Oasis - Bunch of thieves


Aug 7, 2007
Lake Jonathan Creek
Now I'm no expert on music, so I'm not going to do a Mike and pretend to be. But through listening to older music you can see a striking resemblance between a lot of older songs and a lot of Oasis' ones. Beatles, Zeppelin, The Doors, they're all there. I mean OK. Noel will have been brought up listening to the likes of those and more, but you can't just steal all their ideas and mask it over with some new, not as good lyrics, because that is theft, basically.

I used to like Oasis a lot, but aside from a handful of tunes I can't really stomach them now. A lot of the songs are just plain rubbish, and the lyrics are terrible. I mean, come to mine and half past 3 and we'll have lasagne? What's that all about?

They did have quite a few good b-sides, mind.
Yes, Oasis are one of the most overrated bands ever. But it's a little ironic you would accuse them of stealing from Zeppelin - they were more than partial to a bit of musical 'theft'.
Ye but whatever Zeppelin stole they made pretty damn good, so we can forgive them for that.

And Biscuit as I said, I like a handful of their song but the rest ranges from 'meh' to pretty much shite.
All I ever wanted to do was make a record. Here's what you do: you pick up your guitar, you rip a few people's tunes off, you swap them round a bit, get your brother in the band, punch his head in every now and again, and it sells. I'm a lucky bastard. I'm probably the single most lucky man in the world -- apart from our Liam

With every song that I write, I compare it to the Beatles. The thing is, they only got there before me. If I'd been born at the same time as John Lennon, I'd have been up there

They don't hard the fact they nick other peoples stuff.
Ye but whatever Zeppelin stole they made pretty damn good, so we can forgive them for that.

And Biscuit as I said, I like a handful of their song but the rest ranges from 'meh' to pretty much shite.

Almost all Oasis melodies are taken from The Beatles. I still enjoy Oasis though and Liam's voice is so different from Paul/George/John's that it's not that noticable unless you're listening for it.
Wasn't there a point where you were a big Oasis fanboy? Or am I confusing you with someone else.
As I said, I used to like Oasis a lot and used to defend them a fair bit on here, but I have now seen the light, and realise the error of my ways.
As I said, I used to like Oasis a lot and used to defend them a fair bit on here, but I have now seen the light, and realise the error of my ways.
You're an idiot. Officially, you Asda folk know nothing.
Everyone nicks from everyone else. If you use that as a reason to dislike someone's music, then you won't have much to listen to.

That said, though I used to quite like them, their music has aged really poorly.
Yeah but I suppose at least they didn't hide it. Every artist steals from others though just some do it more blatantly than others.
Theres a couple of tunes that are still immense, but I've never rated them as highly as I apparently should have - they are/were so hyped it's untrue.
Yeah, you're right about the ageing Brophs. If you listen to 'Definitely Maybe' now it sounds ludicrously poor and dated, whereas if you listen to something contemporaneous like The Bends it still sounds fairly modern and relevant.

Oasis are basically one of those bands to get teenagers into rock music and then most move on to better things.
Almost all Oasis melodies are taken from The Beatles. I still enjoy Oasis though and Liam's voice is so different from Paul/George/John's that it's not that noticable unless you're listening for it.

apart from the ones from slade and t-rex.
Yeah, you're right about the ageing Brophs. If you listen to 'Definitely Maybe' now it sounds ludicrously poor and dated, whereas if you listen to something contemporaneous like The Bends it still sounds fairly modern and relevant.

Oasis are basically one of those bands to get teenagers into rock music and then most move on to better things.

Yeah, that's about the size of it. It's quite similar to Urban Hymns, albeit in a slightly different way. I listened to UH recently to see if I still thought it was as good as I used to, and it sounded quite dated. Within half a minute you'd easily be able to say this came from the mid-late nineties. That's not to suggest all music that's of its time is poor, but there's a calculated immediacy about them that jumps out at you after some time away.
Everyone nicks from everyone else. If you use that as a reason to dislike someone's music, then you won't have much to listen to.

That said, though I used to quite like them, their music has aged really poorly.

I don't use the fact that a lot of it is blatantly stole as a reason for disliking them, it's just that as you say, it's terribly out-dated. I tried listening to them earlier on in the week but just couldn't. Everything after 1995 really is a load of crap.

RedNome always told me I would grow out of them and my musical tastes would develop for the better. RedNome was right.
I don't use the fact that a lot of it is blatantly stole as a reason for disliking them, it's just that as you say, it's terribly out-dated. I tried listening to them earlier on in the week but just couldn't. Everything after 1995 really is a load of crap.

RedNome always told me I would grow out of them and my musical tastes would develop for the better. RedNome was right.

You have to balance that with the fact that Rednome's a baldy cnut who (probably) tampers with animals.
I don't use the fact that a lot of it is blatantly stole as a reason for disliking them, it's just that as you say, it's terribly out-dated. I tried listening to them earlier on in the week but just couldn't. Everything after 1995 really is a load of crap.

RedNome always told me I would grow out of them and my musical tastes would develop for the better. RedNome was right.

rednome knows his onions about music.

He really should do another top 50 albums of all time vote, the one we did a few years back was great fun.
To be fair, the biggest Beatles rip-off merchants for quite a while were Supergrass, and they're fantastic.
I've always enjoyed listening to a bit of Oasis, particularly when I'm drunk, but it does have to be said that they tended to hone in quite closely to past masters :)

That said, Noel has written some phenomenal numbers such as talk tonight, master plan etc
I don't understand how people "used" to like a certain type of music but not anymore.

Is it some urge to distance yourself from something others deem to be not as cool, why be embarrassed about it ? everything popular has it's own merits, everything that even only a handful of people like has it's merits and something that speaks to the individual.

Threads like this are everything I hate about music, it's not a reflection on you Elvis, don't worry, Listening to music seems to unite the majority of us, whereas talking about it seems to divide the majority of us as well.

Talking about music in a critical form should be banned, you should just let the individual share their experience and what they like and what they get out of the music they enjoy, and like with the music, you should just listen and maybe you will find you can take something from it too weather it be Hip Hop, Death Metal, Happy Hardcore or Violence Screamo.
I don't understand how people "used" to like a certain type of music but not anymore.

Is it some urge to distance yourself from something others deem to be not as cool?

Bingo. Basically, RedNome and Mike told Elvis that Oasis were shit and so now all of a sudden he doesn't like them anymore.

Now one of his favourite bands is Radiohead, a band which Mike and RedNome are the two main proponents of on this forum.
People who like Radiohead tend to be pretentious music snobs. Radiohead to me are boring as feck. I'd rather rub my face up and down a piece of sand paper, than listen to them for 20minutes.
Bingo. Basically, RedNome and Mike told Elvis that Oasis were shit and so now all of a sudden he doesn't like them anymore.

Now one of his favourite bands is Radiohead, a band which Mike and RedNome are the two main proponents of on this forum.

It's not 'all of a sudden'. Prior to this week I hadn't listened to Oasis in about a year, give or take a month. My musical tastes have developed a lot since then and through listening to a lot of other music, going back to Oasis I decided that they weren't actually that good. Radiohead are a class-act. It took me 3 listens of OK Computer before I came round to them, but once you do there's no denying they are one of the best bands of all time.

Your suggestion that I now don't like Oasis and like Radiohead because Mike and RedNome told me to is daft at the very least.
I don't understand how people "used" to like a certain type of music but not anymore.

Is it some urge to distance yourself from something others deem to be not as cool, why be embarrassed about it ? everything popular has it's own merits, everything that even only a handful of people like has it's merits and something that speaks to the individual.

Threads like this are everything I hate about music, it's not a reflection on you Elvis, don't worry, Listening to music seems to unite the majority of us, whereas talking about it seems to divide the majority of us as well.

Talking about music in a critical form should be banned, you should just let the individual share their experience and what they like and what they get out of the music they enjoy, and like with the music, you should just listen and maybe you will find you can take something from it too weather it be Hip Hop, Death Metal, Happy Hardcore or Violence Screamo.

Like anything your tastes develop and change. Fashion, music, tv, women etc, they all change as you grow up, music is no different. I won't judge anyone for liking a different band/artist to me, it's their choice and music is entirely subjective.
People who like Radiohead tend to be pretentious music snobs. Radiohead to me are boring as feck. I'd rather rub my face up and down a piece of sand paper, than listen to them for 20minutes.

To be honest given the shite you've listed as liking in the past i'd be concerned if you did like them.
To be fair, liking Radiohead is a sign that you have a pretty progressive music taste. If having a progressive musical taste = being a music snob, then, well that's silly.
It's not 'all of a sudden'. Prior to this week I hadn't listened to Oasis in about a year, give or take a month. My musical tastes have developed a lot since then and through listening to a lot of other music, going back to Oasis I decided that they weren't actually that good. Radiohead are a class-act. It took me 3 listens of OK Computer before I came round to them, but once you do there's no denying they are one of the best bands of all time.

Your suggestion that I now don't like Oasis and like Radiohead because Mike and RedNome told me to is daft at the very least.

After some time your musical tastes might develop even further and allow you to realise what made you like Oasis in the first place, and still appreciate them for that rather than deciding you were wrong to like what you liked :smirk:
Oasis - Bunch of thieves

Yes, they are

In that genre (and not only) it's all a copy&paste

Doors, Frank Zappa, Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, Beatles, Stones
Other bands (Oasis in particular), copy&paste
To be fair to Elvis though he went on record several times stating his music already existed and that he was just taking it in a new direction.
They were good to drink to when they first came out. It's true they sound dated now and they never sounded original, but they had a charisma and swagger at the time that was pretty exciting. And Liam's voice was good.

But yeah, musically they were more outrageously derivative than a Lehmann trade, and their lyrics were absolutely shocking. Funny that the OP brings up Married With Children, that's got some of their better lyrics IMO.