Oblivion: Elder Scrolls


Memberus Anonymous & Legendus
Mar 29, 2004
I've been thinking of getting this for the 360. Having just played and completed Fable for the first time (downlaoded the whole game off the marketplace :cool:), I thought it was a superb game. Can anyone tell me how Oblivion compares? I've never played it so do you actually have missions, like in Fable, or do you basically just run around and do what you want? I assume you do have actual objectives but best to be sure.
I own it, I think.

EDIT: yeah I do have it.
One person who has played it but doesn't own it, and one person who isn't sure if he owns it. I have to admit I was hoping for slightly better feedback than this
I do own it. I'm not usually a fan of those types of games but I have to say I enjoyed it a lot, I would definitely recommend it.
I do own it. I'm not usually a fan of those types of games but I have to say I enjoyed it a lot, I would definitely recommend it.

Is there actually liek a storyline to follow? Do you have to complete tasks and missions etc?
You can't buy every game.

Why don't you look for a torrent for the PC version first so that you can try it. Or, there must still be demos of this on PSN or XBL?

Can't find one on live and I can't connect my PS3 up to the internet for some reason. I'm kind of banking on it not being too expensive anyway since its a few years old
Is there actually liek a storyline to follow? Do you have to complete tasks and missions etc?

There is a main story-line yeah, and theres hundreds of others tasks/missions, (whatever you call em) to do, which I actually found more fun then the main story. The story is fun though. The map is huge and theres plenty to do, the freedom makes it fun.
its a very good game, although on the pc version the other day i got stuck in behind a thislte/tree thing whilst in a cave/underground place.

spent about 25 mins trying to get out and couldnt so i had to load my saved game which hadnt been saved for well over an hour :(
it is a wicked game, and the ps3 version is not really superior

it is slightly brighter and the draw distance is a bit further, but that is it

and the 360 has the shimmering isles and some other expansion packs


spent well over 100 hours completing it, only have to go back to one bit to get all the trophys, as there is a split in the story and one part means you can get one of 2 trophys based on your decision
The PC version is the best!

Because once you're done with it, theres so much mods out there you can play around with.
it is a wicked game, and the ps3 version is not really superior

it is slightly brighter and the draw distance is a bit further, but that is it

and the 360 has the shimmering isles and some other expansion packs


spent well over 100 hours completing it, only have to go back to one bit to get all the trophys, as there is a split in the story and one part means you can get one of 2 trophys based on your decision

ps3 has shimmering isles as well and its actually £10 cheaper than the 360 version :wenger: on play.com so I think thats made my mind up which version to get.
Get the Game of the Year Edition, Smashed. It has Shimmering Ilses and the other expansion pack.

I rented this game but can't say I really liked the execution of it. The concept is fantastic but it just reminded me of an N64 game that I purchased and really hated. My mate swears it is one of the best games ever, though.
anisotropic filtering you say? Well, thats definitely made my mind up for me
Great game, ruined by the fact that the enemies scale with you.

Leaves you with absolutely no sense of progress whatsoever. Gets boring after a few hours when everything is the same difficulty to kill.

Also the levelling system itself is massively flawed. Unless you know exactly what you're doing when you level then you just get weaker and weaker compared to you enemies (as they level up, too).

Example: You go to a cave right when you start the game (most people I know go straight across the river into the Ayleid ruins when they've emerged from the sewers). The bandits are all your level, drop terrible loot and are fairly easy to kill, as to be expected at first level.

However, when you go back at level fifteen, when your fighter / mage / rogue is much more powerful, you find that the ruins are instead filled with bandit kings who are more than a match for you. So you go to the goblin cave nearby -- bad luck. That's full of minotaurs now.

Oh, and the imps you killed a while back? Giant tyranosaur demons now.

The scaling, for me at least, basically ruined what was an amazing game.
I played it on the PC and had fun. Finished both the main story and the expansion.

You do need to think, and plan, how to gain levels and which skills to raise. I suggest finding some fan-site explaining the leveling system and how to use it before making your first character.
Great game, ruined by the fact that the enemies scale with you.

Leaves you with absolutely no sense of progress whatsoever. Gets boring after a few hours when everything is the same difficulty to kill.

Also the levelling system itself is massively flawed. Unless you know exactly what you're doing when you level then you just get weaker and weaker compared to you enemies (as they level up, too).

Example: You go to a cave right when you start the game (most people I know go straight across the river into the Ayleid ruins when they've emerged from the sewers). The bandits are all your level, drop terrible loot and are fairly easy to kill, as to be expected at first level.

However, when you go back at level fifteen, when your fighter / mage / rogue is much more powerful, you find that the ruins are instead filled with bandit kings who are more than a match for you. So you go to the goblin cave nearby -- bad luck. That's full of minotaurs now.

Oh, and the imps you killed a while back? Giant tyranosaur demons now.

The scaling, for me at least, basically ruined what was an amazing game.

Sounds a bit shit, and as you say basically defeats the point of levelling up. At least with Fable, once you level up you can go back to the beginning parts of the game and the enemies there you struggled with initially, you can no wbrush aside with ease. Same with the FF series really
Sounds a bit shit, and as you say basically defeats the point of levelling up. At least with Fable, once you level up you can go back to the beginning parts of the game and the enemies there you struggled with initially, you can no wbrush aside with ease. Same with the FF series really

The leveling system was the biggest problem with the game, but if you know what you are doing you can become stronger (compared to your enemies) as you level up. Still, even with that the game can be lots of fun. The main story was quite fun to play through. The same with some of the guilds.
Yup, the level scaling thing was a big mess, switch a level and you'd suddenly be fighting people much better geared then you.

On the pc there are several mods to get rid, Oscuro's overhaul I've read is comprehensive, might buy the game again for the pc to play it

OOO is a fantastic mod. The saving grace of the PC version is mods like that; OOO coupled with the monster mods (although I think they've been incorporated into OOO now) made it playable by sorting the levelling system and getting rid of the scaling.

There's other mods, too, which are great, like the more realistic weather mod and one which, whilst it sounds weird, doubles the size of all the trees. Oblivion's staple trees are actually quite small and when in the wilderness it just doesn't look quite right. Using that mod you feel a lot more like you're in a vast forest.

But I didn't mention those mods because it seems likes Smashed is looking to buy it on either the 360 or the PS3, and I'm fairly sure that the consoles can't handle those mods, which are made by the PC crowd for the PC crowd. So the vanilla game (mod-free) does have a lot of flaws which ruin the enjoyment for me.
I had this. Played it for a few hours and then got bored. Don't see the hype personally but then it's not my kind of thing.
I've been thinking of getting this for the 360. Having just played and completed Fable for the first time (downlaoded the whole game off the marketplace :cool:), I thought it was a superb game. Can anyone tell me how Oblivion compares? I've never played it so do you actually have missions, like in Fable, or do you basically just run around and do what you want? I assume you do have actual objectives but best to be sure.

Brilliant game, but, the fighting just isn't that good. There are lots of options, routes and paths but it did get a bit repetitive after 158 hours of gameplay ;)

I'm looking forward to the Lord of the Rings game on PS3, anybody know anything about it or when it is out?
I started playing this again the other day after buying the pack with this and Bioschock. I had to start from scratch as i lost my save but i'm loving it.

I never really went exploring before as i kinda stuck to the main missions for the guilds and the story but this time i'm wandering around more, taking it all in. Also with the plug ins i never played, it is giving me a new experience. I haven't even done the first story mission yet and i'm already in full dwarven gear, the arena champion and have two houses. I'd forgotten how much fun and how addictive this game was!
It's probably the best game I've ever played.
My PS3 disc broke on me just this weekend! I'm over 100 or so hours into it and only about halfway through all the story-lines (barring the Shivering Isles, of which I've barely scratched the surface). Quite gutted about that.

It was odd as I had been playing for about 2 hours Sunday morning and all was fine, then I exited a church and the outside failed to load. I did a restart on the console and then the PS3 wouldn't register the disc? I shut everything off, then restarted again, yet still no joy. When I took the disc out I could see it had cracked along the edge of the inner hole, and I guess the constant reading/spinning of the disc inside the machine must have caused it to crack further.

Anyone know if I have any recourse on this as a consumer? Or will I just have to fork out for the game again?
It's a brilliant game, I bought it the day it was released for the 360.

You need to have lots of patience and there's tons of dialogue to get through. Some of the missions are awesome (like when you wake up on a ship.)

Some of the visuals are spectacular too.