NFL 2022

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Never claimed to be giving hot take

Right but it's such weird timing given their recent run. It's like watching Portugal today and being like "you know, I dont think Ronaldo is all he's cracked up to be." :lol:
I’ll never understand why they don’t run next to each other and pass it rugby style in those sort of last chance situations. Would definitely work, trust me.
Dallas should trash the Giants today considering the injury list on the latter and the fact Daniel Jones is the undisputed starter. That said, could be a trap game and Dallas might squeak out a victory or combust with multiple turnovers.
Dallas should trash the Giants today considering the injury list on the latter and the fact Daniel Jones is the undisputed starter. That said, could be a trap game and Dallas might squeak out a victory or combust with multiple turnovers.
When’s that game?
Anyone see the lions players and staff congratulating that bonehead for the roughing the passer penalty after a 2nd & 10 incompletion at the 20. "You basically cost us the game....but congrats lad!!"
Lions really messed up at the end. No way should the Bills have got the ball with 23 seconds & 3 timeouts needing a Fg
Damn, close one for the Lions. Really starting to take a liking to this team.
Are the cheerleaders literally dancing to the Star Spangled Banner?

e - I’m an idiot, she might have been doing sign language
How is he bullying anyone in that pic?
Those were chaotic scenes, extremely rife with racist vulgarities & potential physical harm. That’s why the National Guard was often deployed to escort the Black students into the schools.

He wasn’t there to welcome his new classmates to first period algebra.
I know it’s hindsight but is there any logic at all in terms of going for it on 4th &2 on own 40
Those were chaotic scenes, extremely rife with racist vulgarities & potential physical harm. That’s why the National Guard was often deployed to escort the Black students into the schools.

He wasn’t there to welcome his new classmates to first period algebra.

It's a photo of him literally standing there looking and that's all.

I'm pretty sure he is a racist as a he's white, old and American but that is just a pic of him doing nothing that we can see.

Is every white person in that pic racist? Possibly but no way of knowing
No problem with the 4th down decision but the play was the epitome of conservative and obvious. They had gone for two deep routes on second/third and short then literally give away they're running it up the middle. Was a dumb play call.
I don’t think it’s a good decision at all. You have an elite defence so why not punt it & back them up rather than go for it & gift them points. 4th & 1 maybe but 4th & 2 is silly
It's a photo of him literally standing there looking and that's all.

I'm pretty sure he is a racist as a he's white, old and American but that is just a pic of him doing nothing that we can see.

Is every white person in that pic racist? Possibly but no way of knowing
One of the most racially tumultuous eras of our country. Crowds were racially charged. The vast majority wouldn’t be there innocently.

Last from me, don’t want to derail.
6th holding against Zack Martin since... 2014.
Watching coverage on sky and I do miss cadle and cecil especially for Thanksgiving
It’s just gone down overall this year. No longer get around the NFL gang or Baldy.
It feels weird. Obviously redzone is big for why I dont watch the panel and all especially on Sundays. But it's kinda meh and lacking humour and charisma that it used to have
Thoughts on best pure running QB in the NFL? Just caught to the Bears game and honestly Fields is incredible for me. If he develops to be an average passer he could be bloody good overall.

Also Patterson a future HOFer? As a special teamer but he’s also had some good contribution as an RB in recent years.

Fields right now, as he’s literally 5th in the NFL in rushing and is closing in on passing Nick Chubb in rushing yards.

On Patterson, let’s see if the NFL allows Hester in. If they do then Patterson will have a chance one day
This is a typical Dallas performance following a massive hype-building win. It's the norm the past 20 years or so. Won't surprise me if they commit a few more turnovers and get beat down by two touchdowns.
Giants seem to be getting an injury on every play

And cowboys love these penalties
Not often you see a tight end hurdling a player well done Jake Ferguson
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