Their twitter says it's simple, we put you on your way.

I have wondered whether people who post this nonsense genuinely believe it or are just displaying their top red credentials in some willy-waving contest.
Do you genuinely believe he 'doesn't give a shit about United's best interest'? Really?

Not over his own will and desire to line and fill up his own pockets.

Of course he cares about the club, but we were led to believe when he became permanent that if it ever became apparent he was in way over his head, then he would prove not to be a costly risk, since he would do the right thing and resign instead of dragging his feet to get his compo

Ole knows full well this job is beyond his capabilities and at a lost as to how to fix the rot, which is why he's taken refuge behind youth and ''rebuild''

He's constantly repeating rebuild, culture and youth in every fecking interview, as if he's on a brainwashing mission like some Ole youth cult leader.

I'm surprised he hasn't yet called for the support to make a chant out of his words

Youth Culture Rebuild!
Youth Culture Rebuild!
Youth Culture Rebuild!

Only LVG with his process and philosophy are the closest example to reiterating phrases, however at least coming out of his mouth it wasn't shallow and there was actually substances behind his words. He actually explained tactically what he was trying to do along with the fact he had proven pedigree of implementing a tangible philosophy at previous clubs.

What the hell has Ole rebuilt that gives him the right to talk as if he is some specialist in this area?
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He's just not good enough. Being in favour of youth is not enough at a club like Manchester United. You actually have to be a quality manager and it's evident he is not.
Not over his own will and desire to line and fill up his own pockets.

Of course he cares about the club, but we were led to believe when he became permanent that if it ever became apparent he was in way over his head, then he would prove not to be a costly risk, since he would do the right thing and resign instead of dragging his feet to get his compo

Ole knows full well this job is beyond his capabilities and at a lost as to how to fix the rot, which is why he's taken refuge behind youth and ''rebuild''

He's constantly repeating rebuild, culture and youth in every fecking interview, as if he's on a brainwashing mission like some Ole youth cult leader. Only LVG with his process and philosophy are the closest example to reiterating phrases, however at least coming out of his mouth it wasn't shallow and there was actually substances behind his words. He actually explained tactically what he was trying to do along with the fact he had proven pedigree of implementing a tangible philosophy at previous clubs.

What the hell has Ole rebuilt that gives him the right to talk as if he is some specialist in this area?
Sod all. He's just milking his prior experience at the club. He knows he's seen as someone who is taking us back to our values. Bringing back youth, pace and desire. So he's using that to buy fine.

The problem is, being good enough as a manager comes first. I have to problems with Ole and he means well. But we cannot comprimise on quality.

Make him head of culture and tradition or something.
Is it true his win percentage in the PL without penalties is 7%?
We have received 8 penalties so far - almost 3 times more than any other team(22% of all penalties awarded).

We have also missed 4 out of them - 2 times more than all teams combined.
We failed to modernize during the SAF era, and as a result, we seem to be lagging behind as a club. Nothing of ours seems top class anymore. Scouting, recruitment, fitness, tactics, player development, club structure, academy, even social media. We don't seem to be the best at any of these like we used to.

In the past, I'd say we should get the next innovative manager, but nowadays I'm not sure if it's a manager's job to handle that kind of stuff anymore. The Wengers and SAF's types of managers who change the whole club seem to be less and less common, and change seemingly comes from higher up. In our current situation though, we no doubt need one of those types of managers as the upper management doesn't seem to be good enough to do it.

Is Ole that manager? I have huge doubts, but then again, I don't see many others who are at the moment, and he's the closest we've had so far (off the pitch anyway).
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Being inconsistent against the weaker teams means to win some games, draw some and lose some, not to fail to win the majority of them.

Just thought I'd put it out there.
David Moyes lost 15 times as permanent manager after 53 games. Ole’s has lost 15 after 36.

It's sad how Ole is almost morphing into Moyes.....or a Moyes lite if you like.
He looks exactly how Moyes did once it was obvious that he (Moyes) was out of his depth. He even dresses like him on match days.
After every draw or defeat its the same boring platitudes and excuses.
And he came out with this pearler prior to us playing a League 2 side at Old Trafford:

"I hope and I think that the team I put out will be strong enough to win the game"

Shocking statistics
We failed to modernize during the SAF era, and as a result, we seem to be lagging behind as a club. Nothing of ours seems top class anymore. Scouting, recruitment, fitness, tactics, player development, club structure, academy, even social media. We don't seem to be the best at any of these like we used to.

In the past, I'd say we should get the next innovative manager, but nowadays I'm not sure if it's a manager's job to handle that kind of stuff anymore. The Wengers and SAF's types of managers who change the whole club seem to be less and less common, and change seemingly comes from higher up. In our current situation though, we no doubt need one of those types of managers as the upper management doesn't seem to be good enough to do it.

Is Ole that manager? I have huge doubts, but then again, I don't see many others who are at the moment, and he's the closest we've had so far (off the pitch anyway).
During SAF era?

Disagreed. SAF is SAF. He does thing his own way, and being successful. The problem is there was no plan to succeed him.

Woodward is given the top dog position in the house, just ruined the club. Woodward as we know over time, get in the way of managers while at the same time ain’t serious about creating a structure for the club. Where is DOF appointment?
I would still trust him to clean house, bring up the youth and identify good prospects in the transfer market and keep the dressing room together but not necessarily to get us back to the top. He still lacks the coaching ability and ruthlessness required to take us to where we need to be.

Still would prefer to keep him till the summer and see where we end up. There is very little to gained by appointing poch now
I would still trust him to clean house, bring up the youth and identify good prospects in the transfer market and keep the dressing room together but not necessarily to get us back to the top. He still lacks the coaching ability and ruthlessness required to take us to where we need to be.

Still would prefer to keep him till the summer and see where we end up. There is very little to gained by appointing poch now

Between 8th and 10th.

How the mighty have fallen
Still would prefer to keep him till the summer and see where we end up. There is very little to gained by appointing poch now
But where would we have to end up for it to be good enough? I can't see us finish in the top 4. Is merely promoting youth and the 'right' values enough for a manager at an enormous club to hide behind? He's going to fail in his objective. Beyond that, I don't see these factors as sufficient to keep him in the job. It's high team we plan for our next manager. Whether it's now or in the summer doesn't matter.
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