What the hell is this post

. When we beat Chelsea and City there were alot of posters praising Ole. How last night's game was nothing is beyond me. Every game that is crucial to champions league qualification matters including last night's game.
If you think it's so boring that Ole gets criticised frequently then what are you still doing on this thread. When I made the point about how Norwich plays better football than us I made sure I put other teams like Borussia Monchengladbach who are chasing the Bundesliga, Leeds who are chasing the championship title and Sheffield who are overachieving. But nope the Ole supporters that replied to that post only picked out Norwich and choose to ignore the other teams because that's what suits their agenda.
Im sure you're a smart guy in real life or you try to be so it saddens me a bit that you can't see that there are other coaches out there better than the one we have now.