Nostalgic Games

Italia 90


Best football game ever!!
When I play Geomerty Wars it feels like games did when I was younger. Very simple idea, no story or cutscenes, just fun.

Like a demented Asteroids in HD (it looks amazing on a decent telly).

Solomon's Key, and Rygar (NES version).

And Ballblazer on the C64. That kicked ass.
Championship Manager 2 95/96 season on PC. PLEASE tell me someone knows where I can download this from ?

Ok so I found this and downloaded it but it says "Drive not ready error reading drive D" It's brought up some Dos. I am a total prat when it comes to stuff like this so any help would be amazing.
Red Alert 2


Good times were spent on that.

Oh and Stobzilla, I'd ask x42bn6...he's usually good with computer-related stuff.