Nostalgic Games

Team Brian GB

Baby Cameron loves X-Factor
Jan 11, 2008
Whilst there are plenty of games I still play on the PC that are older than five years such as Sim City 4 and Rome:Total War and from time to time hook up a previous generation console, they don't get me nostalgic.

However I don't know how I found it but I came across a review the other day of a PC Game I had completely forgotten about released in 1995, called 'Rise of the Triad' - it was the first game I ever played on a PC and the first 3D shooter. Even though I haven't played it in fifteen years I think of it as absolutely immense, beyond anything resembling modern and would get excited if I played it again - youtube videos probably require more memory than games of such an age.
I loved Oregon Trails as a child... super game.

Also, Where in the ___ is Carmen Sandiego? series was nothing short of brilliant.
I loved Oregon Trails as a child... super game.

Also, Where in the ___ is Carmen Sandiego? series was nothing short of brilliant.

agreed, finding th criminal without getting a warrent was always a ball buster though.

Bosh! Rodents revenge.

Bosh! Rodents revenge.

That was a great game as well!

My parents used to make me play Math Blaster and that was fun too. There was also another game similar to Rodents Revenge except it was a chicken in a spaceship and you had to press Ctrl to zap aliens. I can't remember the name for the life of me though.
golden axe, stunts and excite bike
can anything beat super mario?
Golden Axe
Sim Hospital (personal fav of mine)

Actually I remember having a ps1 game that had werewolf like creatures in it. Mostly dark surroundings. That's all I remember really. Anybody remember it?
I have so many nostalgic games I don't know where to begin :p

Nightmare Creatures?

No it was kind of dark and gothic. I can't even remember if they were werewolves, just dark creatures. You played as some dude in a long coat

Worst description ever but it was like 12/13 years ago
Dude you were right :)

I used to love this game when I was like 9.

No wonder I'm a sadistic cnut :p
Sim Hospital (personal fav of mine)

Theme Hospital? With vomit waves? If so that was a genius game. In fact I might install that again and play it.

I also had Dungeon Keeper, also made by Bullfrog. They were great games.
monkey island series
loved that one

That was given a facelift and re-released on Steam last year, did you see it? It was pretty good. I think it cost me a fiver or something.

One game I played in the last couple of years was a game I completely missed when it came out (probably early 90s or something) but was the same type of game as Monkey Island (point and click adventure) and it was Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers.

Great game!
The Last Ninja 1 and 2. I would include 3, but it came with a bug which meant if you didn't complete a certain level without dying, you couldn't make it to the next. Basically, you needed an object which vanished from your inventory when you died. As a result, I never managed to complete it.

Slightly more recent, Cannon Fodder and Syndicate kicked 23123493353 different kinds of ass.
Nostalgic games for me =

Simon The Sorcerer
Monkey Island 2
The Settlers
Cannon Fodder 1 & 2.
Lotus Turbo Drive

Then mainly Mega-Drive/PS1/N64 games like

Sonic The Hedgehog 1 & 2 + Sonic & Knuckles
Metal Gear Solid
Final Fantasy 7
Command & Conquer Red Alert
Odd World
Gran Turismo
Diddy Kong Racing
Mario Kart 64
Super Mario 64
Donkey Kong 64
Banjo & Kazooie
Goldeneye 64

Probs a few more I remember.

Also, World Of Warcraft between about 04-07/08.
Theme Hospital? With vomit waves? If so that was a genius game. In fact I might install that again and play it.

I also had Dungeon Keeper, also made by Bullfrog. They were great games.

That's the one. I was only 9 playing it yet I couldn't get enough of it. I might actually progress in the game if I play it now :D
That's the one. I was only 9 playing it yet I couldn't get enough of it. I might actually progress in the game if I play it now :D

Blimey, I was at Uni! Definitely worth progressing - the diseases and machines were better and funnier as the game went on.
Moonstone: A Hard Days Knight on the Amiga. It was awesome.

Real nostalgia for me is the game that came with my C64. Mermaid Madness.

That's the only game I could think of when I read your post. Even though I never played it, just watched my friend :(

Actually made me think of Heart Of Darkness, this intro and music was something else.

Snake, Rattle and Roll was a brilliant game on the NES, I could never get past the ice level.

The original Settlers on the amiga was fun even if i wasn't entirely sure what i was doing. My old man still has crates and crates of old Amiga games, i remember Chase HQ was great (Go Mr Driver), Buggy Boy has already been mentioned, Xenon 2 if for nothing but the music and here's one i played a ton.

Moving forward a bit Buster Busts Loose on the SNES, and Aladdin on the Megadrive wasted a lot of hours. Also there was a brilliant RTS game on the PC called Z where it was blue robots vs red robots.

If anyone knows where i could download this, please let me know! I loved this game.
Here's a random one that just popped to mind, you controlled a blob of water with a face, you were in a sink or a bath and had to avoid spiders and the like. I think it was on the Amiga.
Way of the Exploding Fist
Spy Hunter
Chucky Egg
Who Dares Wins
Green Beret
World/California/Summer/Winter Games