November. Gaming Heaven?

It's gutting how many games are coming out now. I don't have the money to buy more than one or 2 on release day, so I'll have to wait until Christmas comes to get some others... but that's so far away! My list so far - FM12, F1 2011, Fifa 12, MW3, Battlefield 3, Batman: Arkham City, Dead Island... and there will be plenty of others!
Batman: Arkham City
Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
Rayman Origins
Super Mario 3D Land

Those are the ones I'm looking forward to in October and November.
Saints Row: The Third
ICO + SOTC HD remake

That's 'all' I'll probably end up buying on release, with everything else I'll just wait for a price drop sometime next year, or can probably just avoid altogether.
I have to have them all on release date. I must be able to look at them on my shelf. It's a goddamn disease.
I rarely buy games on release date these days, but I think I may have to make an exception for Skyrim. Can't remember being this excited for a game
I will likely get most of them in one way or another. Diablo 3 is still the one I'm waiting on though.
Right so how are caftards negotiating this month? I succumbed and bought Arkham City despite previously deciding to wait for Unchartered instead. Big mistake considering its length. One thing I don't want to do is buy Unchartered and not finish it in time for Skyrim and Zelda. Don't want to be playing 3 single player games at the same time.

This is some tricky shit.
Bought AC. Big mistake. Hopefully trade it today for BF3. Already paid for UC3 and Skyrim. UC3 will likely only take around 12 hours to finish so that's not a problem. I will wait and see how MW3 scores before I make a decision. I also want Saints Row, but it can wait until I have played Skyrim.
Hell for the bank balance, this. I've already got Gears 3 and PES12, and I have every intention to buy BF3, MW3 and Halo: CE Anniversary.
Bought Arkham City. Gonna finish it and trade it for Dark Souls this weekend I think.

MW3 on order from Tesco.

That'll do me for now.
Bought DE(late, I know), Dark Souls and AC. Will be trading in AC asap.

Next on the list are Skyrim, Saints Row and NFS(If the post release reviews are good). Tempted to take a punt on Ace Combat as well but it looks and sounds well and truly shit which is a shame, 'twas a good series. :(
I have boguht (and paid pre-orders for) Arkham City, Uncharted 3, MW3 and Skyrim.

Goodbye world.
Ive brought Deus Ex, Dark Souls, Arkham City & Uncharted so far
Will surely get Skyrim and Assassins Creed too

No plans to get MW3 at the moment but the hype machine over the last couple has been so overwhelming i've ended up giving in. There's a good chance i'll get Zelda for my son so no doubt ill end up playing it through at some point
if you want to learn guitar or get a bit better, add rocksmith to that :cool: though you have to import it.
In the past month I've bought:

FIFA 12;
Gears of War 3;
The Golden Compass (was 75p and I feel ripped off);
Dark Souls;
Arkham City;
Battlefield 3.

And have Uncharted 3, Skyrim, MW3 and Lego Harry Potter 2 (for the wife) pre-ordered. Still tempted with Skyward Sword and Goldeneye but think I'll wait until after Christmas.
so far

Deus Ex
Gears of War 3
Dark Souls

Still to get

Uncharted 3
Ass Creed

Maybe but can all wait
Battlefield 3
Saints Row
Just when Nintendo have had a bad time of late - they are about to release Super Mario Land 3D and Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. IGN claim the 3D effect in the former is mindblowing and have given it 9.5/10 whilst a few of the early reviews are claiming Skyward Sword is the best Zelda game ever made - Edge has given it a rare 10/10.

Considering their excellence in making games, why they don't expand their portfolio and their scale of production is bizarre.
Just when Nintendo have had a bad time of late - they are about to release Super Mario Land 3D and Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. IGN claim the 3D effect in the former is mindblowing and have given it 9.5/10 whilst a few of the early reviews are claiming Skyward Sword is the best Zelda game ever made - Edge has given it a rare 10/10.

Considering their excellence in making games, why they don't expand their portfolio and their scale of production is bizarre.

Once upon a time they were rare and prestigious, nowadays they're tossing them all over the place.
Once upon a time they were rare and prestigious, nowadays they're tossing them all over the place.

Fair enough though they rate it more highly than they did Twilight Princess.
Just when Nintendo have had a bad time of late - they are about to release Super Mario Land 3D and Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. IGN claim the 3D effect in the former is mindblowing and have given it 9.5/10 whilst a few of the early reviews are claiming Skyward Sword is the best Zelda game ever made - Edge has given it a rare 10/10.

Considering their excellence in making games, why they don't expand their portfolio and their scale of production is bizarre.

Personally I love how Nintendo work, they concentrate on a select few projects so when they do release a game you know it's going to be bloody good.
To be fair I'm getting a tad bit bored of the endless Mario and co rehashes. They've become similar to Sega in that respect.

I know its a safe tactic, but I'd rather they get more original than releasing a current gen version of Mario Kart, a current gen version of SSB, a current gen 3D Mario platformer etc...rinse and repeat for future gens. Oddly enough I think Luigi's mansion is probably the most innovative game they've released in the last decade or so.
Personally I love how Nintendo work, they concentrate on a select few projects so when they do release a game you know it's going to be bloody good.

Indeed so, though if they increased their output, and across a wider spectrum, we wouldn't have to keep banging on about third party support so often.

As good as Mario and Zelda games are, one game each every three years or so is nowhere near enough to support a console.