Oblivion: Elder Scrolls

Morrowmind was spectacular, everyone I know prefers it.

I never played it enough though.
My PS3 disc broke on me just this weekend! I'm over 100 or so hours into it and only about halfway through all the story-lines (barring the Shivering Isles, of which I've barely scratched the surface). Quite gutted about that.

It was odd as I had been playing for about 2 hours Sunday morning and all was fine, then I exited a church and the outside failed to load. I did a restart on the console and then the PS3 wouldn't register the disc? I shut everything off, then restarted again, yet still no joy. When I took the disc out I could see it had cracked along the edge of the inner hole, and I guess the constant reading/spinning of the disc inside the machine must have caused it to crack further.

Anyone know if I have any recourse on this as a consumer? Or will I just have to fork out for the game again?

Not sure what you can do there mate. I've got it on my HDD on the xbox so i don't think i'll have that problem.

I think i'll do the fighter's guild stuff when i get back, or i could just join the thieve's guild and go on the rob. Oh the possibilities.
Eh, I enjoyed it, put way too much time into the game. The only reason I stopped playing halfway through Shivering Isles was because a save file was corrupted and I lost 10 hours or so. :(

Gotta get back into Fallout 3 soon, haven't touched it in 3 weeks.
Yea I picked it up recently for a tenner having not played it for 3 years, fantastic game. I also prefer Morrowind, however.
Just started playing this again last night after a two year hiatus. Took about 30 mins to get my bearings back, but I soon shut a Great Gate and wiped out a bunch of vampires in a cave. I've never really suffered due to the levelling issues, coz I have 100 in conjuring and just send monsters into battle for me while I shoot fireballs and lightning from afar. Then again, I'm only level 31 so maybe the worst is yet to come.
Yeah, I've gone back to the Shivering Isles to do a few quests. Trying to drag out the main plotline as long as possible. When I've done all the side quests I'll go and destroy the rest of the Oblivion Gates.
Can't wait for Skyrim. It's gonna be fecking ridiculous.
That's why I'm playing this again. I want to get it out of the way before Skyrim comes out.

You getting it for PC or Xbox?