Ole Gunnar Solskjær | 2021/22 Discussion

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Hopefully someone tells him to drop the Norwegian sayings before he starts using the really weird ones!

Don't walk around the porridge.
He's very apple handsome.
There are owls in the moss, to say it mild.
Out on a trip, never angry.

I recommend you all to google "as we say in Norway", so you can be prepared for things he might say in the future :lol:

There are owls in the moss, to say it mild :lol:

Dont take it for good fish!

I would love for Ole to start having one new norwegian saying in english every press briefing :D
Solskjær is an actual word in Norwegian.

It's the description of the effect of the sun setting or rising on the horizon. The last/first rays of sun peeking through against the clouds and the like. It's a word describing dim light in a particular setting.

A "Skjær" is also a rocky mound or tiny island in or by the water rising from the sea. So the word Solskjær is a description of sunny Islands/seaside.

I wonder if the author behind the song "You are my Solskjaer, my only Solskjaer" chant knew that the original lyrics to the song would have been just as correct to use. I never looked up any meaning behind the fan chant, so maybe they did.

We have been singing you are my Solskjaer all these years and it literally translates. That's amazing!

How have I not heard this from the Norwegian reds before now? We've been singing this song for like 25 years!
At least its not Petter Solberg levels of bad english

"The rat is loose"

Hahaaa yeah :D

He had some fantastic ones.

- "It's not the fart that kills you, it's the smell" (fart means speed in Norwegian and smell means crash/bang)
- "I had a very big fart, and suddenly I fecked off the road"
- "I had bad pigs in my dekk" (pigs mean studs, and dekk means tires in Norwegian)
- "It's not only only, but but" (a normal Norwegian saying directly translated to English)
Ole should stop with the son analogies. He has previous with this. Can't remember the game but there was a "send him to bed without food" comment before. It sounds stupid and immature. He is not the best speaker. He kind of stutters his way through interviews and his comments are disjointed and awkward. I don't think it is because English is his second language I think it is because he is a bit introverted and has difficulty expressing himself. He also goes from placid to quite "f u" aggresive on the touchline so he doesn't have great emotional control.

That being said he is doing a great job and I don't dislike him. He fully deserves another season and I wish him the best of luck. Nobody is perfect!

Ole does this very peculiar and very Norwegian only thing where he will pronounce certain words while breathing in. Most Norwegians do it and I've never encountered it anywhere else. Ole always draws a breath, lifts his eyebrows and starts talking at the height of the drawn breath. Every. Single. Time.

Other than that, nothing wrong with his interviews. I wish he'd stop refering to the players as "boy" though. Its fine with Greenwood but he loses me a bit with Pogba who is a grown ass man.
Yep. Not as bad as being a noob at norwegian and saying kat kvinne instead of katt kvinne though!
There are owls in the moss, to say it mild :lol:

Dont take it for good fish!

I would love for Ole to start having one new norwegian saying in english every press briefing :D

As a noob in Norwegian, I once accidentally called somebody a kåt kvinne as opposed to a katt kvinne.... :D
Ole deserves lot of credit and respect, it's amazing how his achievements are downplayed and seen as a guy who just brings feel good factor.

I still don't think he can win us league title but he is the only manager post SAF who had consistency, finishing top 4 in 2 consecutive seasons (hopefully we won't mess up) and also was in top 3 from the time he took over in 2018-19 season.
Yep. Not as bad as being a noob at norwegian and saying kat kvinne instead of katt kvinne though!

As a noob in Norwegian, I once accidentally called somebody a kåt kvinne as opposed to a katt kvinne.... :D

Hahaha :lol:
Ole deserves lot of credit and respect, it's amazing how his achievements are downplayed and seen as a guy who just brings feel good factor.

I still don't think he can win us league title but he is the only manager post SAF who had consistency, finishing top 4 in 2 consecutive seasons (hopefully we won't mess up) and also was in top 3 from the time he took over in 2018-19 season.

I actually think he can (win the league) - but it all depends on the player logistics I think. A proper no.9, a world class CB, maybe a better offensive RB and a good RW, and at the same time increase squad depth/quality, and then suddenly this might really be great. Obviously, covid, injuries and schedules have played a role. A better Squad, better defence and more effective attack and suddenly it all looks bright as feck.

But who knows. I hope that the EL trophy is won this year at last. That might instill som belief and hunger for more in the players.
We have been singing you are my Solskjaer all these years and it literally translates. That's amazing!

How have I not heard this from the Norwegian reds before now? We've been singing this song for like 25 years!

I just always assumed it was intentional. That whoever made the chant checked a dictionary and saw the connection. I still think that's the case, but I guess most fans didn't pick up on it. :)
Yep. Not as bad as being a noob at norwegian and saying kat kvinne instead of katt kvinne though!

As a noob in Norwegian, I once accidentally called somebody a kåt kvinne as opposed to a katt kvinne.... :D

Kåt kvinne is said far more often than "katt kvinne", which i honestly am not sure what's supposed to mean :p
Ole does this very peculiar and very Norwegian only thing where he will pronounce certain words while breathing in. Most Norwegians do it and I've never encountered it anywhere else. Ole always draws a breath, lifts his eyebrows and starts talking at the height of the drawn breath. Every. Single. Time.

Other than that, nothing wrong with his interviews. I wish he'd stop refering to the players as "boy" though. Its fine with Greenwood but he loses me a bit with Pogba who is a grown ass man.

I saw a video recently where someone who was new to Ireland was talking about this. Apparently Irish people do it specifically when we're saying 'yeah'.

It's called a pulmonic ingressive. I hadn't noticed Ole does it constantly.

The 'boy' thing is a football thing though isn't it. You hear all of the PL managers calling grown men on their teams the boy or the lad.
So much easier when your best player is available, eh Wompy? :)

We play better stuff when our technical players are fit.

Ole must be doing some night coaching course on the side.

We've had our best player available quite often and looked quite poor, let's not get ahead of ourselves. It was a great second half, but these 'great' performances are far too inconsistent. Let's wait and see.

Its not an "excuse" though, its pretty evident across all the leagues that covid football have been brutal on the players.

Spurs have played quite a bit of football themselves and looked really leggy in the second half

I agree - my comment wasn't regarding fatigue not impacting performances. Of course it will have an impact on things like intensity, fitness etc. where I disagree is that the team forgets how to pass the ball, move off the ball, play triangles etc. due to fatigue. Those are coaching basics that should be the basis of a club's tactical approach. If we go back to now easily losing possession, being slow, predictable and lethargic in our passing and movement etc. i'm not sure how much of it you can blame on 'fatigue'
Kåt kvinne is said far more often than "katt kvinne", which i honestly am not sure what's supposed to mean :p

In English, a 'Crazy cat woman' is a regular expression! Norsk is evil, in that there's 3 words pronounced almost the exact same. (And the English suck at differentiating) I've since grown wiser, and learned that calling people 'kvinne' and using phrases like 'stille kvinne' is not the polite thing to do :p (A cautionary tale for those who initially start learning languages via apps like duolingo!) Also, as you say, in hindsight learning the word kåt early was useful, as now I won't mistake it for ladies calling themselves a cat!
The caf. Strange place since Ole has been in charge.

One of the best and most satisfying results of the season, effectively secures CL football. It puts us 7 points clear in 2nd place with talk of putting pressure on City. Ole's attacking, front foot tactics batter Jose and his anti-football tactics, Ole then sticks up for his players and club in the press, getting one over Jose and his teams efforts to get goals ruled out, get our players sent off in both fixtures this season.

I log on to browse what I hope is a great aftermath of positivity and what do I see? Small sections of our fanbase on here still posting negativity and finding ways to criticise him, I'll never understand it. No food for you lot :lol:
In English, a 'Crazy cat woman' is a regular expression! Norsk is evil, in that there's 3 words pronounced almost the exact same. (And the English suck at differentiating) I've since grown wiser, and learned that calling people 'kvinne' and using phrases like 'stille kvinne' is not the polite thing to do :p (A cautionary tale for those who initially start learning languages via apps like duolingo!) Also, as you say, in hindsight learning the word kåt early was useful, as now I won't mistake it for ladies calling themselves a cat!

Also keep in mind that we put words together, even though people are shit at it now, i blame texting and autocorrect for splitting words up.
Cracy cat woman would be gal kattekvinne.

Anyway... Solskjær is great! :)
Trying to not derail thread more.
I agree - my comment wasn't regarding fatigue not impacting performances. Of course it will have an impact on things like intensity, fitness etc. where I disagree is that the team forgets how to pass the ball, move off the ball, play triangles etc. due to fatigue. Those are coaching basics that should be the basis of a club's tactical approach. If we go back to now easily losing possession, being slow, predictable and lethargic in our passing and movement etc. i'm not sure how much of it you can blame on 'fatigue'

But fatigue is also going to impact the basics like pass and move and a good half vs an (it seemed) equally fatigued Spurs side does not mean its not an issue. Liverpool from Christmas onwards barely looked like they knew how to play football, its not due to the coaching turning to shit, but fatigue finally catching up with them.

Its the reason for example West Ham is in contention for a CL spot since they have been able to just focus on the league for a while now, where as the teams around them have played in Europe as well
The caf. Strange place since Ole has been in charge.

One of the best and most satisfying results of the season, effectively secures CL football. It puts us 7 points clear in 2nd place with talk of putting pressure on City. Ole's attacking, front foot tactics batter Jose and his anti-football tactics, Ole then sticks up for his players and club in the press, getting one over Jose and his teams efforts to get goals ruled out, get our players sent off in both fixtures this season.

I log on to browse what I hope is a great aftermath of positivity and what do I see? Small sections of our fanbase on here still posting negativity and finding ways to criticise him, I'll never understand it. No food for you lot :lol:

No one is criticising his football. It is his choice of words in these times. Now the Norwegians here have explained that it is a Norwegian term and Ole directly translated it to English. The meaning changes sometimes when that happens. To make matters more confusing Ole used the word my son. The Spurs player is also called Son. It is very understandable that this could cause confusion and has already happened in South Korea.
No one is criticising his football. It is his choice of words in these times. Now the Norwegians here have explained that it is a Norwegian term and Ole directly translated it to English. The meaning changes sometimes when that happens. To make matters more confusing Ole used the word my son. The Spurs player is also called Son. It is very understandable that this could cause confusion and has already happened in South Korea.
I can't believe people are taking this seriously. And Ole shouldn't have used the word son while taking about Son :lol: You'd expect professional journalists in Korea to be able to decrypt the complicated quote.
I can't believe people are taking this seriously. And Ole shouldn't have used the word son while taking about Son :lol: You'd expect professional journalists in Korea to be able to decrypt the complicated quote.



Ole sure threw a curve ball by introducing the wholly Norwegian concept of disciplining kids with the threat of no supper.


Ole sure threw a curve ball by introducing the wholly Norwegian concept of disciplining kids with the threat of no supper.
It's a bit of a silly remark. But fecksake he's just poking a bit of fun to highlight that cheating should be condemned. The whole "whoah, Ole starves his kids" really cracks me up.
I find it strange how bad Ole's English is after living there for what.. 10+ years?
I speak better English than him, and i've been in English speaking countries for 2-3 weeks total :p

Hopefully someone tells him to drop the Norwegian sayings before he starts using the really weird ones!

Don't walk around the porridge.
He's very apple handsome.
There are owls in the moss, to say it mild.
Out on a trip, never angry.

I recommend you all to google "as we say in Norway", so you can be prepared for things he might say in the future :lol:

It's not that his English is bad, it's that it's almost too good. I think people who are fluent in multiple languages (especially those as different as English and Norwegian) often find themselves forgetting which metaphors apply in which languages and end up using the wrong one in the wrong language. I definitely find myself doing this at times. Its something Mourinho also did in his meltdown (the bread cheese thing).
'I always get food!' - Solskjaer's son defends Man Utd boss after war of words with Mourinho

What has Noah Solskjaer said?
Noah Solskjaer, who started his professional career in Norway with Kristiansund last year, has spoken to his local newspaper Tidens Krav about his father's clash with Mourinho.

"Yes, I laughed a lot on Sunday too," said the 20-year-old. "I always get food, I can assure everyone about that."

Pressed on his reaction to Mourinho's defence of Son, Noah added: "I have never been lying down the way Son did.

"Mourinho probably just wanted to take the focus away from the fact they had lost."

:lol: :lol:
'I always get food!' - Solskjaer's son defends Man Utd boss after war of words with Mourinho

What has Noah Solskjaer said?
Noah Solskjaer, who started his professional career in Norway with Kristiansund last year, has spoken to his local newspaper Tidens Krav about his father's clash with Mourinho.

"Yes, I laughed a lot on Sunday too," said the 20-year-old. "I always get food, I can assure everyone about that."

Pressed on his reaction to Mourinho's defence of Son, Noah added: "I have never been lying down the way Son did.

"Mourinho probably just wanted to take the focus away from the fact they had lost."

:lol: :lol:


Love that!
'I always get food!' - Solskjaer's son defends Man Utd boss after war of words with Mourinho

What has Noah Solskjaer said?
Noah Solskjaer, who started his professional career in Norway with Kristiansund last year, has spoken to his local newspaper Tidens Krav about his father's clash with Mourinho.

"Yes, I laughed a lot on Sunday too," said the 20-year-old. "I always get food, I can assure everyone about that."

Pressed on his reaction to Mourinho's defence of Son, Noah added: "I have never been lying down the way Son did.

"Mourinho probably just wanted to take the focus away from the fact they had lost."

:lol: :lol:
Jose Mourinho - from winning everything and being the spechal one, to being trolled by Ole Gunnar Solskjaer's son. What a journey.
No one is criticising his football. It is his choice of words in these times. Now the Norwegians here have explained that it is a Norwegian term and Ole directly translated it to English. The meaning changes sometimes when that happens. To make matters more confusing Ole used the word my son. The Spurs player is also called Son. It is very understandable that this could cause confusion and has already happened in South Korea.
Good point, we need Einstein to crack the code as to whether Ole meant his actual son or Son the footballer. Damn you Ole. :lol:
It's not that his English is bad, it's that it's almost too good. I think people who are fluent in multiple languages (especially those as different as English and Norwegian) often find themselves forgetting which metaphors apply in which languages and end up using the wrong one in the wrong language. I definitely find myself doing this at times. Its something Mourinho also did in his meltdown (the bread cheese thing).
It’s literally a joke Brits do “you better do this or you go to bed without dinner” is a very common joke that I can’t actually believe we are having this discussion. :lol:
Good point, we need Einstein to crack the code as to whether Ole meant his actual son or Son the footballer. Damn you Ole. :lol:

When he said "if my Son did that..." he clearly meant in an alternate universe where he’s managing Son. Hard to read it any other way, really.
No one is criticising his football. It is his choice of words in these times. Now the Norwegians here have explained that it is a Norwegian term and Ole directly translated it to English. The meaning changes sometimes when that happens. To make matters more confusing Ole used the word my son. The Spurs player is also called Son. It is very understandable that this could cause confusion and has already happened in South Korea.

I mean my Son is different to saying Son (the player). Anyone who interprets that differently is clearly trying to make a story out of nothing.

So, No it is not understandable for this confusion. He said my son, which in english means his child. I don't see how anyone can look at that differently?
I mean my Son is different to saying Son (the player). Anyone who interprets that differently is clearly trying to make a story out of nothing.

So, No it is not understandable for this confusion. He said my son, which in english means his child. I don't see how anyone can look at that differently?

They're not even pronounced the same :lol:
'I always get food!' - Solskjaer's son defends Man Utd boss after war of words with Mourinho

What has Noah Solskjaer said?
Noah Solskjaer, who started his professional career in Norway with Kristiansund last year, has spoken to his local newspaper Tidens Krav about his father's clash with Mourinho.

"Yes, I laughed a lot on Sunday too," said the 20-year-old. "I always get food, I can assure everyone about that."

Pressed on his reaction to Mourinho's defence of Son, Noah added: "I have never been lying down the way Son did.

"Mourinho probably just wanted to take the focus away from the fact they had lost."

:lol: :lol:

Great lad :lol:
'I always get food!' - Solskjaer's son defends Man Utd boss after war of words with Mourinho

What has Noah Solskjaer said?
Noah Solskjaer, who started his professional career in Norway with Kristiansund last year, has spoken to his local newspaper Tidens Krav about his father's clash with Mourinho.

"Yes, I laughed a lot on Sunday too," said the 20-year-old. "I always get food, I can assure everyone about that."

Pressed on his reaction to Mourinho's defence of Son, Noah added: "I have never been lying down the way Son did.

"Mourinho probably just wanted to take the focus away from the fact they had lost."

:lol: :lol:
So not only is Ole a Sexist and racist pig. He's also a liar....


Ole sure threw a curve ball by introducing the wholly Norwegian concept of disciplining kids with the threat of no supper.

:confused: this was common in Canada, as well. Maybe it's a cold countries thing.
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