November. Gaming Heaven?

Lance Uppercut

And a little bit of October, too.

You're likely planning to purchase EA's shooter stunner Battlefield 3 when it releases in October.

A week later, any core gamer worth his PS3 Trophies would have to sport the resilience of a Shaolin Monk to keep their Visa away from Uncharted 3.

Then, seven days after that, depending on which side of the FPS fence you sit, Activision's Modern Warfare 3 will tempt millions to reach for their wallet once more.

From that point, another three days pass - and Bethesda's Elder Scrolls: Skyrim, CVG readers' most-anticipated game of the year hits shelves. As if you're going to be able to resist.

Assassin's Creed: Revelations, Halo Combat Evolved: Anniversary, Saints Row: The Third... you'll probably fancy them too, won't you? And they're all releasing on the same day - a week after Modern Warfare and Skyrim.

Chuck in Need for Speed: The Run, Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater on 3DS, plus the very likely addition of either Super Mario 3DS or Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, and you're looking at quite likely the most expensive and over-crowded month video games have ever seen.


Jesus. I will be getting BF3, Uncharted 3, Elder Scrolls 5, and Saints Row the Third.

I have said I won't get MW3 and Assassin's Creed: Revelations. But I might.

This is going to hurt the wallet.
I'll be getting Uncharted 3, Skyrim and MW3.
I'll definitely be getting Battlefield 3, Uncharted 3, Skyrim, Assassins Creed, and I'll probably end up getting MW3 as well.
From September to November, my wallet will take a hammering.

September 9th - Dead Island + Resistance 3
September 31st - Fifa 12
October 4th - Rage + Twisted Metal
October 21st - Batman Akrham City
October 28th - Battlefield 3
November 1st - Uncharted 3
November 8th - Modern Warfare 3
November 11th - Skyrim
November 15th - Assasins Creed: Revelations + Sains Row: The Third

Also have the Team Ico + Shadow of Collosus HD collection in September, and Metal Gear Sold HD collection in November.
I'll get Skyrim and that's it. The lad at work will get Batman. I've got ME3 and Witcher 2 in my sights as well, post-xmas.
I reckon Skyrim will need to be pre ordered as well. This one could match RDR for anticipation levels.
Skyrim...shit, I'd forgotten about it again until now. The anticipation is ridiculous with that game. I've not had this feeling with a game for about 10 years (well, probably since the wait for Oblivion, to be honest).
Arkham City, FIFA 12, Uncharted, Assassins Creed and Battlefield are dead certs for me to get. It's going to be great <3
BF3, Uncharted 3, Saints Row the Third, Assasin's Creed, FIFA 12.

EDIT: And Football Manager for PC.
EDIT2: FFS, F1 2011 23rd September as well.


Also possibly MW3 but I reckon I'm going to be so taken up with BF3 I won't have any time to play it.
Dark Souls is released in October, too. :(

I have no idea where I will find the time to play these.
F1 2011
Assassins Creed revelations
Uncharted 3

Will probably get all those on release
good think my birthday is November 9th, even if I only got 50 quid for it this year, that's a free game with that money hehe.
Arkham, Assassins Creed, Uncharted and Dark Souls will be release day jobs.

I'll probably leave skyrim till i'm finished with the above as its bound to be a good deal larger than the rest, it also will no doubt be patched almost daily for the first month or so.

gonna try to avoid MW3 altogether but i suspect i'll get caught up in the hysteria at some point and cave
Add God of War Origins and the HD remake of Resident Evil 4 mid September. :(
I'll definitely be getting Battlefield 3, Uncharted 3, Skyrim, Assassins Creed, and I'll probably end up getting MW3 as well.

My list as well, but MW3 can feck right off.

Will probably play through Uncharted 3 and BF3 first. Leave Skyrim for winter/christmas when it'll hopefully be snowing and all cold. Nice and atmospheric :p
FIFA, PES and FM, definitely, but I get those every year anyway.

Skyrim and Uncharted are the ones I'm excited about for November.

Arkham should be fun but not overly excited about it.

Having said that, I'm still to play Deus Ex:HR which in my case pisses over all of these in terms of my anticipation for it.
FIFA, PES and FM, definitely, but I get those every year anyway.

Skyrim and Uncharted are the ones I'm excited about for November.

Arkham should be fun but not overly excited about it.

Having said that, I'm still to play Deus Ex:HR which in my case pisses over all of these in terms of my anticipation for it.

It's a fantastic game, I'm torn between trading it in when I'm done, and picking it up down the line again when it's much cheaper if I ever want to set aside another week to blast through it at any point since it's impossible to put down, and get a great value back to put towards my other games, or just to keep hold of it.
It's a fantastic game, I'm torn between trading it in when I'm done, and picking it up down the line again when it's much cheaper if I ever want to set aside another week to blast through it at any point since it's impossible to put down, and get a great value back to put towards my other games, or just to keep hold of it.

I'm sure it will be. I had an unhealthy obsession with the original. If you're going to get a better price later then trade it but do buy it eventually. It's one of those games that you can keep going back to.
Yeah I reckon I'll do that, I didn't put it down for pretty much 3 days straight. When all these new ones come out I won't have time to run through it again so I'll trade it in against BF3 and then pick it up after Christmas when it's cheaper if I want to play it again.
BF3, MW3 and Uncharted 3.

To be honest, I'm hoping I don't play MW3 all that often as it'll mean that BF3 is so good it blows it completely out of the water. But most likely I'll be rotating between them much as I am with Black Ops and BC2 at the moment.

My brother will be getting Skyrim, so I'll probably give it a quick go to see if it captures my attention. Both Morrowind and Oblivion were great at first but I got bored after a while.
don't any of you have work/studying to do? I wish I had the time....I'll probably buy one of them due to the hype and will play it for a couple of hours the day I buy it before it sits there and collects dust :( FML
my wallet is going to be destroyed :(

PES 2012
F1 2011
MW 3
Uncharted 3
Battlefield 3
Assassins Creed
Saints Row 3
Dead Island........09/09
Resistance 3.......09/09
Gears 3..............20/09
F1 2011.............23/09
Max Payne 3.......30/09
Fifa 12...............30/09
Battlefield 3........28/10
Uncharted 3........01/11
CoD MW3 ...........08/11
Elder Scrolls 5.....11/11
Saints Row 3.......18/11

Looking good :cool:
Ico and Shadow of the Colossus HD Collection on 30/09/11.

Games I want are - NHL, Fifa, Madden, NBA 2k, Uncharted 3, Gears 3, MW3, Battlefield 3, Arkham City, Skyrim, Assassins Creed, Silent Hill/MGS remakes...

But I'll only be buying Gears and one of MW/BF on release, because as per usual Q1-3 of 2012 will be useless, so buying last years Q4 games cheap will make up for it.