Nolan's Batman

Nolan, Zack Snyder and even two of the actors have already come out and said that it's going to be quite a realistic... well as realistic as it can get. Here's a bit of what Snyder said:

From that quote, it seems to me that the most of the realism they are going to bring is emotional. What I meant is that I doubt this Superman is ever going to approach the realism achieved in the Nolan universe. What Nolan achieved in the trilogy was a complete, consistent, and believable version of a vigilante. Thus, he trimmed many of the implausibilities of the original story such as Robin and many of his accessories are made pragmatic rather than superhero-esque. Yet, Superman is an extraordinary superhero through and through and it doesn't look like Nolan is going to change that.
C'ept Gordon was surprised at when Batman basically told him he was Bruce Wayne is one of the least cryptic hidden messages of all time.

Ha shit, fecking hell. I entered spaz mode then and forgot about that. :lol:

So, erm... as we were. :lol:
nah, my point was more that the orphans were the one that believed in him the most as in they were shown to be waiting for him early on in the movie. Although that might be because they were the only children shown.

I watched the movie yesterday but avoided the thread before that. Think it will be the same for anyone sensible as if you click this thread before watchign it then you are a fool.

Well according to the new spoiler policy... we don't have to be talking in spoilers at all. As the film has been released, so any discussion about the film in a thread about the film is allowed to go ahead with out spoiler tags (Though I realise I've been using them along with everyone else!)

Just a thought about the Blake thing:

Doesn't he mention to Wayne that when he finds Gordon, after he's been shot by Bane, that he was repeating himself and talking a lot of nonsense to Blake (something like that). Maybe Gordon told Blake he was Batman at this point, it would make much more sense to start with, and Blake is a pretty clever cop but I don't think he just deduced who the Batman was by a visit to his orphanage! He now knew who he was, he knew Batman needed to be back out there and could of just adapted some of the story about the orphanage, not saying the events didn't transpire in the past, but he used it to inspire him to return.

Blake worked it out because he's super smart... like Batman levels of super smart, which was a point I think they were trying to get across through out the film. Plus of course, he used his own background of being orphaned due to the death of his parents as identifying who the Batman was (though it's still a bit of a leap that he took).
This line...

Soooo, you came back to die with your city!

No, I came back to stop you

Was fecking shocking. It's like something out of Batman & Robin. Except without a pun.
That entire last segment was embarrassing. The bomb sequence had me thinking of Adam West trying to get rid of the bomb. And West's was much more entertaining.
Saw it yesterday. Pretty good movie to be fair...slightly better than expected for me since consciously or unconsciously, I've avoided most of the hype.

As for all the nitpicks that I've read over the last few pages, I wasn't bothered in the least. If you're not willing to suspend a fair bit of disbelief for a movie like this, you're better off not bothering to watch it since it will only irritate you.

I don't know if this needs spoilers but my minor complaint was the way Bane died. After building up such an awesome character with so much backstory, to finish him off in that comic way was a pity.
This line...

Soooo, you came back to die with your city!

No, I came back to stop you

Was fecking shocking. It's like something out of Batman & Robin. Except without a pun.

True it should have been more along the lines of :

"No I came back to kill you in my city"

I know that's still shit but ya get the jist
Or he could've carried a shotgun and just blasted Bane in the face. An easy way to avoid all cringey dialogue.
It should've been something about his "friends"...He says "friends" in the silly voice in both the other ones, and it sounds ridiculous. So basically, he should've said it again.
This line...

Soooo, you came back to die with your city!

No, I came back to stop you

Was fecking shocking. It's like something out of Batman & Robin. Except without a pun.

:lol: I thought that was bad the first time I watched it but then when I saw it yesterday again I couldn't help but burst out laughing. Think there was a pause midway through the line which made it so much worse. Was like he was going to say something witty but couldn't think of one.

No real need to spoiler this but just incase
This line...

Soooo, you came back to die with your city!

No, I came back to stop you

Was fecking shocking. It's like something out of Batman & Robin. Except without a pun.
ok - You are Batman and Bane asks you that question

How do you answer hero?

or should it have been bane stroking a white cat saying we meet again mr wayne
Well if I was Batman, and Bane was asking me a question, and I couldn't think of anything in the split second moment, I'd probably say "No...But...well...shut up!"

But if had 3 years to perfectly script my response, in say, a script, I probably would've thought of something better.
Well if I was Batman, and Bane was asking me a question, and I couldn't think of anything in the split second moment, I'd probably say "No...But...well...shut up!"

But if had 3 years to perfectly script my response, in say, a script, I probably would've thought of something better.

Its not just that line you've got to think about tho. You've got two and a half hours worth of dialogue to come up with. Some of them will be a bit shit.
That kind of talk frustrates me. People are saying you've got to completely "suspend disbelief" * or expect crap dialogue.

No, I expect a multi-million dollar, nay billion-dollar grossing film to be well thought out in it's entirety. If something doesn't work, change it. I don't see how you can be proud as an artist to release something that wasn't right, it seems like a case of the production company pushing the time too much. For money.

*I'm not saying it has to be realistic, but the best fantasies still make sense.
That kind of talk frustrates me. People are saying you've got to completely "suspend disbelief" * or expect crap dialogue.

No, I expect a multi-million dollar, nay billion-dollar grossing film to be well thought out in it's entirety. If something doesn't work, change it. I don't see how you can be proud as an artist to release something that wasn't right, it seems like a case of the production company pushing the time too much. For money.

*I'm not saying it has to be realistic, but the best fantasies still make sense.

To be fair I agree. I'm talking about if Mockney wrote it.
Billion dollar films will never really be supremely thought out really, look at the films that have made or have come close to making a billion without using inflation, they are all riddled with flaws(some far more than others), but excitement and effects override a super tight script when it comes to big budget films.

I don't even think some of them really had scripts to begin with, at least Nolan seems to have one. Michael Bay and his crew just makes the story up as he goes along, probably similar for the makers of Pirates sequels.
Why do they never show Batty putting on his black mascara? Nobody ever seems to talk about that.

Can't wait for a director to come along and tackle the mundane aspect of being a superhero.

I can't imagine taking a piss in that suit is easy either. Not to mention, where would you go?
He should of played mind games with him, I don't reckon Bane would handle/make sense of such a retort as:

"Erm, you do realise I can't die, don't you?"


"The bombs actually broken mate, it was never functioning in the first place, so no ones going to die from that!"
(Stalling Bane, leaving Bats to execute a swift punch (or dropkick for effect) to his mask.) "Except YOU!"

Jobs a goodun'
Just finished rewatching Begins. I almost forgot how good that was. Fantastic movie. Funny how I didn't have as much problem with the second half of the movie compared with when I first saw it. And the fight scenes is not as bad as I thought, apart from 1 at the docks, but I think that was intentional, to show Batman like a force of nature
Begins becomes a better movie after seeing the rest and you know where it's all headed.
The hallucinations in Begins are cooler than I remembered. Scarecrow was a thoroughly decent villain.
I didn't like Gotham in Begins. Too dreamy and 'fake' to me, if you know what I mean. I enjoyed how Nolan and Pfister portrayed Gotham in TDK much better. I think I need to go see TDKR asap - haven't grown enough balls to go to the theatre after what happened last week.
Just seen it. It had two or three of the most obvious plot twists/reveals in cinema history. Could see them coming several hundred miles off.

Still, I did enjoy it. Got into an argument with a family of arseholes in the middle of it, but nonetheless, was a good film. Why take a couple of eight year olds to a three hour long film?
Just finished rewatching Begins. I almost forgot how good that was. Fantastic movie. Funny how I didn't have as much problem with the second half of the movie compared with when I first saw it. And the fight scenes is not as bad as I thought, apart from 1 at the docks, but I think that was intentional, to show Batman like a force of nature

Begins is a fantastic movie and easily my favourite out of the lot. It gets better everytime I watch it, while I grow more cold on Dark Knight each watch. The first time we all watched Dark Knight we were blowed away by Ledger as Joker but that magic is gone once you have seen it a few times and some parts of Dark Knight does really drag on a bit. Some say Dark Knight Rises gets better the second watch but can't really judge that until I buy it on Bluray.

Begins 9
Dark Knight 8.5
Dark Knight Rises 8
So I watched it tonight:

Good film, not as incredible as I was expecting. My main gripe was not enough Batman. I wanted more hand to hand combat swooping in from nowhere to save the day style action.
The Dark Knight had very little rewatch value.

I'm more surprised at everyone 'rediscovering' Batman Begins. It was always a good film. And very re-watchable.
The Dark Knight had very little rewatch value.

I'm more surprised at everyone 'rediscovering' Batman Begins. It was always a good film. And very re-watchable.

So true. I watched it once again in its entirety when the Blu-Ray came out and haven't looked back since. Except for the Joker scenes, which I could watch a hundred times over.
Saw it last night and loved it. A bit too many attempted profound comments but I still had a great time. I also didn't see most the twists coming unlike other people here. Not sure if it's because I have almost no knowledge of the batman universe or I'm a dumb ass.
That kind of talk frustrates me. People are saying you've got to completely "suspend disbelief" * or expect crap dialogue.

No, I expect a multi-million dollar, nay billion-dollar grossing film to be well thought out in it's entirety. If something doesn't work, change it. I don't see how you can be proud as an artist to release something that wasn't right, it seems like a case of the production company pushing the time too much. For money.

*I'm not saying it has to be realistic, but the best fantasies still make sense.

There are a lot of producers and actors input. If there's anyone in the business, be it movies, radio or TV, that fecks up scripts and the like then it's some of the producers that's behind it.