ive never warmed to fab, i think im still living the dream of big pete, he was such a big player and i do feel sorry for him in a way, i cant be easy for a keeper to try and fill the void left by the big man, i mean bos why we ever got him is beyond me, i think it was edwards trying to save his pocket money, and the italian well lets not speak the name! for the reason i cant spell it lol, i liked raymond but he was getting on a bit, and roy carrol looks ok, but its the old lower league club thing, the same with luke steel anouther great prospect from pompy, i still think we should have gone for buffon but £30mill for a keeper hmmm might be a bit much, then theres the one player who i would like to see between our sticks, and thats the kid from real madrid. We need a keeper who the defence can trust, and i dont think its fabian sadly. I know you have already read my views on fabian, so i apologise.....