NFL 2020

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How dare you.

If anyone is the Liverpool of the NFL, it's you guys (well, pre-last season Liverpool at least). Storied history, occasionally get close but always fall short, young attack minded head coach etc.
That was some fine bait. But still, how dare you :p

Chance for the Seahawks to put this one away, I'm sure we'll mess it up.

have you forgotten who you're playing.

Didn't expect anything today but we have been really, really bad.
Wilson has a +10% TD ratio, fecking hell. That would be the best single season all-time TD ratio if he keeps it up. Lamar is at #11 with a 8.98% ratio last season.
have you forgotten who you're playing.

Didn't expect anything today but we have been really, really bad.
I know you guys are injured to hell and back but we're using a TE as a DE and are down to our fifth choice RB, plus we always play close games no matter how bad the opposition are. I'm still convinced you'll somehow comeback even if it's looking very good.
I know you guys are injured to hell and back but we're using a TE as a DE and are down to our fifth choice RB, plus we always play close games no matter how bad the opposition are. I'm still convinced you'll somehow comeback even if it's looking very good.
You can’t really complain about shortages when playing the 49ers!

zero self awareness
A talented but obnoxious head coach
Mythos about a loud passionate home crowd
Bullshit calls to protect your star attacker (that Wilson non-slide, cmon)

you really ARE Liverpool!
Some absolute brainfades in that overtime. How does Sean Payton kick a fg on first down leaving 1:40 on the clock
Eagles are going to suck for the foreseeable future with all that money tied up into Wentz . He is a below average QB and the rest of the roster is pretty bad too
The NFC East will just boil down to whoever wins the division games so great win for the Eagles.

The Rams - Dolphins game stats is amazing :lol:
Passing yards: 340 - 90
Rushing Yards: 131 - 55
Total Yards: 471 - 145
Points scored: 17 - 28

Stating the obvious here, but we need a new coach. We're now 3-14 in one score games dating back to last season. An unbelievably damning stat. When you lose that many close games, that's on the coaching.

Still don't know how we lost to you feckers today. At one point, in the middle of the 3rd quarter we were driving down the field with the score 21-3 and had 21 1st downs to the Broncos' 2. Feck me :lol:
Stating the obvious here, but we need a new coach. We're now 3-14 in one score games dating back to last season. An unbelievably damning stat. When you lose that many close games, that's on the coaching.

Still don't know how we lost to you feckers today. At one point, in the middle of the 3rd quarter we were driving down the field with the score 21-3 and had 21 1st downs to the Broncos' 2. Feck me :lol:

The Chargers ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory is a thing of wonder.

Was it last year that you guys beat us with a last second field goal after a bullshit roughing the passer call put you in range? That one stung.
Why is Bellichick speaking about Armenia?
I think Washington is comfortably the best team in the NFC East at the moment. If Kyle Allen can just hold it together they'll win the division imo.
How bad is Wentz, though?
I think Washington is comfortably the best team in the NFC East at the moment. If Kyle Allen can just hold it together they'll win the division imo.
Not sure how you came up with that conclusion. They might win the division but they are definitely not 'comfortably ' the best team
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