Oasis - Bunch of thieves

They were good to drink to when they first came out. It's true they sound dated now and they never sounded original, but they had a freshness and swagger at the time that was pretty exciting.

But yeah, musically they were more outrageously derivative than a Lehmann trade, and their lyrics were absolutely shocking. Funny that the OP brings up Married With Children, that's got some of their better lyrics IMO.

Those lines were from Diggsy's Dinner, no?

Married with children is a cracking song though. Making 'Yer music's shite, it keeps me up all night, up all night..' sound sharp is a classic case of less being more.
Speaking of stealing: Listen to Stairway To Heaven. Then listen to Tears by The Stone Roses.
Listen to Spirits Taurus then listen to Stairway to Heaven.
Zeppelin were really bad for theft (words and music). But still great.
All bands take a little, add a little and are influenced a lot by other artists.
Oasis made a couple of good records, the problem is living up to the hype. Ill never understand why they didnt try and experiment a little more with different sounds.
Good little band, nothing to write home about. I reckon elvis is being harsh, like a spurned lover.
I like that Oasis song with all the helicopters, something like 'all you people do you know what I mean, or do you know what I say'. Apart from that song the rest is just garbage.
I think the issue isn't so much that they borrow from bands like the doors as most manchester bands in to 90's did including Stone Roses and inspiral carpets. The issue is that unlike the Stone roses they do nothing original or interesting with the material and as the OP said they are lyrically terrible most of the time.

I think they also suffer from having a one-toned lead singer(Noel is by far a better singer than Liam) and bland cord structure to their songs which all sound like the same rifts played over and over.

Average and overrated band for me.
Bingo. Basically, RedNome and Mike told Elvis that Oasis were shit and so now all of a sudden he doesn't like them anymore.

Now one of his favourite bands is Radiohead, a band which Mike and RedNome are the two main proponents of on this forum.

That's how culture works though isn't it? If you've been eating McDonalds all your life and then someone cooks you a lovely meal, you come to realise there are better things out there than a Big Mac. Radiohead is probably sushi - an acquired taste, a little pretentious but brilliant.
That's how culture works though isn't it? If you've been eating McDonalds all your life and then someone cooks you a lovely meal, you come to realise there are better things out there than a Big Mac. Radiohead is probably sushi - an acquired taste, a little pretentious but brilliant.

Yeah but some idiots would still rather have a Maccas.
Stolen or not, they made some great melodies, but lyrically they are awful.

Slowly walking down the hall / faster than a cannonball...